木戸 盛年 嶋崎 恒雄
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.77, no.6, pp.547-552, 2007-02-25 (Released:2010-07-16)
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The South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS) was originally developed to screen for pathological gamblers in clinical settings, and its use has been expanded to other settings such as prevalence studies of pathological gambling in general populations. There are few studies of pathological gambling in Japan, except for the two studies on the development of the modified Japanese version of the SOGS. The present study examines the reliability and validity of the modified Japanese version of the SOGS using two different groups: a university student group (N=96) and a gambler group (N=66). Analyses of the modified Japanese version of the SOGS showed that there was sufficient internal consistency (α=.898) and reliability. The modified Japanese version of the SOGS demonstrated satisfactory validity in differentiating the university student group from the gambler group.
沖中 武 嶋崎 恒雄
一般社団法人 日本行動分析学会
行動分析学研究 (ISSN:09138013)
vol.25, no.1, pp.22-29, 2010-09-23 (Released:2017-06-28)

研究の目的 本研究では、垂直サイン(データ付きポスター)と地面サイン(カラーテープ)が不法駐輪の防止に及ぼす効果を検討した。研究計画 ベースライン1、介入1(垂直サイン)、介入2a(垂直サインに地面サインを付加)、ベースライン2、ベースライン3、介入3(地面サイン)、介入2b(地面サインに垂直サインを付加)、ベースライン4からなるABCAABCAデザインを用いた。場面 大学キャンパス付近の歩道において実施した。参加者 当該の場所に駐輪をした者を対象とした。介入 垂直サイン(当該の場所に駐輪された台数の日々の推移を示す折れ線グラフを記載したポスター)と地面サイン(路上に貼付されたカラーテープ)を用いた。行動の指標 駐輪禁止範囲に駐輪された台数であった。結果 垂直サインと地面サインを併用することで不法駐輪台数が減少した。結論 不法駐輪台数のフィードバックと、カラーテープによる駐輪禁止範囲の明示を併用することの効果が確認された。今後は、より効果的な介入方法を検討するとともに、大学キャンパス全体を対象とするような大規模な介入の効果を検討することも必要である。
沼田 恵太郎 嶋崎 恒雄
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.80, no.1, pp.54-60, 2009 (Released:2012-02-14)
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We demonstrated second-order retrospective revaluation with three cues (T1,T2, and C) and an outcome, in human contingency learning. Experimental task, PC-controlled video game in which participants were required to observe about the relations between firing missiles and the tank destruction, consisted of three training phases and two rating phases. Groups C+ and C− consisted of same first two training phases, CT+ (cues C and T with an outcome) and T1T2+ followed by C+, or C− training for Groups C+, C−, respectively. In rating phases, it is clearly demonstrated that the judgment of predictive value for the outcome of the T2 were higher by C+ training (second-order unovershadowing) and lowered by C− training (second-order backward blocking). The results for Groups RC+ and RC−, in which the orders of the first two training phase for Groups C+ and C−were interchanged, also showed second-order unovershadowing and second-order backward blocking. These results, the robustness of second-order retrospective revaluation against the order of the first training phases, can be explained by the extended comparator hypothesis and probabilistic contrast model. However, these results cannot be explained by traditional associative learning models.
嶋崎 恒雄
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.16, no.1, pp.148-153, 2009 (Released:2010-06-11)

The present article is a comment on the feature “Symmetry: The search for the foundation of thinking, language, and communication” apppeared on Congnitive Studies, 15(3), 2008, from a viewpoint of experimental psychology on the fields of learning and thinking studies. It includes discussion on the biological significance of the experiments both with animal and human, and show the asymmetry of human and animal are not only due to the difference of the biological significance of the experimental situations with referencing data on the retrospective revaluation experiment with human participants. After the discussion, the possibility that the fundamental factor that separates human from infrahuman is the self-concept and self-consciousness is indicated. And in conducting comparative studies on cognitive mechanism and ability, the construction of the model of the self on non-human, such as computer, will be inevitably needed.