太田 洋一 高嶋 渉 池田 祐介 貴嶋 孝太 村田 正洋
トレーニング科学 (ISSN:13494414)
vol.23, no.2, pp.177-195, 2011 (Released:2013-04-12)

本研究の目的は,自転車競技におけるレース分析から,速度変化,クランク回転数変化およびギア比と記録との関係を明らかし,トレーニングおよびコーチングへの示唆を得ることである.分析対象者は第10 回チャレジ・ザ・オリンピックの200mFTT, 250mTT, 500mTT, 1kmTT, 4kmTT に参加した選手計177 名である.レース中の自転車及び選手の全景をパンニング撮影し,走行速度,クランク回転数およびギア比を撮影動画から算出した.200mFTT,250mTT, 500mTT, 1kmTT においては,レース中の最高速度およびスタート区間速度が記録に強く影響する要因であった.一方,4kmTT ではレース中の速度低下量の小さい選手ほど記録が良いことが示された.また,200mFTT,500mTT, 1kmTT においては,ギア比と記録との間に有意な負の相関関係が認められた.以上のことから,200mFTT, 250mTT, 500mTT, 1kmTT においては,スタート区間速度および最高速度を高めるトレーニングが重要であり,4kmTT では高い速度を維持できる能力を高めることが重要であると示唆された.
柴山 一仁 貴嶋 孝太 森丘 保典 櫻井 健一
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.18120, (Released:2019-07-05)

The present study aimed to define the phases of the 110m hurdle race and to clarify the relationship between the race pattern and performance of elite hurdlers. Seventy-six male hurdlers (groups: G1, 12.94–13.38 s, n = 24; G2, 13.40–13.68 s, n = 26; G3, 13.70–14.16 s, n = 26) participating in official competitions were videotaped using high-speed video cameras panning from start to finish (239.76 or 299.70 Hz). The landing step after hurdling was defined as the first step, and the take-off step was defined as the fourth step. The timing of each step and each interval (from touchdown on the landing step to the next landing step) were calculated. Intervals were divided into the acceleration phase (G1: from 1st to 2nd, G2 and G3: 1st), maximum velocity phase (G1: from 3rd to 5th, G2 and G3: from 2nd to 5th) and deceleration phase (G1, G2 and G3: from 6th to 9th). The results obtained were as follows: 1) Faster hurdlers sprinted with a shorter time and a larger mean interval velocity in all phases; 2) G1 had longer acceleration segments and larger acceleration from the acceleration phase to maximum velocity phase than G2 and G3 because of the larger increase in the frequency of the second step; however, deceleration from the maximum velocity phase to the deceleration phase showed no significant difference according to performance; and 3) the pattern of change in the mean interva3l velocity during the race was similar between G2 and G3. These results indicate that athletes in G2 need to improve their race pattern to achieve a larger acceleration in the 2nd interval by sprinting with a larger increase in the frequency of the second step. Improvement of the race pattern is less important for G3. Additionally, G2 and G3 need to improve their sprinting velocity to obtain a higher frequency at the fourth step.
上野 薫 前濱 良太 国正 陽子 牧野 晃宗 佐野 加奈絵 貴嶋 孝太 Komi Paavo V 石川 昌紀
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.67, no.6, pp.383-391, 2018-12-01 (Released:2018-11-21)

The purpose of the present study was to examine characteristics of muscle anatomical cross-sectional area (CSA) for different regions from proximal to distal parts of each muscle of the hamstring muscles in high-level sprinters, and to examine the relationship with those and the sprint performance. The CSA of the semitendinosus (ST), semimembranosus (SM), biceps femoris long head (BFL) and biceps femoris short head (BFS) at the four different region of hamstring muscles for twenty sprinters (SPRINT) and twenty healthy male control subjects (CTRL) were measured by using B-mode ultrasonography. The measured regions were divided into four parts from proximal to distal parts (PRO1, PRO2, DIS2, DIS1). The results clearly showed that absolute CSA values in distal parts for all muscles together with PRO2 in ST were greater in SPRINT than in CTRL. When relative CSA values to the entire hamstrings muscles in each region were compared, only relative CSA at PRO1 in ST was greater in SPRINT than in CTRL, conversely, that at proximal regions in BFL and distal regions in BFS were smaller in SPRINT. In the relationships with sprint performance, the CSAs at PRO1 and PRO2 in ST and at PRO1 in SM were only related negatively. These results suggest that distal parts of hamstring muscles for SPRINT may be characteristics for sprint runners. However, the movements related to the specific hypertrophy (PRO1 and PRO2 in ST, PRO1in SM) may play important roles of the improvement of their sprint performance.