大場 堂信 赤沢 佳代子 二宮 洋介 桐野 晃教 明丸 倫子 石本 智子 戸野 早由利 中村 輝夫 片岡 正俊 篠原 啓之 木戸 淳一 永田 俊彦
特定非営利活動法人 日本歯周病学会
日本歯周病学会会誌 (ISSN:03850110)
vol.42, no.4, pp.307-313, 2000-12-28 (Released:2010-08-25)
3 3

わが国で腎不全により人工透析を受けている患者は現在約18万人いると言われている。透析処置では腎臓のすべての機能を補うことはできず, 例えばエリスロポエチンの産生やビタミンD3の活性化といった生体にとって重要な反応が行われなくなる。これらの腎機能障害に由来した骨病変は透析患者にみられる主要な副作用の一つである。著者らは人工透析処置を受けている慢性腎不全患者は歯周病に対する感受性の高い集団ではないかと考え, その関連を追求するために透析患者38名の歯周組織診査を行った。対照群として同年代の健常者42名を選び, 同様の歯周組織診査を行った。CPITN (歯周治療必要度指数) を調べた結果, 透析患者群は対照群より高い値を示した (2.4±0.1 vs. 1.9±0.1; p<0.05)。CI-S (簡略化歯石指数) では, 2群間に有意差は認められなかった。欠損歯数では, 透析群の方が2.2倍多かった (6.1±1.3 vs. 2.8±0.8; p<0.05)。次に, 透析期間の違いによって患者を4グループに分けて分析したところ, 指標値に差は認められなかった。また, 透析患者の血中PTH (副甲状腺ホルモン) 濃度と歯槽骨レベルならびにCPITNとの相関を調べたが, 有意な相関は見い出せなかった。一方, 透析患者38名のうち7名が糖尿病由来で人工透析に至った患者 (糖尿病性腎症) であり, これらの患者のほとんどに重度の歯周炎が認められ, 残り31名の透析患者と比較すると, 欠損歯数の増加 (15.9±3.6 vs. 3.9±1.1; p<0.05) および歯槽骨レベル (%) の低下 (58±60 vs. 79±1; p<0.05) が認められた。さらに, 糖尿病性腎症以外の透析患者31名と対照群とを比較した場合, CPITNにおいて有意差が認められ (2.3±0.1 vs. 1.9±0.1; p<0.05), 糖尿病性腎症を除いた透析患者においても健常者より歯周病罹患度が高いことが示された。以上の結果から, 人工透析処置を受けている慢性腎不全患者の歯周病罹患度は健常人より高く, 慢性腎不全が歯周病のリスクファクターになりうる可能性が示唆されるとともに, 人工透析処置を受けている糖尿病性腎症患者はそれ以外の疾患由来の患者よりも重度の歯周病を有する傾向が強いことが示された。
笹岡 正俊
東南アジア研究 (ISSN:05638682)
vol.46, no.3, pp.377-419, 2008

This paper examines the social and cultural meanings of the subsistence consumption of game animals among mountain villagers in Seram Island, Eastern Indonesia. The community under study is highly dependent on <i>sago</i> (starch extracted from sago palm) as staple food. Sago is rich in carbohydrate but contains little protein. Game animals therefore provide an essential protein complement. Field research was carried out in a remote mountain village located in Manusela valley in central Seram where Cuscus (<i>Phalanger orientalis, Spilocuscus maculates</i>), Celebes wild boar (<i>Sus celebensis</i>) and Timor deer (<i>Cervus timorensis</i>) account for almost 90% of the protein resources consumed by villagers.<br>&emsp;The meat of these wild mammals is usually shared by close relatives and adjoining villages. The field data suggests that about 30% of cuscus and 60% of large mammals (Celebes wild boar and Timor deer) are often distributed to others. An "ethics of sharing" encourages villages to distribute wild meat since it enhances the enjoyment of consumption and brings about feelings of satisfaction and pleasure. This sense of contentment over having intimate and good inter-relationships is regarded by villagers as the ideal and desirable way of life. Moreover wild meat sharing also strengthens their collective identity as a mountain people that distinguishes them from those living in coastal areas. Failure to share leads to apprehensions of sorcery arising from jealousy and the fear of <i>malahau</i>, a kind of sanction given by ancestor spirits.
保柳 康一 三戸 望 吉岡 正俊 宮坂 省吾 渡辺 寧 松井 愈
地球科學 (ISSN:03666611)
vol.39, no.6, pp.393-405, 1985-11-25

Thick Miocene sediments are distributed in the Ishikari-Teshio Belt along the western side of the Kitami mountain range in the north and the Hidaka mountain range in the south. In the southern part of this belt, the Miocene sequences are divided into the Furanui, Ukekoi, and Motokanbe Formations, in ascending order. The Furanui Formation (early Middle Miocene) consists mainly of greenish gray sandstones and mudstones The Ukekoi Formation (Middle Miocene) composed mainly of alternating beds of sandstone and mudstone and conglomerates, attains a maximum thickness of about 2,100 meters, which is correlated with the Kawabata Formation in the Ishikari district and the Kotanbetsu Formation in the Haboro district. The Motokanbe Formation (Late Miocene) consists mainly of hard shales and subordinate intercalated conglomerates. The Ukekoi Formation is subdivided lithologically into the U_1, U_2, and U_3 members in ascending order. The U_1 and U_3 are composed mainly of alternating beds of sandstone and mudstone with Bouma sequences, and the U_2 member consists of coarse clastic sediments with grading and imbrication structures developed well in the conglomerates. These facies are of turbidites and their related sediments. In the southern part of the studied area, these three members change laterally into the U4 member composed of alternating beds of sandstone and mudstone. The distribution pattern of these members can be assingned to the submarine fau environmental models of WALKER and MUTTI (1973) or WALKER (1978). The U_2 member is of the upper fan channel-fill deposits in the northern part of this area and of mid-fan deposits in the central part. The U_4 member in the southern part corresponds to the lower fan depoosits. The upper fan main channnel contains numerous smaller channels 10 meters or more deep and some 100 meters wide. These channels are filled with coarse clastic sediments transported from the north. On the basis of the above-mentioned discussion with the examination of the conglomerates, it is concluded that the Middle Miocene Ukekoi Formation is of submarine fan deposits transported far from the northern part of the Hidaka and Kamuikotan Belts, e. g. the Uenshiri Horst, while the Upper Miocene Motokanbe Formathionis of fan delta deposits derived from the eastern adjacent hinterland of the Hidaka Metamorphic Belt.
笹岡 正俊
林業經濟 (ISSN:03888614)
vol.65, no.2, pp.1-18, 2012-05-20
