神沼 克伊 大滝 修 木村 勲
測地学会誌 (ISSN:00380830)
vol.43, no.4, pp.241-243, 1997-12-25 (Released:2010-09-07)

A route for repeat leveling survey was established around Syowa Station (69° S, 39° E), East Ongul Island, Antarctica in 1979 and 1982. The leveling measurements were repeated in 1996. However only 2.3 km out of the total length of 5.3 km route was surveyed for the time limitation during the summer operation of the 37th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition (DARE-37). The other part of the route was measured by DARE-38 in February 1997. In total, the discrepancy of forwardand backward leveling, and closing error of the measurement circuit, were obtained within the limitation of the first order leveling of the Geographical Survey Institute. However the measurement between BM 1029-BM 1030 was 0.6 mm out of the limitation. This was seemed to be caused by change of the field condition. There are two ponds named Midoriike and Kamome-ike between the two bench marks. Water overflowed from Kamome-ike to Midoriike during summer seasons in 1996 and 1997. Leveling survey had to be done in the water. This worst condition must be the reason of the measurement between BM 1029 and BM 1030 over the limitation. Except the results between BM 1029-BM 1030, no appreciable changes along the east-west direction (BM 1040-BM 1026) and the north-south direction (BM 1026-BM 1029) were observed for the last 15 years. It is inferred from geomorphological andgeophysical data that the crust around Syowa Station continues to uplift after deglaciation. The observations from repeat leveling measurements suggest no significant changes, which further supports the idea that the crustal uplift is a block movement. A route for repeat leveling survey was established around Syowa Station (69° S, 39° E), East Ongul Island, Antarctica in 1979 and 1982. The leveling measurements were repeated in 1996. However only 2.3 km out of the total length of 5.3 km route was surveyed for the time limitation during the summer operation of the 37th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition (DARE-37). The other part of the route was measured by DARE-38 in February 1997. In total, the discrepancy of forwardand backward leveling, and closing error of the measurement circuit, were obtained within the limitation of the first order leveling of the Geographical Survey Institute. However the measurement between BM 1029-BM 1030 was 0.6 mm out of the limitation. This was seemed to be caused by change of the field condition. There are two ponds named Midoriike and Kamome-ike between the two bench marks. Water overflowed from Kamome-ike to Midoriike during summer seasons in 1996 and 1997. Leveling survey had to be done in the water. This worst condition must be the reason of the measurement between BM 1029 and BM 1030 over the limitation. Except the results between BM 1029-BM 1030, no appreciable changes along the east-west direction (BM 1040-BM 1026) and the north-south direction (BM 1026-BM 1029) were observed for the last 15 years. It is inferred from geomorphological and geophysical data that the crust around Syowa Station continues to uplift after deglaciation. The observations from repeat leveling measurements suggest no significant changes, which further sup-ports the idea that the crustal uplift is a block movement.
大滝 修司
Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society
日本消化器内視鏡学会雑誌 (ISSN:03871207)
vol.35, no.7, pp.1545-1553, 1993-07-20 (Released:2011-05-09)

Nitrosourea系制癌剤のNimustine HydrochlorideからHydrochlorideを除去したNimustine50mgとLipiodo110m1との懸濁液(N-L液)の癌局注療法における原発巣及びリンパ節転移に対しての抗腫瘍効果について検討した.【材料と方法】(1)C57Black/6 MouseにLewis Lung Cancerを移植,N-L液,MitomycinC, Adriamycin, Oil bleoをそれぞれ移植腫瘍内に局注して,その直接的抗腫瘍効果を比較検討した.(2)同様にN-L液局注後のDNA Histogramの変動をFlow cytometryを用い測定した.(3)ICR Mouseの足底部にSarcoma180を移植し,リンパ節転移に対するN-L液の抑制効果を検討した.【結果】(1)N-L液の直接的抗腫瘍効果が最も強かった.(2)DNA Histogramの変動は,局注前と比較し局注後G0-1期の比率が減少し,S期,G2-M期の比率が上昇した.(3)N-L液はリンパ節転移抑制効果を認めた.【結論】N-L液の局注療法は原発巣だけでなくリンパ節転移に対しても抗腫瘍効果が認められた.
大滝 修司 山川 達郎 三芳 端 飯泉 成司 岸 いずみ 稲葉 午朗
日本消化器外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03869768)
vol.25, no.4, pp.1100-1104, 1992-04-01
