古川 秀夫 山下 京 八木 隆一郎
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.9, no.3, pp.171-180, 1994-03-31 (Released:2016-12-02)

This study was conducted in order to investigate the structure of YUTORI. YUTORI is a Japanese noun denoting a subjective sense of well-being in daily life, and has been set up as a policy objective by labor, management, and the administrative world. In the first part of study, Study I, the answers of 200 middle managers to open-ended questions about YUTORI were classified and 50 items were isolated. In Study II, the responses of 272 workers to these 50 items were both factor and cluster-analyzed, and eight factors were isolated. These eight factors were named Enjoyment, Amenity, Challenge, Leisure, Competency, Wealth, Mental health, and Behavioral freedom, respectively. In Study III, the 50 items were divided into eight sub-scales by item-analysis, and correlations between scores on the eight sub-scales and nine attributes, e.g., marriage, education, income, and working hours were examined. The implications of the results were discussed and the necessity for further research suggested.
山下 京 向井 有理子
商経学叢 = Shokei-gakuso: Journal of Business Studies (ISSN:04502825)
vol.64, no.2, pp.305-320, 2017-12-31

[要旨]この研究の目的は,非正規従業員を仕事への積極性や働き方の志向性という観点から分類・類型化し,各類型に応じた雇用環境と効果的なマネジメントのあり方を検討することである。業種や職種の異なる複数の組織に質問紙調査を実施し,得られたデータ6,237件を基に因子分析を行い,6因子を抽出した。これらの因子は,「仕事に対する積極性」と「組織や会社からの拘束の拒否」「正社員志向」という3つの側面に集約しうることが示唆された。各々の側面に相当する(含まれる)項目の評定値の高低から類型化を試みた結果,正社員希望型,正社員回避型,フリーター型,社会参加型などと命名される10類型が見いだされた。[Abstract] This study purports to categorize irregular employees in terms of willingness to work and intention in work style and to consider a suitable employment environment and effective management approach depending on work types. Subjects at multiple organizations in different businesses were requested to complete a questionnaire.Based on data extracted from 6,237 responses, a factor analysis showed six factors. The finding suggested that the six factors could be categorized into three aspects as follows: “activeness towards work”, “rejection of constraints of organization and work”and“intention of regular employment”. Categorization with respect to differences in evaluation values of survey items corresponding to the said three aspects found 10 types including“aspiration for regular employment”,“ avoidance of regular employment”,“precedence to personal life”and“social participation”
真崎 美矢子 道津 安正 増山 泰治 山下 京子 古賀 宏延 須山 尚史 河野 茂 山口 恵三 広田 正毅 斉藤 厚 原 耕平
公益社団法人 日本化学療法学会
vol.35, no.9, pp.709-713, 1987-09-25 (Released:2011-08-04)

マクロライド系抗生剤であるEM, JM, TE-031, RKM, Ru-28965の5薬剤について, ヒト多形核白血球内への移行性をradioisotope 14Cをラベルした薬剤を用いて測定した。37℃培養下での移行率 (細胞内/外濃度比) は, EM; 6.6倍, JM;15.5倍, TE-031;16.4倍, RKM;30.5倍.Ru-28965;21.9倍と.いずれも高値を示した。ホルマリン処理好中球および低温培養下での移行率は5薬剤ともに著明に低下した。また, pHが酸性になるほど移行率は低下し, pH依存性が示唆された。細胞のエネルギー代謝阻害剤であるフッ化カリウムおよびシアン化ナトリウムを添加すると, それぞれ2~47%, 4~38%程度の移行率の低下が認められた。またヌクレオシドの一種であるアデノシンの添加ではEM以外の4薬剤で8~17%の移行率の低下がみられた。細胞内へ移行した5薬剤は, 細胞外の薬剤を除去するといずれも急速に細胞外へ流出し, 5分後には30%以下に低下した。今回我々が用いた5種類のマクロライド系抗生物質は, いずれも良好な細胞内移行性を示し, これらの細胞内への移行には能動輸送が関与していることが示唆された。
赤堀 有美 山下 京介 石田 和也 齋藤 文代 中井 誠
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.140, no.4, pp.491-498, 2020-04-01 (Released:2020-04-01)

Because the liver is the primary target organ for chemicals and pharmaceuticals, evaluation of these substances' liver toxicity is of critical importance. New evaluation methods without animal testing (i.e., in vitro and/or in silico) are eagerly anticipated, both for animal welfare and for decreasing cost. Also, the importance of mechanistic interpretation of the output derived from non-animal testing has been increasing. Accordingly, we investigated the potential for evaluating liver toxicity by applying the adverse outcome pathway (AOP) concept using gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) from gene expression (GEx) data. A case study targeting hepatocellular fatty degeneration (HFD) is reported and discussed. We first identified the events detectable in an in vitro system by comparing the GEx data from the rat primary hepatocyte (in vitro) and rat liver (in vivo) treated with a chemical with the ability to induce HFD as one of the phenotypes in a 28-day repeated-dose toxicity test. Then, the scores based on GSEA were calculated after establishing the gene sets for each event leading to HFD. As a result, the mechanistic information leading to HFD was obtained from the score calculated based on the GSEA and the usefulness of the transcriptome-driven evaluation using AOP was demonstrated.