名和一成 村田泰章 駒澤 正夫 森尻 理恵 広島 俊男 牧野 雅彦 村上 文敏 岸本 清行 大熊 茂雄 志知 龍一
国立研究開発法人 産業技術総合研究所 地質調査総合センター
地質調査研究報告 (ISSN:13464272)
vol.56, no.5-6, pp.183-208, 2005-08-15 (Released:2014-10-25)
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産総研地質調査総合センターでは,20 万分の1重力図の系統的整備を行っている.新たに測定したものを加えた陸域の重力データと,地質調査所GH83-1航海で測定した海域の重力データを統一的に処理・編集して,「宮崎地域重力図(ブーゲー異常)」を出版した.この重力図には,宮崎沖堆積盆地や九州外帯の屈曲構造に対応する長波長の異常や,人吉・小林・都城盆地に対応する短波長の異常が見られる.また,短波長を抽出したフィルター図では,宮崎平野下の負異常や,過去の研究でも指摘された宮崎平野北部と西部の高重力異常が確認できる.一方,九州山地にも高重力異常が分布するが,重力補正に用いた仮定密度と実際の山体の密度との差から生じる見かけのものである.このため,基盤構造推定に利用する際には,地形の影響を考慮する必要がある.
杉崎 隆一 志知 龍一
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.31, no.2, pp.195-206, 1978-07-31 (Released:2010-03-11)
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The utility of the ratios of He/Ar and N2/Ar of fault gases as an earthquake precursor was discussed and examined. The ratio of helium to argon produced in the lithosphere remains rather constant (≅10) for the past several hundred million years irrespective of rock types. The ratio in the lithospheric air amounts to 105 times higher than that of the atmospheric air (5.7×10-4). The lithospheric air released by the formation of cracks and migrated by the stress in rocks prior to earthquakes, therefore, can be easily detected by means of the ratio. The N2/Ar ratio is also expected to be a useful parameter of a lithospheric air, because the ratio in natural gases and volcanic gases is generally higher than that of the atmospheric air. These ratios do not change a dilution process by other gases such as CH4 and CO2, and accordingly the ratios are more useful parameter of lithospheric air than a single element. The ratios of He/Ar and N2/Ar are gas-chromatographically measured without vacuum processes, temperature and pressure corrections and other complicated treatments.The result of successive measurement, since 1976, of the ratios in a fault at Inuyama Crustal Movement Observatory, Nagoya University, indicated that the ratios continuously fluctuated and the peak in the variation of the ratios of He/Ar and N2/Ar appeared prior to the most felt earthquakes in Nagoya (M≥4). The peaks of He/Ar preceeded those of N2/Ar for all events, which might be attributed to the difference in diffusion velocity of He and N2 through capillary cracks. The time lag of N2/Ar peak in case of the large earthquake is longer than that of the others. These features emerged in the variation of the ratios can possibly provide a practical mean of predicting earthquakes.
小室 裕明 志知 龍一 和田 浩之 糸井 理樹
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.41, no.1, pp.1-10, 1996-03-05 (Released:2017-03-20)

Sanbe Volcano is a large lava dome, 2 km in diameter, emplaced at the center of an elliptical caldera with a long axis of 7 km and a short axis of 5 km. One crater is exposed in the center of this dome, and four peaks surround this crater. However, the basement depth of the caldera has not been determined. We have made gravity measurements around Mt. Sanbe in order to investigate the caldera morphology. The residual gravity anomaly (which is obtained after the regional gravity trend is taken away from the Bouguer anomaly, assumed to be 2.67 g/cm3 in density) is low at the center of Sanbe Caldera. Mass deficiency, estimated by Gauss's theorem, indicates that Sanbe Caldera is one of the low anomaly type calderas, as large as the Mashu caldera. Basement depression under Sanbe Caldera has been determined by three dimensional analysis, when the density contrast between the basement rocks and Sanbe volcanic rocks is 0.43 g/cm3. The depression is square shaped, with a steep rim and a flat floor. The square outline suggests that the depression part may be subsided along normal faults ; accordingly this caldera may have originated in a cauldron. The western and eastern rims of the depression correspond to the somma, but the northern and southern rims are discordant. The poor topographic expression in these areas may be due to collapse of the caldera walls. The deepest part of the basement is centered on the east side of the present crater. This deep center may be the only vent of Sanbe Volcano, because other depressions are not observed beneath the lava dome.
足立 守 吉田 英一 山口 靖 鈴木 和博 志知 龍一 山本 明彦 竹内 誠 束田 和弘
