沼澤 俊 寺田 昌史 横山 茂樹
公益社団法人 日本理学療法士協会
理学療法学Supplement Vol.46 Suppl. No.1 (第53回日本理学療法学術大会 抄録集)
pp.F-103, 2019 (Released:2019-08-20)

【はじめに,目的】 足関節内反捻挫の受傷において,初発捻挫と再発捻挫ではその危険因子は異なる可能性がある。この点を明らかにすることを目的として,高校生バスケットボール選手を対象としたメディカルチェック活動を通して検討したので報告する。【方法】 対象は大阪府下の高校バスケットボール部,男女193名とした。調査項目は下肢関節可動域や筋力,下肢アライメントやバランス評価など8項目とした。調査開始時に測定を行い,1年間における足関節捻挫の傷害発生を調査した。統計学的処理として,受傷有無別の群間比較についてT検定,および足関節内反捻挫の既往有無別に従属変数を内反捻挫受傷の有無,独立変数を各測定項目としてロジスティック回帰分析を用いた。【倫理的配慮】 京都橘大学倫理委員会の規定に基づき,選手および指導者に対し事前に十分に説明し同意を得た上で本研究を実施した。また本研究に関して開示すべきCOIはない。【結果】 足関節内反捻挫受傷は,初発34名中7名(21%),再発159名中31名(20%)と既往歴による差はみられなかった。再発では,足関節内反捻挫受傷について荷重下の下腿前傾角度,足関節底屈角度,荷重位Q-angleがいずれも受傷群で減少する傾向を示したが,初発ではみられなかった。【考察】 足関節内反捻挫の再発群は,足関節可動域の制限がないことで再発に至る可能性が低くなることが示唆され,既往歴により危険因子が異なると考えられた。
寺田 昌史
一般社団法人 日本アスレティックトレーニング学会
日本アスレティックトレーニング学会誌 (ISSN:24326623)
vol.3, no.2, pp.107-116, 2018-04-30 (Released:2019-01-10)

Although ankle sprains receive abundant attention and focus in clinical practice and research, they persist as the most common injury that leads to recurrent injury in athletic activities. Understanding the cause of recurrent injury is crucial in implementing therapeutic interventions to ankle injury and reducing recurrent injury rate. Although excessive plantar flexion with inversion and external rotation in the ankle has been believed as the mechanism of an ankle sprain, it appears that the ankle sprain injury mechanism excessive rearfoot inversion and internal rotation coupled with ankle dorsiflexion. While various studies have shown that there are feed-forward and feedback alterations present in individuals with chronic ankle instability (CAI) as manifesting altered movement organization and muscle activation patterns during functional tasks, it is unclear whether these alterations are the result of the injury or initially contributed to it due to the lack of prospective studies. It is possible that compromised feedback responses, which may have been caused by the initial ankle sprain, contribute to the altered feed-forward control. Ankle instability appears to be linked to multiple aspects of insufficiencies. However, the potential synergistic relation between mechanical and sensorimotor impairments associated with CAI are unclear. It is important for future investigations to identify the source of alterations associated with CAI and identify exact factors that cause recurrent and secondary injury for developing more effective intervention and injury prediction model. Interventions that address multi-factorial aspects of impairments associated with CAI also are essential for improving both patient-oriented and clinician-oriented functional measures, decreasing disability, and preserving long-term healthy in individuals with CAI.
寺田 昌史
一般社団法人 日本アスレティックトレーニング学会
日本アスレティックトレーニング学会誌 (ISSN:24326623)
vol.3, no.2, pp.99-106, 2018-04-30 (Released:2019-01-10)

Participation in physical activity has an important role in a healthy lifestyle. However, it is associated with an inherent risk of injury. A lateral ankle sprains (LAS) is the most prevalent lower extremity injury in sports and everyday life, posing a substantial healthcare burden and resulting in many long-term complications. Despite the attention and focus ankle sprains receive, it has been reported that up to 74% of individuals who experience an ankle sprain suffer from some type of residual symptoms, perceived instability (repeated episodes of “giving-way”), recurrent ankle sprains, and/or self-assessed disability, which may be termed as chronic ankle instability (CAI). The presence of CAI decreases activity levels, limits occupational involvements, and adversely impacts quality of life, as well as develops an early onset of degenerative pathology in the ankle, requiring costly medical diagnostic techniques and extensive treatments. Therefore, CAI is a significant public health concern in the physically active population and an economic burden of the global health care systems. With increasing government and societal emphasis on physical activity, the incidence of CAI would remain constant or increase as more individuals participate in physical activities. Researchers and clinicians must work together to minimize complications of CAI to maximize the potential health benefits of a physically active lifestyle.