山口 智弘
『年報 地域文化研究』編集委員会
年報地域文化研究 (ISSN:13439103)
no.17, pp.114-135, 2013

Through the analysis of Manyōdaisyōki 『万葉代匠記』, the commentary on Manyōshū 『万葉集』, this article considers an aspect of the studies of Keichu 契沖 (1640-1701) , one of the most famous scholars of Japanese classical culture during the early Tokugawa period. Section 1 of the article explores Keichu's views on Japanese poetry, which he thought was a response to feelings aroused by innumerable events. And on this count, exclusively influenced by medieval poetics in Japan, he insisted that Japanese poetry resembled Chinese poetry. Through analysis of the Manyōdaisyōki introduction, Section 2 elucidates the originality of Keichu's views of Manyōshū, summarized into two major points: First, Keichu thought that Manyōshū was comparable to Shi jing 『詩経』, one of the classical Chinese texts. Second, he believed that Manyōshū had the same effect as Shi jing, that is, making each reader gentle. Section 3 delves into this issue in greater detail, clarifying that Keichu regarded Manyōshū as politically useful. Section 4 examines some of Keichu's commentaries on Manyōshū to consider their characteristics: Because his study of historical documents and classical Chinese texts enables him to gain a clear, detailed understanding of these poems, he found that they expressed standards and reason. This article's analysis derives the following conclusion. A major characteristic of Keichu's commentary on Manyōshū was digging out its precepts. Futhermore, from this study, I deduce that Keichu's commentary on the love poems of the nobles who understood the norm of Confucianism's standards contained his notions about human beings.
山口 智弘 塩飽 保博 小出 一真 栗岡 英明 信谷 健太郎 船津 英司 久津見 弘 藤本 荘太郎 細川 洋平
The Japanese Society of Gastroenterology
日本消化器病學會雜誌 = The Japanese journal of gastro-enterology (ISSN:04466586)
vol.101, no.10, pp.1087-1094, 2004-10-05

症例は74歳女性. 上部消化管内視鏡検査にて下部食道に黒色隆起性病変を認め, 悪性黒色腫の診断のもと, 胸腹部食道亜全摘術を施行した. 術後DAV療法を施行し, 23カ月間無再発生存中である. さらに本邦報告例193例について臨床病理学的に検討した. その中でアンケート調査を行い予後の明らかとなった72例では, 60歳以上, T2以深, リンパ節転移陽性, 遠隔転移有り, で予後が有意に悪かった. 腫瘍径, 生検の有無では予後に差を認めなかった.