鈴本 尊志 塚本 浩二 阿部 和彦
産業医科大学雑誌 (ISSN:0387821X)
vol.12, no.2, pp.221-230, 1990-06-01

抑うつ状態は種々の精神的ストレスや疲労の影響を現わすものと思われてきた. そこでこれらの関連を知るため職場におけるストレスがどのような精神症状と関連が深いかを職場問題・精神症状・疲労自覚症状の3種の質問表について冗長性分析(Redundancy Analysis)を試みた. 精神症状質問表に含まれる項目には抑うつ・不安・対人過敏・離人・その他の各項目群計40項目が含まれている. このうち職場問題32項目と関連して最も負荷の大きかったのは抑うつ項目であった. 疲労自覚症状30項目については疲労一般症状(項目1-10)と疲労精神症状(項目11-20)の項目の部分に負荷がみられた. この精神症状の抑うつと先の疲労自覚症状, 特に精神症状の項目は相互の関連からみて同じ抑うつ的内容を表わしていると考えられた. 従って職場におけるストレスと抑うつ状態とは関連の深いものといえる.(1989年11月21日 受付,1990年3月24日 受理)
松下 宗洋 宮地 元彦 川上 諒子 岡本 隆史 塚本 浩二 中田 由夫 荒尾 孝 澤田 亨
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.62, no.5, pp.375-381, 2013-10-01 (Released:2013-10-19)

Several studies have shown that low cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) or heavy alcohol consumption is risks of total or certain types of cancer death. However, the combined influence of CRF and drinking habits on total cancer mortality is not clear. The purpose of this study was to investigate the joint effect of CRF and drinking habits on total cancer mortality among Japanese men. We evaluated the CRF and drinking habits on risk of total cancer mortality in 8,760 Japanese men (age: 19-59 yr) who were given a submaximal exercise test, a medical examination test, and questionnaires on their health habits. CRF was measured using a cycle ergometer test, and the men were classified into two categories by CRF levels based on the reference value of CRF (R-CRF) in “Physical Activity Reference for Health Promotion 2013” (Under R-CRF and Over R-CRF). Also, the men were assigned to Non Drinking, Moderate Drinking, and Heavy Drinking categories. There were 178 cancer deaths during the 20-yr follow-up period. Relative risk and 95% confidence intervals for total cancer mortality were obtained using the Cox proportional hazards model while adjusting for age, body mass index, systolic blood pressure, and smoking habits. Using the Under R-CRF & Heavy Drinking group as reference, the relative risk and 95% confidence intervals were 0.37 (0.16–0.85) for the Over R-CRF & Non Drinking group. This result suggests that Japanese male with a high CRF and a low drinking habit have a lower risk of total cancer mortality.