蔭山 雅洋 鈴木 智晴 藤井 雅文 中本 浩揮 和田 智仁 前田 明
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.61, no.2, pp.517-535, 2016 (Released:2016-12-14)
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The purpose of this study was to clarify the profiles of lower limb and trunk motion during baseball pitching in relation to differences between the mound and the flat ground, and to determine the motion characteristics while pitching from the 2 locations.  The subjects were 12 baseball pitchers (age 18.6±2.5 yr, height 173.4±6.5 cm, weight 74.7±11.0 kg) who belonged to high school or university baseball teams. Three-dimensional positions of 36 reflective markers attached to each subject were tracked by an optical motion capture system (Mac3D System) with 12 cameras. The ground-reaction forces (GRF) of the pivot and stride legs during pitching were determined using 2 multicomponent force plates. Pitching motion was divided into two phases: phase 1 was defined as the period from when the knee of the stride leg reached maximal height (MKH: 0%time) until the point when the stride foot made contact with the ground (SFC: 100%time), while phase 2 was defined as the period from the SFC until the point when the ball was released (REL: 200%time). Ball velocity was measured using a radar gun.  The results were as follows: 1) The maximum and average ball velocities were significantly higher when pitching was performed from the mound than from the flat ground (p<0.05). 2) Hip/knee flexion angles and hip abduction/extension angular velocities on the pivot leg were significantly greater for mound pitching than for flat ground pitching, and the hip/knee extension angle and hip adduction/internal rotation/flexion angular velocities on the stride leg were significantly greater for the former (p<0.05). 3) The GRF of the stride leg was significantly greater for mound pitching than for flat ground pitching (p<0.01). 4) Upper torso and pelvis angle/angular velocities at SFC and the maximum pelvis, upper torso and trunk tilt angular velocities were significantly greater for mound pitching than for flat ground pitching (p<0.05).  The present results indicate that baseball pitchers show biomechanical differences in the kinematic and kinetic profiles of the trunk and lower limbs when pitching from the mound in comparison with the flat ground, and that high school or collegiate baseball pitchers can increase their pitched ball velocity by using the height of the mound.
鈴木 智晴 藤井 雅文 村上 光平 中本 浩揮 前田 明
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.64, no.1, pp.79-87, 2019-06-17 (Released:2019-06-25)

One of the important roles of a baseball catcher is to check whether an opponent is trying to steal a base. This checking action must occur as part of other events: a quick throwing action (short operation time), a high ball speed (short duration of ball flight), and accurate tagging (the time from the fielder catching the ball to touching the opponent runner is short). In other words, in order for the catcher to check whether an opponent is trying to steal a base, it is necessary to shorten the time between catching the ball and when the fielder touches the opponent runner. However, the relationship between the time and the possibility of checking for an attempt to steal a base and the influence of each phase on the steal check rate have not been examined. The present study investigated the relationship between the time required to prevent a steal and the steal check rate of a baseball catcher using video recordings. The video recordings used for our analysis were videos of steal check successes and failures in exhibition and official university and amateur baseball games, with a focus on runners attempting to steal second base. We classified Motion Time as the period from catching the initial pitch to ball release, Ball Time as the period from ball release to ball arrival at second base, and Touch Time as the period from ball arrival at second base to the fielder touching the runner; the sum of these 3 phases was defined as All Time, and the sum of Motion Time and Ball Time was defined as Pop Time. We constructed 3 models in which the success or failure of the steal check was set as a target variable and each phase time as an explanatory variable, and performed logistic regression analysis on each model. As a result, we clarified that the baseball catcher could check for a steal if the All Time was less than 2.429 s, and there was a significant negative correlation between the steal check rate and All Time. In addition, among the three phases, Touch Time had the greatest effect on the steal check rate. Therefore, it was suggested that accurate throwing is the most important factor in preventing a steal to second base.
中本 浩揮 森 司朗
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.53, no.1, pp.39-50, 2008 (Released:2008-03-04)
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between baseball expertise and movement correction efficiency in a coincidence timing task that included unexpected changes in target velocity. In particular, we focused on the rate of movement timing correction that is applied to counter unexpected change in the velocity of a moving target under given time constraints. The participants comprised baseball experts (n=11) and novices (n=11). The task was to manually press a button coinciding with the arrival of a moving target, running on a straight trackway. The target moved from one end of the trackway at a constant velocity, and its velocity was increased or decreased in some trials when it reached the other end of the track with a moving target velocity change (TAVC) from 100 to 300ms. The differences in the rate of movement timing correction between the two groups were more evident when the velocity decreased than when it increased. The rate of movement timing correction for the experts was significantly higher than that for the novices under the 100ms and 300ms TAVC conditions. These results indicate that baseball experts can correct movement timing more efficiently than novices when velocity decreases ; this suggests that efficient movement timing correction in response to an unexpected velocity change is one of the characteristics of baseball expertise.
竹内 竜也 幾留 沙智 森 司朗 石倉 忠夫 中本 浩揮
スポーツ心理学研究 (ISSN:03887014)
pp.2018-1809, (Released:2019-02-06)

The purpose of the present study was to clarify the influence of individual differences in the automatic imitation tendency on efficiency in observational motor learning. First, twenty participants each having higher or lower automatic imitation tendency were chosen from 210 according to their reaction times in the imitation-inhibition task indicating automatic imitation tendency. Each group performed the observational motor learning that alternately repeated action observation and execution. The participants in each group were further divided into two groups: appropriate model group that observed a model performing the task correctly and inappropriate model group that observed a model performing the task incorrectly. Results revealed that when participants observed the appropriate model, people with higher imitation tendency demonstrated better task performance in the acquisition phase and retention test than did those with a lower imitation tendency. On the other hand, when the participants observed the inappropriate model, the higher imitation tendency group exhibited lower performance in the acquisition phase and the retention test than did the lower imitation tendency group. Additionally, the higher tendency group was more influenced by difference between the appropriate and inappropriate model than was the lower tendency group in learning efficiency. These findings indicate that individual differences in the automatic imitation tendency affect the learning efficiency and retention in observational motor learning. Further, automatic imitation is likely to have a strong influence on observational motor learning regardless of the learnersʼ intention.
太田 洋一 中本 浩揮
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.60, no.2, pp.527-537, 2015 (Released:2015-12-18)

This study aimed to clarify the effects of changing to a short bat grip position from the long bat grip position on baseball bat swing timing, peak ground reaction force with the front leg, and activation of the upper and lower limb muscles.   Nine male college baseball players participated in this study. By using a batting simulator, the coincident timing task was to swing the bat coincidentally with the arrival timing of a moving target by using the long or short bat grip position. The batter performed 10 sets of 4 swings for a total of 40 swings for the coincident timing task. During the four swings, the batter swung the bat by using the long grip position in the first, second, and fourth swings. Only in the third swing did the batter use the short grip position. The ground reaction force with the front leg was measured, and electromyograms of the upper and lower limb muscles were obtained during the coincident timing task.   Our results indicated no significant differences in absolute and variable timing errors between the long and short bat grip positions. In contrast, the constant timing error was significantly increased with the short bat grip position. Moreover, the time to peak ground reaction force and time to peak muscle activation of both the upper and lower limb muscles were significantly delayed when the short bat grip position was employed. Significant positive relationships were observed between the constant timing error and time to peak ground reaction force, which showed differences between the second and third swings. No significant difference in swing time was observed between the long and short bat grip positions.   These findings indicate that changing to the short bat grip position from the long bat grip position will not improve the batter's swing timing. Furthermore, changing to the short bat grip position could delay the batter's swing timing, probably because the change causes a delay in swing preparation.
蔭山 雅洋 中本 浩揮
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.69, pp.209_2, 2018

<p> 本研究は、通常のボールとは大きさの異なるボール(質量は同じ)を投球することによる短期的な適応が、その後の通常ボールでの投球に及ぼす影響を明らかにすることを目的とした。被検者は、高校生の野球投手9名(年齢16.3±0.7歳、身長174.3±4.7cm、体重66.2±4.7kg、野球歴6.8±1.9yr、投手歴4.1±2.2yr)を対象とした。適応期間では、通常用いるボール(基準球)、基準球よりも-10%小さいボール、基準球よりも+10%大きいボール(+10%球)を使用し、各15球投球させた。なお、実験は、各条件の効果が互いに影響しないよう、3日に分けて実施した。適応の評価は、適応前後におけるボール速度およびコントロール誤差(捕手が構えた位置からキャッチした位置までの距離)とした。その結果、+10%球を用いた適応では、適応後のコントロール誤差は適応前よりも有意に減少した(P<0.05)。この結果より、+10%球を使用した短期的な投球適応は、投手のボールコントロールを即時的に向上させることが示唆された。そして、内省報告より、+10%球は回転数や回転軸などの球質を向上させる可能性が示唆された。</p>
藤井 紀之 中本 浩揮 幾留 沙智 畝中 智志 森 司朗
スポーツ心理学研究 (ISSN:03887014)
vol.41, no.2, pp.93-103, 2014-12-05 (Released:2015-04-14)

This study aimed to investigate whether individual differences in viewpoint (route or survey [bird's eye] view) while playing football are associated with mental rotation ability and domain-specificity. Seventeen varsity football players were assigned to Experienced and Non-Experienced survey view groups according to a questionnaire about their experiences with survey view while playing football. Three tasks were used to compare mental rotation and viewpoint switching ability between groups: a mental rotation task to assess the ability to operate upon visuospatial mental representations; a viewpoint switching task to assess the ability to switch viewpoint internally from route to survey view in response to non-domain-specific information (e.g., toysʼ configuration); and the complex task to assess the ability to switch viewpoint from route to survey view in response to domain-specific information (e.g., playersʼ configuration) and to operate upon visuospatial mental representations. There were significant between-group differences in response time for the mental rotation and complex tasks, but not in response accuracy for any tasks. This indicates that the experienced survey view group could quickly operate upon mental representations and switch viewpoints from route to survey view, but only in a domain-specific environment. Therefore, individual differences in viewpoint when playing football are associated with mental rotation ability and viewpoint switching ability in response to domain-specific information. More specifically, mental rotation ability and viewpoint switching is contingent upon domain-specific information for the attainment of survey view during football gameplay.
鈴木 智晴 藤井 雅文 村上 光平 中本 浩揮 前田 明
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)

One of the important roles of a baseball catcher is to check whether an opponent is trying to steal a base. This checking action must occur as part of other events: a quick throwing action (short operation time), a high ball speed (short duration of ball flight), and accurate tagging (the time from the fielder catching the ball to touching the opponent runner is short). In other words, in order for the catcher to check whether an opponent is trying to steal a base, it is necessary to shorten the time between catching the ball and when the fielder touches the opponent runner. However, the relationship between the time and the possibility of checking for an attempt to steal a base and the influence of each phase on the steal check rate have not been examined. The present study investigated the relationship between the time required to prevent a steal and the steal check rate of a baseball catcher using video recordings. The video recordings used for our analysis were videos of steal check successes and failures in exhibition and official university and amateur baseball games, with a focus on runners attempting to steal second base. We classified Motion Time as the period from catching the initial pitch to ball release, Ball Time as the period from ball release to ball arrival at second base, and Touch Time as the period from ball arrival at second base to the fielder touching the runner; the sum of these 3 phases was defined as All Time, and the sum of Motion Time and Ball Time was defined as Pop Time. We constructed 3 models in which the success or failure of the steal check was set as a target variable and each phase time as an explanatory variable, and performed logistic regression analysis on each model. As a result, we clarified that the baseball catcher could check for a steal if the All Time was less than 2.429 s, and there was a significant negative correlation between the steal check rate and All Time. In addition, among the three phases, Touch Time had the greatest effect on the steal check rate. Therefore, it was suggested that accurate throwing is the most important factor in preventing a steal to second base.
竹内 竜也 幾留 沙智 森 司朗 石倉 忠夫 中本 浩揮
スポーツ心理学研究 (ISSN:03887014)

The purpose of the present study was to clarify the influence of individual differences in the automatic imitation tendency on efficiency in observational motor learning. First, twenty participants each having higher or lower automatic imitation tendency were chosen from 210 according to their reaction times in the imitation-inhibition task indicating automatic imitation tendency. Each group performed the observational motor learning that alternately repeated action observation and execution. The participants in each group were further divided into two groups: appropriate model group that observed a model performing the task correctly and inappropriate model group that observed a model performing the task incorrectly. Results revealed that when participants observed the appropriate model, people with higher imitation tendency demonstrated better task performance in the acquisition phase and retention test than did those with a lower imitation tendency. On the other hand, when the participants observed the inappropriate model, the higher imitation tendency group exhibited lower performance in the acquisition phase and the retention test than did the lower imitation tendency group. Additionally, the higher tendency group was more influenced by difference between the appropriate and inappropriate model than was the lower tendency group in learning efficiency. These findings indicate that individual differences in the automatic imitation tendency affect the learning efficiency and retention in observational motor learning. Further, automatic imitation is likely to have a strong influence on observational motor learning regardless of the learnersʼ intention.