名和一成 村田泰章 駒澤 正夫 森尻 理恵 広島 俊男 牧野 雅彦 村上 文敏 岸本 清行 大熊 茂雄 志知 龍一
国立研究開発法人 産業技術総合研究所 地質調査総合センター
地質調査研究報告 (ISSN:13464272)
vol.56, no.5-6, pp.183-208, 2005-08-15 (Released:2014-10-25)
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産総研地質調査総合センターでは,20 万分の1重力図の系統的整備を行っている.新たに測定したものを加えた陸域の重力データと,地質調査所GH83-1航海で測定した海域の重力データを統一的に処理・編集して,「宮崎地域重力図(ブーゲー異常)」を出版した.この重力図には,宮崎沖堆積盆地や九州外帯の屈曲構造に対応する長波長の異常や,人吉・小林・都城盆地に対応する短波長の異常が見られる.また,短波長を抽出したフィルター図では,宮崎平野下の負異常や,過去の研究でも指摘された宮崎平野北部と西部の高重力異常が確認できる.一方,九州山地にも高重力異常が分布するが,重力補正に用いた仮定密度と実際の山体の密度との差から生じる見かけのものである.このため,基盤構造推定に利用する際には,地形の影響を考慮する必要がある.
西村 清和 岸本 清行 上嶋 正人 荒井 晃作
海洋調査技術 (ISSN:09152997)
vol.19, no.1, pp.9-23, 2007-03-31

In the deep-sea geological survey, good survey results are difficult to obtain by a conventional surface-towed acoustic survey system, because the horizontal resolution is limited due to the long distance between the sensor and the target (seafloor). In order to improve the horizontal resolution, a deep-tow system, which tows the sensor in the vicinity of seafloor, is most practical, and many such systems have been developed and used until today. It is not easy, however, to carry out a high-density survey in a small area by maneuvering the towing body altitude sufficiently close to the seafloor with rugged topography. A ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) can be used to solve this problem. The ROV makes a high-density 2D survey feasible because of its maneuverability, although a long-distance survey is difficult with it. Accordingly, we have developed an acoustic survey system installed on a ROV. The system named DAIPACK (Deep-sea Acoustic Imaging Package) consists of (1) a deep-sea sub-bottom profiler and (2) a deep-sea sidescan sonar.<br> (1) Deep-sea sub-bottom profiler<br> A light-weight and compact sub-bottom profiler for shallow water was chosen to improve and repackage for the deep sea usage. The system is composed of three units; a transducer, an electronic unit and a notebook computer for system control and data acquisition. The source frequency is 10kHz. To convert the system for the deep sea, the transducer was exchanged for the deep sea model, and the electronic unit was improved accordingly. The electronic unit and the notebook computer were installed in a spherical pressure vessel.<br> (2) Deep-sea sidescan sonar<br> We remodeled a compact shallow sea sidescan sonar(water depth limitation is 30m ) into a deep sea one. This sidescan sonar is composed of a sonar towfish (transducers and an electronic unit ), a cable and a notebook computer (data processor). To accommodate in the deep water, the transducers were remodeled into a high pressure resistance type, and the electronic unit and the computer unit were stored in a spherical pressure vessel. The frequency output of the sidescan sonar is 330kHz, and the ranging distance is variable from 15m to 120m (one side).