山口 秀樹
イタリア学会誌 (ISSN:03872947)
no.19, pp.65-79, 1971-01-20

Riguardo al carattere della poesia di Guinizelli, si dice general, mente che egli fosse un poeta fantastico e visivo. Ci sono ragioni sufficienti perche egli sia cosi definito. Ma dal punto poetico di vista questa definizione del suo genio poetico a troppo fragmentale per significar qualcosa essenziale di lui. Perche nella corrente del Dolce Stil Nuovo egli e chiamato "padre" dall' autore della Divina Commedia che non e certamente un peta fantastico. Allora in questo saggio l'A- cerca d' indagare che cosa e veramente il suo genio poetico. Ricevendo l'immagine tradizionale, cioe quella provenzale e siciliana, Guinizelli l'ha fatta levar rancora nello spazio piu poetico e pin misurato nella canzone "Donna, l'amor mi sforza". E in questo processo della rinnovazione poetica traspare la luce dello suo spirito come poeta, cioe l'attitudine analitica. L'A. pensa che questa tendenza stessa e il suo genio poetico e che questa fiorisce pienamente nella famosa canzone "Al core qentile... ". (ma soltanto nel senso ideale, e questa canzone non ha lo stesso valore Poetico come "Donna, l'amor mi sforza"). E sebbne nella stessa canzone ci sia il grido della sua anima cruda(almeno mi pare cosi)questo grido non si puo definire come "sentimentale e fantastico". Perche l'A. pensa che questo grido non e ormai emesso dalla sua anima cruda, ma dalla convinzione d'aver potuto sistemare l'amor terreno nel piu alto livello, cioe nello schema metafisico-cristiano. Dante non puo non accorgersi del genio di Guinizelli. Percio se Dante lo chiama il padre delle rime dolci e leggiadre, non si puo pensare che Guinizelli fosse chiamato in questo modo solamente nel senso sentimentale. Per Dante e anche per noi l'A. pensa che ci siano ragioni sufficienti perche Guinirelli sia definito come "il padre del Dolce Stil Nuovo", nel senso che nel poema di Guinizelli c'e sempre una nuova tendenza a cantare il suo amore mossa dallo spirito analitico
山本 竜也 三宅 博行 山口 秀樹 吉澤 望
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
no.783, pp.451-461, 2021-05

<p>While improvements in the energy-saving performance of buildings are required, productivity improvements and health management are also getting more necessary due to work style reforms. This trend demands the development of new methods which enable us to quantitatively assess the physiological and psychological quality of the built environment from the design stage. In terms of the light and visual environment, spaciousness is one of the factors that affect the comfort, intellectual productivity, and health of users of interiors.</p><p>In this research, definition of "spaciousness" by Inui will be used, but the purpose of this study was to propose a comprehensive quantitative spaciousness evaluation index of the interiors, including spaces of different sizes and shapes, considering various factors related to light and visual environment.</p><p>In recent years, technological developments have made complex data processing possible and expanded the range of experiment methods. VR technology is one of them, and there are many merits of using it in promoting spaciousness evaluation, such as to virtually compare spaces that are separated from each other by a great distance. This research aims to verify the validity of using VR with HMDs for spaciousness evaluation, through subject experiments in six real spaces with different volumes and usages. Volumes ranged from a minimum of 35 m<sup>3</sup> to a maximum of 1,969 m<sup>3</sup>, and vertical illuminance ranged from 30 lx to 720 lx at the subject's observation position. Openings were blocked from line of sight and daylight was shut off by closing the blinds. VR spaces with several lighting environments for each space were reproduced. In experiments using ME method, we compared and verified the cases where the real space and the VR space were used as the reference stimulus for the comparative stimulus of the real space. Major findings are as follows:</p><p> 1) In order to verify how well the VR space could reproduce the real space from the point of view of the optical environment, we compared the luminance of the targeted real space and the VR space, and found that high-luminance parts could not be reproduced on HMD: Oculus Quest, which has an output limit of approximately 100 cd/m<sup>2</sup> or higher in luminance. However, the overall luminance balance, including main parts such as the floor, walls, and ceiling, could be well reproduced on VR display.</p><p> 2) There were no statistically significant differences (5% level) in 62 pairs among 65 pairs. As to the remaining 3 pairs, the light source had a large effect on the reproducibility of luminance and the relative error from the real space was relatively large. In particular, when the subject's evaluations were divided around 2.0, as in Experiment III, where the reference stimulus was 120lx and the comparative stimulus was 30lx, a reversal phenomenon occurs in which the average luminance of the real space of 30 lx including the light source is larger than that of the VR space of 120 lx including the light source due to the influence of the large light source. In conclusion, it is approximately possible to use the VR space, which does not cause luminance problems, as a reference stimulus for spaciousness evaluation.</p>
山口 秀樹 篠田 博之
vol.91, no.5, pp.266-271, 2007-05-01
13 8

In previous study, we defined the border luminance as space brightness and investigated what determines border luminance in a real environment. We undertook a second study to confirm that perceived brightness of a room is determined solely by border luminance. We also examined the correlation between change in the magnitude of space brightness and change in the border luminance. To investigate these two points, we measured space brightness using three methods: magnitude estimation, space-brightness matching, and border-luminance adjustment. We found that, the border luminance is the same even though the illuminance of the room or the configuration of interior surface reflectance is different, the matched illuminance is the same. The brightness value obtained using the magnitude estimation method was proportional to the 0.56-th power of the border luminance. Our results clearly show that space brightness can be evaluated quantitatively using border luminance adjustment even if the brightness cannot be measured using the horizontal illuminance. Therefore, measuring the border luminance is an effective way to supplement existing photometric systems.