内藤 翔平 入口 豊 井上 功一 中野 尊志 大西 史晃
大阪教育大学紀要. 第4部門, 教育科学 (ISSN:03893472)
vol.61, no.2, pp.11-24, 2013-02

本研究は,サッカー発祥の地であり,世界最高峰のプレミアリーグを有するイングランドの地域サッカークラブにおけるユース育成の実情を検証するため,内藤がスタッフとして所属したセミプロリーグレベルのクラブ(5部リーグ)「AFCウィンブルドン」に焦点を当て,そのクラブがどのように誕生し,地域に根付いてきたのか,また実際の運営はどのように行われているのかを明らかにし,特にそのユースチームの指導体制や運営実態を筆者自身の体験を交えながら明らかにすることによって,イングランドのサッカークラブにおけるユース育成の内情を実証的に検証することを目的とする。特に,本稿ではイングランドの全体的なサッカー構造を明らかにするために,関連する文献やサイトから,リーグ,カップ戦,サッカークラブ,ユース育成システムなどの概要を明らかにし,長い年月をかけて構築されてきた組織の全容を明らかにする。The purpose of this study is to make the actual conditions of the Youth Training System of Football Club in England clear through the experience of the AFC Wimbledon in Wimbledon. Especially, before examining the case study of the AFC Wimbledon, the present study is to examine an outline of youth football training system in England. The finding and discussions on the following topics are presented in this paper: 1. The Structure of the Football League in England (1) An Overview of the Football League in England (2) About the Lower Football League 2. The Youth Training System in England (1) A History of the Youth Training System (2) The Standard of the Football Academy
内藤 翔平 入口 豊 井上 功一 中野 尊志 大西 史晃
大阪教育大学紀要. 第4部門, 教育科学 = Memoirs of Osaka Kyoiku University (ISSN:03893472)
vol.62, no.1, pp.31-42, 2013-09

本研究は,サッカー発祥の地であり,世界最高峰のプレミアリーグを有するイングランドの地域サッカークラブにおけるユース育成の実情を検証するため,筆者(内藤)自身がスタッフとして所属したセミプロリーグレベルのクラブ(5部リーグ)「AFCウィンブルドン」に焦点を当て,そのクラブがどのように誕生し,地域に根付いてきたのか,また実際の運営はどのように行われているのかを明らかにし,特にそのユースチームの指導体制や運営実態を筆者(内藤)自身の体験を交えながら明らかにすることによって,イングランドのサッカークラブにおけるユース育成の内情を実証的に検証することを目的とする研究の第II報である。特に,本稿ではイングランド・セミプロリーグレベルのクラブ(5部リーグ)「AFCウィンブルドン」に焦点を当て,そのクラブがどのように誕生し,地域に根付いてきたのか,また実際の運営はどのように行われているのかを明らかにする。The purpose of this study is to make the actual conditions of the Youth Training System of Football Club in England clear through the experience of the AFC Wimbledon in Wimbledon, England. This is the continued study from the previous reports with the same title "A Case Study of the Youth Training System of Football Club in England (I)- An Outline of the Youth Training System in England -" (Memoirs of Osaka Kyoiku University, Ser IV. Vol.61-2., 2013.2., pp.11-24.). Especially, the purpose of the present study is to examine the following topics about the "AFC Wimbledon Football Club". The finding and discussions on the following topics are presented in this paper: 1.The Wimbledon FC (1)History of the Wimbledon FC(2)wining of the championship of FA Cup 2.Two Wimbledon FC "MK Dons" and "AFC Wimbledon" 3.About the first team of AFC Wimbledon
大西 史晃 松田 保 金森 雅夫 的地 修 豊田 則成 廣木 武士
研究紀要 (ISSN:13489399)
vol.7, pp.105-115, 2010-03-15

Introduction: "Kids Project" is a project which started from 2003 by the Japan FootballAssociation (JFA) and its purpose is to support kids to like sports and also to learn socialskills through playing sports. Biwako Seikei Sports College(BSSC) started this project at thesame time that JFA did. Student coaches who are certified as JFA Kids' Leaders visitkindergartens in Otsu city, and instruct kids to do physical activities such as soccer, tag, andso on. Kids learn social skills such as rules, responsibility, team work, and fair play. Since BSSCstarted this project, it has become in creasingly popular in the community year by year. Fromthe year of 2005, evaluation of the project has been carried out at the end of every year. Thisstudy was to investigate the result of "Kids' Project" by analyzing the end term evaluationfrom 2005 to 2007 and to clarify problems that need to be resolved to provide a betterprogram in the future. Design: The number of kindergartens that participated into doing theend term evaluation was 18 in 2005, 30 in 2006, and 27 in 2007. The age range of subjects was3 to 5 years old. The evaluation form consisted of two types of questions. One is a 4-pointsgradingsystem to a provided question "Are contents of the program appropriate for yourkids?" In this grading system, 1 means "it suits very well" and 4 means "it does not suit atall". The other is a free comment for requests to coaches. In the evaluation of 2007, extraquestions were added. The extra questions were "Any behavioral change in a group?" and"Any behavioral change in the individual? Answers for these questions were chosen from oneof 4 comments, A: I strongly agree, B: I agree, C: I disagree, and D: I strongly disagree. Result:The average point of the 4-point-grading system to the question" Are contents of the programappropriate to your kids?" is 1.76 in 2005, 1.76 in 2006, and 1.81 in 2007. The major comment forrequests to coaches in 2005 was" Coaches were very polite to kids" for good and" We need apreliminary meeting at the beginning of the year." for bad. The major comment for requests tocoaches in 2006 was "Coaches became very close to kids and kids like the coaches" for goodand "Coaches need to show a better approach to handicapped kids." for bad. Major commentfor request to coaches in 2007 was "Coaches' approach to handicapped kids was very good."for good and "Coaches visit our kindergarten more often." for bad. Answers for the question"Any behavioral change in a group?" were 3 of A, 16 of B, 5 of C, 0 of D, and 3 of no comment.Answers for the question "Any behavioral change in the individual?" were 4 of A, 16 of B, 5for C, 0 of D, and 2 of no comment. Conclusion: Since a high average score in the gradingsystem in each year were reported, it is clarified that this project suits kids who are under theage of 6. Also, it is clear that kids are able to learn social skills through this project.