平野 亮
日本の教育史学 : 教育史学会紀要 (ISSN:03868982)
vol.56, pp.84-96, 2013-10-01

The purpose of this paper is to examine phrenological system of "faculties" and to point out its significance in the history of education. While phrenology was very popular and favored by many educators in the West in 19th century, it tends to have been overlooked in the studies of educational history because it is typical example of pseudo-science. However, as a number of phrenologists affirmed, the department in which Phrenology was destined to produce the happiest results was education. That is because phrenological concept of faculty enabled them to apply the theory to the practice. Needless to say, the concept of faculty, or ability, is a subject of great importance to education. In this paper, phrenology and education are discussed from the perspective of historical formation of the concept of faculty. The theory known as phrenology originated with German physician F. J. Gall (1758-1828). According to the basic tenets of Gall's system of cerebral localization, one could read the intellectual aptitudes and character traits through an examination of the shape of the head. While Gall never approved the term "Phrenology," his system was popularized by J. G. Spurzheim (1776-1832), his former assistant, under the name of phrenology. Phrenology had a profound influence on the development of some of the modern sciences. Spurzheim modified Gall's system tactically and critically. At first he denied Gall's nomenclature and renamed most of the faculties. Secondly, he divided and subdivided the class of mental faculties, according to the common practice of natural history at that time. In addition, Spurzheim stressed the two following points: (1) Every phrenological faculty can be developed through education. (2) No faculty in itself is bad, but can be misused. Indeed, Spurzheim was responsible for the establishment of phrenology as faculty psychology, and his idea of educability led the study of phrenology to focus on education. As he explained, in phrenology, education was faculty-oriented; that is, education entailed working on the mind and body of man to excite, exercise, guide and determine the good uses, and to prevent the abuses of different faculties. By focusing on the phrenological concept of faculty, this paper shows that it created a fundamental model of discourse in modern education.
平野 亮
研究論叢 (ISSN:09197664)
no.20, pp.39-51, 2014-06-30
平野 亮 原田 利宣 床井浩平
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.53, no.8, pp.2028-2035, 2012-08-15

平野 亮太 田中 譲
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.42, no.6, pp.1684-1693, 2001-06-15

部品の再利用と,組立て方式によるアプリケーション開発では,アプリケーションの仕様をいくつかの部分的な仕様に分解し,個々の部分的仕様を満たす部品を合成部品に組み立てることで,目的のアプリケーションを構築することができる.こうしたアプリケーション開発を支援するには,分解,再合成可能なアプリケーションの仕様記述法が必要である.また,大量のソフトウェア部品を管理し,仕様の類似性に基づく部品検索を実現する必要がある.本論では,著者らが提案した部品の抽象的な仕様記述を,部品の型記述として利用した類似部品検索の実現方式について述べる.部品の管理手法は,部品の型記述における半順序関係の定義を行い,その関係を表す一般化階層構造(束)を利用するものを提案する.また,ハッシュ法を用いることで,部品検索の高速化を図る.In our previous research, we introduced a component--pattern description method, based on IntelligentPad architecture, to describe the interface and the abstract behavior of each component. In this paper, we apply component--pattern descriptions to the search for desired components within a component library. The characteristics of component--pattern description method are the establishment of methods for composition and decomposition of patterns, and the use of the same form both for individual components and composites. Consequently, we can decompose a pattern into subpatterns, and later assemble the components that match those subpatterns to form composite results. For managing patterns, we propose a lattice structure representing the partial order over the patterns. We also introduce a coding method for pattern descriptions, and a hashing method for improving the efficiency of pattern search.
平野 亮

平野 亮策 松田 基子 神崎 浩
大阪体育大学紀要 (ISSN:02891190)
vol.33, pp.19-27, 2002-07-01

The international spread of judo has passed the time more than a century yet. It can also be regarded as a process of growing a competitive game. The game rules of IJF that was enacted in 1974 has not been corrected greatly even today. In such a situation, the increase of the ratio of the Ippon - Gachi is astonishing. This study explores the background of the phenomenon and is going to clarify the meaning of the phenomenon of the recur- rence toward the Ippon-Gachi and a prospective view. As a conclusion, the internationalization process of judo can be regarded as the flow from the Kano-judo to clothes wrestling (JUDO) and to the international judo which is grounded on a game culture. However, we have to think that the judo seen today is not the phenomenon of the recurrence toward the Ippon-Gachi. An important future subject is how to face the inconsistency of the game rules which has formed the point system iudo.