太田 洋一 高嶋 渉 池田 祐介 貴嶋 孝太 村田 正洋
トレーニング科学 (ISSN:13494414)
vol.23, no.2, pp.177-195, 2011 (Released:2013-04-12)

本研究の目的は,自転車競技におけるレース分析から,速度変化,クランク回転数変化およびギア比と記録との関係を明らかし,トレーニングおよびコーチングへの示唆を得ることである.分析対象者は第10 回チャレジ・ザ・オリンピックの200mFTT, 250mTT, 500mTT, 1kmTT, 4kmTT に参加した選手計177 名である.レース中の自転車及び選手の全景をパンニング撮影し,走行速度,クランク回転数およびギア比を撮影動画から算出した.200mFTT,250mTT, 500mTT, 1kmTT においては,レース中の最高速度およびスタート区間速度が記録に強く影響する要因であった.一方,4kmTT ではレース中の速度低下量の小さい選手ほど記録が良いことが示された.また,200mFTT,500mTT, 1kmTT においては,ギア比と記録との間に有意な負の相関関係が認められた.以上のことから,200mFTT, 250mTT, 500mTT, 1kmTT においては,スタート区間速度および最高速度を高めるトレーニングが重要であり,4kmTT では高い速度を維持できる能力を高めることが重要であると示唆された.
白﨑 啓太 山辺 芳 明石 啓太 高嶋 渉
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.64, no.2, pp.637-645, 2019-12-16 (Released:2019-12-20)

In when riding in a group during cycling competitions, cyclists may become located side-by-side during positioning, rotation, and overtaking. The primary objective of this study was to analyze aerodynamic variation with differences in the number of riders (1 and 3) while cycling in parallel. It was assumed that the last cyclist would be riding in parallel with the immediate leading cyclist in the group. Wind tunnel experiments were implemented using a static mannequin and athletes as participants. A floor-mounted 6-component force balance was employed for conducting the measurements, and the athlete sat on a bicycle mounted on a bicycle stand. Experiments were subsequently conducted on groups comprising 2 riders (2R) and 4 riders (4R). The aerodynamic drag of the last rider (i.e., the mannequin) was measured for a wind speed of 16.67 m/s and for various relative spatial positions with respect to the front end of the immediate leading rider’s front wheel as the origin (longitudinal distance X = -1.38 m–0.07 m, lateral distance Y = 0.25 m–0.90 m; X = -1.38 m was applied solely when Y = 0.90 m for the case of 2R). The results indicated that at Y = 0.75 m–0.90 m, the drag of the last rider for both the 2R and 4R cases was equal to or higher than that for the single state. At Y = 0.50 m, the drag in the 2R case was equal to or higher than that for the single state (maximum value, 108.5% of the single state), whereas the drag in the 4R case was less (87.8–95.1%). It was also found that when a parallel cyclist approached a riding group comprising 3 or more cyclists, it was possible to decrease the drag to a value less than for the single state by riding in a position strictly adjacent to the riding group.