櫻井 美代子 大越 ひろ 増田 真祐美 大迫 早苗 河野 一世 津田 淑江 酒井 裕子 清 絢 小川 暁子
vol.29, 2017

【目的】 食文化視点より次世代に伝え継ぎたい日本の家庭料理を掘り起こすことを目的とする。<br /><br />【方法】 神奈川県内の主だった14地域である横浜市中区・横浜市泉区・川崎市多摩区・鎌倉市・三浦市・大和市・相模原市(旧津久井)・伊勢原市・秦野市・小田原市・大磯町・山北町・真鶴町・清川村の地域を中心に調査を行った。それらの地域の年配者に昭和年35年前後から昭和45年前後の食生活について聞き取り調査を行った。それらの料理内容をまとめ,文献による補足調査を行い,検討を行った。<br /><br />【結果・考察】<br />神奈川県は、立地により海・山の産物を利用した料理が多くみられた。水田を多く所有する地域ばかりでなく,水田や畑作からの裏作として,小麦・蕎麦・豆類が作られている地域も多く存在する。<br />その中で今回は,間食(おやつ)に注目し報告を行うこととする。神奈川県全域で小麦粉製品の所謂,粉物が多く登場する。行事(祭り等)での頻度が多い酒まんじゅうやまんじゅう類の他,小正月,どんど焼き等でのまゆ玉飾りがあげられる。月見の十五夜や十三夜に供えるだんごの他,日常では、春先のよもぎだんごや草の花だんご,へらへらだんごなどのだんご類のいろいろな種類がうかがえる。そのだんご類の材料としては,米粉,小麦粉,さつまいも粉などが使われている。行事等で供えられただんごは,きなこやあん,砂糖醤油などをつけて食されていた。また,日常のおやつとしては,蒸しパンや庭木として育てられた果物類なども間食としてあげられる。
増田 真祐美 江原 絢子
日本調理科学会誌 (ISSN:13411535)
vol.38, no.4, pp.333-342, 2005-08-05

The traditional Japanese wedding banquet called "honzen" was codified in the Muromachi period (1336-1573), and spread to the rural areas in the Edo period. The typical wedding banquet began with a sake ceremony, before the honzen meal (typically rice, soup, and some side dishes presented on zen, individual tray-like tables) was served, this being followed by the shuen (drinking party). This original style seemed to change in the Meiji period (1868 onwards). We have clarified the time of this change and its impact on the style of the wedding banquet. Wedding menus preserved by several mainline rural families, like the Huruhashi, Chiaki and Omae, were used as the investigation materials. In total, 40 menus were reviewed for the period from 1729 to 1917. There were two distinct wedding banquet styles, the original comprising sake, honzen and shuen in that order. All menus created in the Edo period, bar one, follow this style. The other style became common in the Meiji period, especially after 1900, its particular characteristic being that shuen preceded honzen. Shuen thus became more central to the wedding banquet program, and honzen was simplified with fewer dishes and smaller scale.
増田 真祐美 江原 絢子
日本調理科学会誌 = Journal of cookery science of Japan (ISSN:13411535)
vol.38, no.4, pp.333-342, 2005-08-05

The traditional Japanese wedding banquet called "honzen" was codified in the Muromachi period (1336-1573), and spread to the rural areas in the Edo period. The typical wedding banquet began with a sake ceremony, before the honzen meal (typically rice, soup, and some side dishes presented on zen, individual tray-like tables) was served, this being followed by the shuen (drinking party). This original style seemed to change in the Meiji period (1868 onwards). We have clarified the time of this change and its impact on the style of the wedding banquet. Wedding menus preserved by several mainline rural families, like the Huruhashi, Chiaki and Omae, were used as the investigation materials. In total, 40 menus were reviewed for the period from 1729 to 1917. There were two distinct wedding banquet styles, the original comprising sake, honzen and shuen in that order. All menus created in the Edo period, bar one, follow this style. The other style became common in the Meiji period, especially after 1900, its particular characteristic being that shuen preceded honzen. Shuen thus became more central to the wedding banquet program, and honzen was simplified with fewer dishes and smaller scale.