藤村 政樹 野村 将春 坂本 さゆり 上尾 友美恵 柴田 和彦 小川 晴彦 西 耕一 松田 保
The Japanese Respiratory Society
日本胸部疾患学会雑誌 (ISSN:03011542)
vol.28, no.1, pp.105-112, 1990-01-25 (Released:2010-02-23)

若年健康女性にみられる深吸気の Vmax 増加効果と basal bronchomotor tone の関係にっいて, partial and maximum expiratory flow-volume curve を用いて検討した. 深吸気の Vmax 増加効果は, ipratropium bromide によるPEF25の増加率 (r=-0.81, p<0.0002) および salbutamol によるPEF25の増加率 (r=-0.62, p<0.01) と有意の相関を示した. 深吸気の Vmax 増加効果の日差変動は, PEF25の日差変動と有意 (r=0.68,p<0.005) に相関したが, MEF25の日差変動とは相関しなかった. 以上より, 若年健康女性における深吸気の Vmax 増加効果は, 迷走神経緊張による basal bronchomotor tone が亢進しているためにみられる現象と考えた.
藤村 政樹 野村 将春 坂本 さゆり 上尾 友美恵 柴田 和彦 小川 晴彦 西 耕一 松田 保
The Japanese Respiratory Society
日本胸部疾患学会雑誌 (ISSN:03011542)
vol.28, no.1, pp.105-112, 1990

若年健康女性にみられる深吸気の Vmax 増加効果と basal bronchomotor tone の関係にっいて, partial and maximum expiratory flow-volume curve を用いて検討した. 深吸気の Vmax 増加効果は, ipratropium bromide によるPEF<sub>25</sub>の増加率 (r=-0.81, p<0.0002) および salbutamol によるPEF<sub>25</sub>の増加率 (r=-0.62, p<0.01) と有意の相関を示した. 深吸気の Vmax 増加効果の日差変動は, PEF<sub>25</sub>の日差変動と有意 (r=0.68,p<0.005) に相関したが, MEF<sub>25</sub>の日差変動とは相関しなかった. 以上より, 若年健康女性における深吸気の Vmax 増加効果は, 迷走神経緊張による basal bronchomotor tone が亢進しているためにみられる現象と考えた.
大西 史晃 松田 保 金森 雅夫 的地 修 豊田 則成 廣木 武士
研究紀要 (ISSN:13489399)
vol.7, pp.105-115, 2010-03-15

Introduction: "Kids Project" is a project which started from 2003 by the Japan FootballAssociation (JFA) and its purpose is to support kids to like sports and also to learn socialskills through playing sports. Biwako Seikei Sports College(BSSC) started this project at thesame time that JFA did. Student coaches who are certified as JFA Kids' Leaders visitkindergartens in Otsu city, and instruct kids to do physical activities such as soccer, tag, andso on. Kids learn social skills such as rules, responsibility, team work, and fair play. Since BSSCstarted this project, it has become in creasingly popular in the community year by year. Fromthe year of 2005, evaluation of the project has been carried out at the end of every year. Thisstudy was to investigate the result of "Kids' Project" by analyzing the end term evaluationfrom 2005 to 2007 and to clarify problems that need to be resolved to provide a betterprogram in the future. Design: The number of kindergartens that participated into doing theend term evaluation was 18 in 2005, 30 in 2006, and 27 in 2007. The age range of subjects was3 to 5 years old. The evaluation form consisted of two types of questions. One is a 4-pointsgradingsystem to a provided question "Are contents of the program appropriate for yourkids?" In this grading system, 1 means "it suits very well" and 4 means "it does not suit atall". The other is a free comment for requests to coaches. In the evaluation of 2007, extraquestions were added. The extra questions were "Any behavioral change in a group?" and"Any behavioral change in the individual? Answers for these questions were chosen from oneof 4 comments, A: I strongly agree, B: I agree, C: I disagree, and D: I strongly disagree. Result:The average point of the 4-point-grading system to the question" Are contents of the programappropriate to your kids?" is 1.76 in 2005, 1.76 in 2006, and 1.81 in 2007. The major comment forrequests to coaches in 2005 was" Coaches were very polite to kids" for good and" We need apreliminary meeting at the beginning of the year." for bad. The major comment for requests tocoaches in 2006 was "Coaches became very close to kids and kids like the coaches" for goodand "Coaches need to show a better approach to handicapped kids." for bad. Major commentfor request to coaches in 2007 was "Coaches' approach to handicapped kids was very good."for good and "Coaches visit our kindergarten more often." for bad. Answers for the question"Any behavioral change in a group?" were 3 of A, 16 of B, 5 of C, 0 of D, and 3 of no comment.Answers for the question "Any behavioral change in the individual?" were 4 of A, 16 of B, 5for C, 0 of D, and 2 of no comment. Conclusion: Since a high average score in the gradingsystem in each year were reported, it is clarified that this project suits kids who are under theage of 6. Also, it is clear that kids are able to learn social skills through this project.
高野 正博 松田 保秀 松田 正和
The Japan Society of Coloproctology
日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌 (ISSN:00471801)
vol.40, no.4, pp.380-385, 1987 (Released:2009-06-05)
2 1

消散性肛門直腸痛は,発作性に起こり,かつ消褪する痛みで,発作が治まるとまったくその痕跡を留めないとされ,この点で他の器質的疾患と大いに趣きを異にしている。その原因についてはさまざまの仮説があるが,いずれも推定の域を脱せず,現在まで原因不明の疾患とされている,われわれは過去32例の当疾患を経験したが,いずれの症例においても骨盤後面,特に仙骨,尾骨,肛門挙筋などに限局性の圧痛点が認められ,われわれはこれがいわゆる疼痛のtrigger pointであると判断した。この部分に診断と治療を兼ねたブロックを行うことによって,ほとんどの症例で症状は軽快,消褪した。以上のことより,当疾患の原因解明に大きなアプローチを得たと思われるので報告する。
高橋 正行 吉満 樹 廣木 武士 松田 保 豊田 一成
研究紀要 (ISSN:13489399)
vol.4, pp.65-72, 2007-03-15

The objective of this study is to establish clear targets in physical training with the BiwakoSeikei Sport College Football Club(BSSCFC)Soccer Team by measuring various physicalparameters. Subjects of this study are 139 soccer players in BSSCFC as of April 2006 whocompleted the cardiopulmonary exercise test and measurement of body composition.. Theexercise test was by Treadmill with graded load until target heart rate or leg fatigueoccurred with expired gas analysis. We statistically analyzed all data by academic year, team,and position. Football players of BSSCFC had lower maximum oxygen consumption(VO2max)and higher percentile body fat compared with most world competitive football players. WithinBSSCFC, I team players had higher body fat than top team players. Centerback players weretaller and sidehalf players were shorter in height compared with the total average.Goalkeepers and centerback players were heavier. The top team players had higher VO2max, VO2max/kg, and ATge/kg values than the total average. Regarding the energyefficiency parameter, VO2/time was better in the top team and worse in the U-23+Lago team.In conclusion, the major comparative gap between world competitive football players andBSSCFC soccer players were the latter had(1)lower VO2max and(2)higher body fat,while the top team had the best value within BSSCFC.
西 耕一 水口 雅之 橘 秀樹 大家 他喜雄 藤村 政樹 松田 保
社団法人 日本呼吸器学会
日本胸部疾患学会雑誌 (ISSN:03011542)
vol.34, no.3, pp.350-354, 1996

トロンボキサン合成酵素阻害薬が著効を示したと考えられる慢性持続性咳嗽患者を経験したので報告する. 症例は25歳の女性で, 8週間以上継続する乾性咳嗽を主訴として受診した. 乾性咳嗽のエピソードは今回が2回目であり, 前回は気管支拡張薬が無効であり, 塩基性抗アレルギー薬 (塩酸アゼラスチン)が有効であった. しかし, 今回の咳嗽は, 塩基性抗アレルギー薬や吸入ステロイド薬は十分効果的ではなく, トロンボキサン合成酵素阻害薬 (塩酸オザグレル) が著効を示した. さらに, カプサイシンに対する咳の感受性も同薬物の投与にて改善した. トロンボキサンA<sub>2</sub>, 咳嗽, およびカプサイシンに対する咳感受性の3者の関係に関する報告は今までのところ少なく, 詳細は不明であるが, 本症例のようにトロンボキサン合成酵素阻害薬が効果的な咳嗽患者が存在することは, 臨床的に重要な知見と考えられたため報告した.
倉島 一喜 小川 晴彦 大家 多喜雄 藤村 政樹 松田 保 小林 勉
Japanese Society of Allergology
アレルギー (ISSN:00214884)
vol.40, no.2, pp.160-163, 1991-02-28 (Released:2017-02-10)

喘息発作では粘液分泌の亢進, 粘液線毛輸送系の障害が認められ, 粘液栓の形成や末梢気道の閉塞をきたすと考えられる. サーファクタントは粘稠なゲル層をゾル層と開離させるほか, 末梢気道の開存性に重要な役割を果たしていると考えられる. 今回我々は喘息患者の発作時にサーファクタント吸入療法を行い, その効果について検討した. 方法は喘息発作にて来院した患者11名を無作為に次の2群に分けて治療した. 対照群5名では生食1mlをジェットネブライザーにて吸入し, サーファクタント治療群6名ではサーファクタント TA 10mg(1ml生食に懸濁)を同様の方法で吸入した. 両群とも投与前後で呼吸機能, ガス分析の測定を行い薬剤の効果を検討した. その結果, 喘息発作時, 生食吸入群では, FVC, FEV_<10>, MMF, PaO_2に有意な変化はみられなかった. サーファクタント治療群では吸入後FVC, FEV_<10>, MMF, PaO_2はそれぞれ11.7%, 27.3%, 33.2%, 13.4%上昇した. またPaCO_2には有意な変化は認められなかった. 以上より喘息発作時においてはサーファクタント吸入療法の有用性が示唆された.
野村 将春 藤村 政樹 松田 保 北川 正信
The Japanese Respiratory Society
日本胸部疾患学会雑誌 (ISSN:03011542)
vol.35, no.1, pp.72-76, 1997-01-25 (Released:2010-02-23)

症例は75歳男性, 以前より風邪症状があると市販の総合感冒薬 (パブロンS®) を常用していた. 入院6日前より風邪症状を認め, パブロンS®を内服していたが, なくなったので, 新しい総合感冒薬 (パブロンゴールド®)を内服した. その翌日より呼吸困難出現, 近医にて胸部レントゲン写真上, 両側にびまん性陰影を認めたため, 精査目的で当科に紹介された. 胸部CTでは両側に間質性陰影が認められた. 気管支肺胞洗浄液中には好中球, リンパ球などの炎症細胞が認められた. 経気管支肺生検では肥厚した肺胞壁や間質への単核球の浸潤が認められた. 末梢血のリンパ球を用いた薬剤リンパ球刺激試験ではパブロンゴールド®が陽性であった. 以上よりパブロンゴールド®による薬剤性肺炎と診断した. 入院後, ステロイドを投与したところ症状は速やかに改善したが陰影は遷延した.
松田 保 小河原 緑 三浦 玲子 関 俊子
一般社団法人 日本血栓止血学会
血液と脈管 (ISSN:03869717)
vol.15, no.2, pp.207-209, 1984

Levels of fibrinogen, plasminogen, antithrombin III, &alpha;<sub>2</sub>-plasmin inhibitor and &alpha;<sub>2</sub>-macroglobulin in plasma were determined using single radial immunodiff usion method in an old people's home in 1979, 1981 and 1982. Comparison of results of these parameters in the same subjects between in 1981 and 1982 was possible in 67 subjects. Comparison between in 1979 and 1981 was done in 61 subjects. Results of coagulation analysis in 1979 and 1982 were compared in 49 subjects.<br>Generally, concentrations of plasminogen, antithrombin III and &alpha;<sub>2</sub>-plasmin inhibitor in plasma were higher in women than in men. There were statistically significant correlations between all the parameters determined at intervals of 1, 2 and 3 years in the same subjects. The coefficients of correlation in each parameter at intervals of 1 to 3 years were as follows: +0.45-+0.57 in fibrinogen, +0.69-+0.81 in plasminogen, +0.55-+0.81 in antithrombin III, +0.46-+0.64 in &alpha;<sub>2</sub>-plasmin inhibitor and +0.91-+0.93 in alpha;<sub>2</sub>-macroglobulin. From these results, it is concluded that old women are generally less thrombotic than old men and that there is some &ldquo;individuality&rdquo; in patterns of the parameters affecting blood coagulation and fibrinolysis in the elderly. The significance of the &ldquo;individuality&rdquo; upon prognosis of the elderly was discussed.
松田 保 山之内 博
Japan Atherosclerosis Society
動脈硬化 (ISSN:03862682)
vol.9, no.4, pp.543-549, 1981

Hypothesis, firstly proposed by Rokitansky in 1852 and revived by Duguid in 1946, that atherosclerotic plaques result, at least partly, from organization of fibrin thrombi, is fascinating from view point of blood coagulation, although direct evidences have been lacking. Authors have demonstrated that levels of β-thromboglobulin and platelet factor 4 decreased following administration of antiplatelet agents and that concentration of antithrombin III in plasma lowered following decrease in levels of vitamin K dependent procoagulants by administration of warfarin. These results support Astrup's hypothesis that minimal fibrin deposition and its lysis continuously occurrs on vascular intima in normal subjects. Assuming that these hypotheses are true, hypercoagulability of blood in a broad sence may accelerate deposition of fibrin on vascular wall and may lead to progression of atherosclerosis.<br>Purpose of this study is to elucidate this problem from investigation of blood constituents which affect removal of activated clotting factors which are most important in formation of fibrin. Two major parameters which affect blood viscosity, namely hematocrit values and fibrinogen content, and two most important inhibitors of activated procoagulants, namely antithrombin III and α<sub>2</sub>-macroglobulin, were compared to grade of atherosclerosis of coronary and cerebral arteries classified grossly with naked eyes in serial 537 autopsied cases without cancer or DIC.<br>Following results were obtained: Hematocrit values were significantly higher in patients with marked atherosclerosis of cerebral artery. There were no statistically significant correlations between levels of inhibitors or fibrinogen and the grade of atherosclerosis, although total antithrombin levels, which were generally lower in males because of higher content of α<sub>2</sub>-macroglobulin in females, decreased in females with severe atherosclerosis. However, a 54-years old male with congenital dysfibrinogenemia, in whom delayed convertion rate of fibrinogen into fibrin and impaired platelet aggregability induced thrombin and angiographically marked sclerosis of cerebral artery were demonstrated, had repeated attack of cerebral infarction, although risk factor of arteriosclerosis was lacking but hypertension.<br>From these results, it is concluded that evidences in favor of the thrombogenic theory of atherosclerosis is insufficient and that mild suppression of blood clotting system is not enough to protect one from arteriosclerosis.
松田 保 小河原 緑 平林 直子 関 俊子 横内 正利 村上 元孝 島田 馨 三船 順一郎
一般社団法人 日本血栓止血学会
血液と脈管 (ISSN:03869717)
vol.9, no.2, pp.208-212, 1978

Recently, growing interests had been devoted largely to disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), because of its frequency and clinical importance. It has been known that shock is a frequent complication of DIC, although it has not been elucidated whether shock is a cause of DIC rather than a result. This study was made to clarify relationship between DIC and shock in 699 consecutive autopsied cases, almost all of whom was over age sixty, in Tokyo Metropolitan Geriatric Hospital.<br>The diagnosis of DIC was established when coagulation analysis revealed presence of consumption coagulopathy. Among these cases, 106 had evidences of DIC and 30 had clinical and pathological findings highly suggestive of DIC although the coagulation findings were not specific. Shock was complicated in 38 of the former and 10 of the latter.<br>Eight of these 48 patients with DIC complicated with shock revealed consumption coagulopathy simultaneously with the development of shock. 24 cases had not clea r-cut evidences of DIC immediately after the development of shock in coagulation findings, although they showed marked coagulation abnormalities indicating DIC after the shock developed. 44% of conditions associated with the shock in these patients was gram-negative septicaemia. The other underlying pathologic conditons in these cases consisted of cancer, peptic ulcer, acute myocardial infarction and pneumonia.<br>Onset of shock was observed in 16 cases in whom diagnosis of DIC had been already established by coagulation analysis. 11 cases of these had cancer with metastases, primary organs of which were stomach, colon or biliary tracts. 70% of these patients were febrile.<br>Acute renal failure, purpura, petechiae, melena, coma, epileptic seizure, systemic peripheral gangrene and/or red cell fragmentation in peripheral blood smear were main symptoms in DIC with shock. Four cases, excluding two cases in whom DIC developed following development of acute myocardial infarction, showed ECG findings indicating development of acute myocardial infartion, although myocardial infarction was evident in only one cases by postmortem examination.<br>Presence of fibrin thrombi was confirmed in 36 cases out of the 48 autopsied cases with DIC accompained with shock. Terminal hemorrhagic necrotizing enteropathy was observed in 15 of those cases. Hemorrhage from adrenal was observed in 4 cases.<br>From these results, it is concluded that shock does frequently cause DIC and that shock in gram-negative septicaemia is especially important because of its high incidence to result DIC.
小竹 要 大江 国広 長谷田 恭子 吉野 公明 万見 新太郎 黒田 満彦 松田 保 竹田 亮祐 村上 元孝
一般社団法人 日本血液学会
臨床血液 (ISSN:04851439)
vol.15, no.5, pp.487-494, 1974

Studies on platelet functions of 21 patients with renal insufficiency have been preformed. Platelet counts were significantly decreased in uremic patients, although severe thrombocytopenia less than 100&times;10<sup>3</sup> platelets/mm<sup>3</sup> was detected only in two patients. Platelet adhesiveness to glass was remarkably decreased in uremic patients. Platelet factor-3 availability was impaired in some of these patients, while platelet factor-3 activity was not decreased. Clot retraction was slightly defective in few patients. The significant correlation was not found between platelet adhesiveness and BUN, creatinine, uric acid or inorganic phosphate level in the serum of these patients. The abnormalities of platelet functions were partially corrected after dialysis.<br>In vitro, urea at high concentration showed an inhibitory effect on platelet aggregation. Guanidinosuccinic acid had less inhibitory effect on platelet aggregation, and creatinine had no inhibitory effect.
松田 保
臨床病理 (ISSN:00471860)
vol.23, no.11, pp.p905-908, 1975-11
山崎 義亀与 松田 保 黒田 満彦 内田 健三 嶋田 千恵子 大谷 逸子 村上 元孝 北川 正信
一般社団法人 日本血液学会
臨床血液 (ISSN:04851439)
vol.14, no.1, pp.81-87, 1973

A 25-year-old male was admitted because of dark-red urine, jaundice and purpura. 5 days prior to admission, the patient noticed that the urine color became dark red, and purpuric rash and jaundice were noted by his wife.<br>Examination revealed scleral icterus, pallor, numerous petechiae and an ecchymosis. The sensorium was clear. The neurologic examination was normal.<br>The patient had hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenic purpura, fever and proteinuria. Shortly after admission, fluctuating neurologic symptoms developed, and the patient was diagnosed as thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura.<br>He was treated with prednisolone and heparin without benefits, and expired on the 14 th hospital day.<br>Hyaline thromboses of the vessels of liver and kidney were demonstrated by the examination of the specimens obtained by post mortem needle puncture.<br>Coagulation studies disclosed that partial thromboplastin time and prothrombin time were slightly prolonged, however, factor V activity and fibrinogen titre were not low. Fibrinogen degradation products determined by tanned red cell hemagglutination inhibition immunoassay were markedly increased, although euglobulin lysis time was not shortened.<br>Immunological analysis of serum proteins showed the increase of acute phase reactants, the decrease of &beta;<sub>1</sub>-AC and haptoglobin, and the appearance of fibrinogen degradation products.<br>These results were discussed in relation to the pathogenesis of the disease.