小林 豊 飯干 茜 渡邉 博文 井出 和希 堀内 祐希 手島 麻美子 中川 喜文 山口 安乃 小林 伸一郎 谷口 幹太 関 泰 榊間 昌哲 鈴木 豊秀
一般社団法人 日本腎臓病薬物療法学会
日本腎臓病薬物療法学会誌 (ISSN:21870411)
vol.10, no.3, pp.347-355, 2021 (Released:2021-12-29)

小林 伸一
日経ビジネス (ISSN:00290491)
no.1294, pp.121-124, 2005-06-06

5月18日、老舗ソースメーカー・イカリソース(大阪市)の会長(当時)、木村敏容疑者らが詐欺の疑いで大阪地方検察庁特捜部に逮捕されました。もともと財務的に苦しい状況でしたが、会長逮捕によって店頭から商品が撤去されたことが引き金となり、5月24日、イカリソースは大阪地方裁判所に会社更生法の適用を申請しました。 私は、昨年4月2日に同社に社長として入社しました。
樋口 輝美 堀田 直 石川 由美子 山道 慎也 會所 拓斗 二階堂 杏子 瀬戸口 晴美 山崎 俊男 大川 恵里奈 安藤 英之 及川 治 小林 伸一郎 阿部 雅紀 岡田 一義
一般社団法人 日本透析医学会
日本透析医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13403451)
vol.48, no.8, pp.477-482, 2015 (Released:2015-08-28)

症例は58歳男性. 糖尿病性腎症による末期腎不全にて血液透析を導入された. 心エコー検査で, EFは48.9%で, E/e’も19.5と収縮障害と拡張障害を認め, LVMIも151g/m2と左室肥大を認めた. ESAsはrHuEPOを9,000単位/週を使用し, ERIはrHuEPO doses/kg/g/dL/週として算出し, 13.5と比較的高値を認め, レボカルニチン1,200mg/日で内服療法を開始した. 開始前と1年後の経過で, EFは48.9%から72.7%, LVMIも151g/m2から107g/m2, NT-proBNPは12,800pg/mLから7,850pg/mLへと改善した. 内服開始前の使用rHuEPOは9,000単位/週で, 開始前のERIは13.5と高値であったが, rHuEPOは3,000単位/週に減量し, ERIは3.9まで低下した. 動脈硬化症の指標のbaPWVは1,832cm/secから1,545cm/secと改善した. また上腕筋面積は, 32.9cm2から39.3cm2に上昇し, ALT, ASTは12U/L, 14U/Lで, それぞれ9U/Lと軽度低下した. レボカルニチンの投与により, 種々のパラメーターが改善した症例を経験したので報告する.
小林 伸一
法政論叢 (ISSN:03865266)
vol.42, no.2, pp.98-131, 2006-05-15

There is a large academic literature on overall values served by the First Amendment, U.S. Const. Amendment. I is Free Speech and Press Glaus e. The marketplace, self-government and autonomy are most frequently invoked. Principle-based theories on First Amendment theory argue these values as basis for justifications for the special protection afforded freedom of expression. Each of these theories makes some claim to provide a foundational basis for the First Amendment. Recently, The Supreme Court gives some measure of protection to hate speech as cross-burning and organizational forms and activities having expressed their antihomosexual views. Do any of the principle-based theories apply to cross-burning or activity to a discriminate homosexual conduct? Do these activities subserve the values that hold up in those theoies? Taking this opportunity, Non principle-based theories come to the front. This article traces comparatively three representative theorists in the non principle-based theory. The following assertions are presented by them. Stanly Fish exhibits perspectives from literary theory applied to First Amendment jurisprundence. He insists that any theory of free speech must reflect a substantive political content. Thus, the abstraction at the center of First Amendment jurisprudence- marketplace, self-government, autonomy-do not in themselves point us to the appropriate distinctions. Richard Posner has his root in "Law and Economics". And his philosophy is pragmatism. Posner argues that because the legal concept of freedom of speech is plastic, mutable, and contestable it may appropriately take its shape from the practical considerations the instrumental approach bring into view. He employs cost-benefit analysis to explore when government can regulate expression which has a public good. Frederick Schauer relies on analytic philosophy modified by traditional common law theories. He claims the importance of seeing rules as crude probablistic generalizations. And Schauer distinguishes between conversational and entrenchment models of generalization, but he doesn't grasp each models as an exclusional reason. He argues that the legal system takes freedom of speech as a given, devoting little if any attention to the philosophical foundation of the principle it seeks to enforce. Schauer focuses on less various values served by the First Amendment than on the special reason to distruct government in the realm of speech regulation.