岩崎 敬二 石田 惣 馬場 孝 桒原 康裕
Venus (Journal of the Malacological Society of Japan) (ISSN:13482955)
vol.75, no.1-4, pp.67-81, 2017-11-27 (Released:2018-01-11)

Mytilus trossulus Gould, 1850 is a mytilid bivalve with a boreal distribution in the northern Pacific Ocean, northern Atlantic Ocean, and Baltic Sea. The distribution of M. trossulus in Japanese waters was hitherto believed to be restricted to the northernmost island of Hokkaido. However, we discovered dry specimens and dead shells of this species on the northern and central Japan Sea coasts of Honshu Island. Specimens were collected before 1936, before 1948 and in 1951 from Shikaura, Fukui Prefecture (35°56´N, 135°59´E), and were archived at the Fukui City Museum of Natural History as "Mytilus edulis Linnaeus 1758". Dead shells with rotten soft bodies were collected from the Kisakata sandy shore, Akita Prefecture (39°12´24˝N, 139°53´40˝E) on March 29, 2014. In addition, we found old records of the nonindigenous congener M. galloprovincialis Lamarck, 1819 in molluscan lists that were published in Akita, Niigata, Ishikawa and Fukui Prefectures from the 1930s to 1950s. This species was introduced to Japan before 1932 and appears to have been infrequently confused with M. trossulus. In 2007, 2010 and 2014, we conducted field surveys in the regions where the dry specimens and dead shells had been collected but found no M. trossulus specimens. In view of the results of the field surveys and water temperature regime in its distribution range, we believe that the dry specimens and dead shells had drifted from the more northerly Japan Sea coasts of Russia or Hokkaido. The old records of M. galloprovincialis in the molluscan lists may indicate the actual occurrence of the nonindigenous species during the early years of its invasion in Japan.
岩崎 敬二 木村 妙子 木下 今日子 山口 寿之 西川 輝昭 西 栄二郎 山西 良平 林 育夫 大越 健嗣 小菅 丈治 鈴木 孝男 逸見 泰久 風呂田 利夫 向井 宏
日本ベントス学会誌 = Japanese journal of benthology (ISSN:1345112X)
vol.59, pp.22-44, 2004-07-28
24 26

To investigate the invasion history and recent geographic distribution of marine organisms introduced to Japan or transferred domestically to non-native regions, a questionnaire survey on their occurrence in the field, including both published and unpublished records, was conducted in 2002-2003. A total of 105 taxa was reported by 94 respondents. According to three criteria, viz. known or unknown geographic origin, established invasion history, and presumed dispersal mechanisms associated with human activities, 42 taxa were designated as non-indigenous species introduced to Japan through human activities, 26 taxa as indigenous species that are distributed both in Japan and other countries but are introduced from abroad to Japan for fisheries or as fish bait, 20 taxa as cryptogenic species which are not demonstrably native or introduced, two taxa as non-indigenous species that have extended their range to Japan through natural dispersion, and one taxon as an indigenous species. The remaining 14 taxa were considered to have been transferred domestically to new areas. Analysis of the years of first record of 42 non-indigenous species suggests that the rate of invasion has increased over the past century, with seven or eight species being introduced per decade after 1960. Data on temporal change in geographic distribution revealed that many non-indigenous species have become widespread recently, from the Pacific coasts of central Japan to the coasts of the Sea of Japan or northward. However, the species listed in the present study are not exhaustive, and more extensive investigations covering all taxa and all presumed dispersal mechanisms are urgently needed before consideration of legislative management of introduced marine organisms.
大塚 攻 堀口 健雄 Lopes R.M. Choi K.H. 岩崎 敬二
vol.51, no.2, pp.101-118, 2004 (Released:2011-07-08)
石田 惣 岩崎 敬二
貝類学雑誌Venus : the Japanese journal of malacology (ISSN:00423580)
vol.58, no.2, pp.55-59, 1999-06-30

捕食者であるアクキガイ類を, イガイ科二枚貝ヒバリガイモドキが足糸で捕捉する行動について, 野外及び室内実験で調べた。ヒバリガイモドキのベッド上にいたアクキガイ類の108個体中10個体に足糸が付着しており, 足糸の付着とともに腹足が仰向けのアクキガイ類は, 少なくとも30時間はそのままの状態であった。室内で観察されたヒバリガイモドキの巻貝に対する足糸付着行動は, ムラサキイガイ等での過去の報告と類似した特徴を持っており, 足糸を用いて巻貝を捕捉する能力をヒバリガイモドキも有しているとみられる。この行動は今までイガイ亜科の3種で知られるのみで, ヒバリガイ亜科の種では本報告が初めてである。足糸による捕捉という対捕食者防衛行動は, イガイ科の多くの種に共通する戦略なのかもしれない。