奥村 博司 畠山 元 山地 弘起 石賀 伸太郎 若月 利之
近畿大学農学部紀要 (ISSN:04538889)
vol.40, pp.71-80, 2007-03-31

The Nara Campus of Kinki University is located in the satoyama of Yata Hills. There are many terraced paddy fields and farm ponds on the campus that were abandoned in the previous six decades. In this study, the existing circumstances of the paddy fields, farm ponds and the surrounding Satoyama forest were investigated in order to complete basic information. These data will be useful for planning the restoration of the Satoyama.As a benchmark watershed, we selected 15-20 ha watershed for detailed survey on abandoned terraced paddy fields, farm ponds and the Satoyama forest. We established one ha Satoyama plot for detailed survey on vegetation, soil, and water condition. Some results of those were described by means of figures. After this, ecosystem model of the Satoyama should be developed for the planning the restoration of the Satoyama.記事区分:原著