太田 洋一 高嶋 渉 池田 祐介 貴嶋 孝太 村田 正洋
トレーニング科学 (ISSN:13494414)
vol.23, no.2, pp.177-195, 2011 (Released:2013-04-12)

本研究の目的は,自転車競技におけるレース分析から,速度変化,クランク回転数変化およびギア比と記録との関係を明らかし,トレーニングおよびコーチングへの示唆を得ることである.分析対象者は第10 回チャレジ・ザ・オリンピックの200mFTT, 250mTT, 500mTT, 1kmTT, 4kmTT に参加した選手計177 名である.レース中の自転車及び選手の全景をパンニング撮影し,走行速度,クランク回転数およびギア比を撮影動画から算出した.200mFTT,250mTT, 500mTT, 1kmTT においては,レース中の最高速度およびスタート区間速度が記録に強く影響する要因であった.一方,4kmTT ではレース中の速度低下量の小さい選手ほど記録が良いことが示された.また,200mFTT,500mTT, 1kmTT においては,ギア比と記録との間に有意な負の相関関係が認められた.以上のことから,200mFTT, 250mTT, 500mTT, 1kmTT においては,スタート区間速度および最高速度を高めるトレーニングが重要であり,4kmTT では高い速度を維持できる能力を高めることが重要であると示唆された.
太田 洋一 中本 浩揮
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.60, no.2, pp.527-537, 2015 (Released:2015-12-18)

This study aimed to clarify the effects of changing to a short bat grip position from the long bat grip position on baseball bat swing timing, peak ground reaction force with the front leg, and activation of the upper and lower limb muscles.   Nine male college baseball players participated in this study. By using a batting simulator, the coincident timing task was to swing the bat coincidentally with the arrival timing of a moving target by using the long or short bat grip position. The batter performed 10 sets of 4 swings for a total of 40 swings for the coincident timing task. During the four swings, the batter swung the bat by using the long grip position in the first, second, and fourth swings. Only in the third swing did the batter use the short grip position. The ground reaction force with the front leg was measured, and electromyograms of the upper and lower limb muscles were obtained during the coincident timing task.   Our results indicated no significant differences in absolute and variable timing errors between the long and short bat grip positions. In contrast, the constant timing error was significantly increased with the short bat grip position. Moreover, the time to peak ground reaction force and time to peak muscle activation of both the upper and lower limb muscles were significantly delayed when the short bat grip position was employed. Significant positive relationships were observed between the constant timing error and time to peak ground reaction force, which showed differences between the second and third swings. No significant difference in swing time was observed between the long and short bat grip positions.   These findings indicate that changing to the short bat grip position from the long bat grip position will not improve the batter's swing timing. Furthermore, changing to the short bat grip position could delay the batter's swing timing, probably because the change causes a delay in swing preparation.