中谷 博美 後藤 景子
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.64, no.10, pp.637-643, 2013 (Released:2014-10-23)

Detergency of textiles by low-water laundering was assessed with a drum-type washing machine called a Wascator. An artificially soiled cotton fabric (Sentaku Kagaku Kyoukai) and three mechanical action fabrics (WAT cloth, Poka-Dot®306 and MA test piece) were attached to cotton ( 920×920 mm2 ) and polyester ( 200×200 mm2 ) load ballasts and then washed in aqueous alkaline detergent solution with a different bath ratio. The washing procedures used were normal, gentle and hand wash in accordance with ISO 6330. At the extremely low bath ratio of 1:3, both detergency, D, and the mechanical action value, ΔL*, decreased for all washing procedures. The magnitude and the deviation of D and ΔL* were dependent on the load ballasts used, indicating that soil removal was prevented and that uneven washing was promoted for large clothes. The relation between D and ΔL* for all experimental data was plotted on almost the same line in the high ΔL* region. In the low ΔL* region, the relation was dependent on the bath ratio, i.e. detergent bulk concentration. For low-water laundering, it was suggested that the detergency performance decreased as a result of the reductions of the mechanical action and detergent bulk concentration.
後藤 景子 中谷 博美 徳安 恵理菜
社団法人 繊維学会
繊維学会誌 (ISSN:00379875)
vol.70, no.11, pp.273-280, 2014-11-10 (Released:2014-11-10)
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In order to save resources and energy in textile washing, ultrasound was applied as a mechanical action for soil removal. Plain-woven polyester, cotton and polyester/cotton (65/35) fabrics were soiled with oleic acid, carbon black or oleic acid/carbon black mixture as a model soil. The artificially soiled fabrics were washed in an aqueous anionic surfactant solution with applying 38 kHz ultrasound. The detergency determined by the surface reflectance method rapidly increased with time and attained almost constant within a few minutes. The detergency after 1 min washing was found to increase with increasing electric power consumption of ultrasound. The washing tests were repeated ten times in the same wash bath to save water and detergent and the obtained detergency did not change significantly. The detergency of oleic acid and oleic acid/carbon black mixture after washing with 420W ultrasound for 1 min was comparable to that with Wascator, a horizontal axis drum type washer. Furthermore, the mechanical action values obtained for ultrasonic washing were much smaller than those for Wascator, indicating that the fabric damage can be prevented by applying ultrasound to textile washing.
後藤 景子 中谷 博美
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.62, no.3, pp.173-178, 2011-03-15 (Released:2013-08-01)

In order to investigate the effect of bath ratio on textile detergency, a washing test was carried out in aqueous detergent solutions using artificially soiled fabrics commercially available and those prepared with three model soils. The detergency evaluated by the surface reflectance method was found to decrease with a decreasing bath ratio. The reduction in detergency under a low bath ratio condition was compensated by an increase in detergent concentration and temperature of the wash bath.In terms of mechanical actions for soil removal, shaking and stirring were found to be effective under a high bath ratio condition, whereas ultrasonicwaves worked well under a low bath ratio condition. In most washing conditions, soil redeposition and fabric damage were not significantly observed. The experimental results show that detergency performance in water-saving textile washing can be maintained under adequate washing conditions with respect to detergent concentration, temperature and mechanical action.
中谷 博美 後藤 景子
The Japan Society of Home Economics
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.64, no.10, pp.637-643, 2013

Detergency of textiles by low-water laundering was assessed with a drum-type washing machine called a Wascator. An artificially soiled cotton fabric (Sentaku Kagaku Kyoukai) and three mechanical action fabrics (WAT cloth, Poka-Dot®306 and MA test piece) were attached to cotton ( 920×920 mm<sup>2</sup> ) and polyester ( 200×200 mm<sup>2</sup> ) load ballasts and then washed in aqueous alkaline detergent solution with a different bath ratio. The washing procedures used were normal, gentle and hand wash in accordance with ISO 6330. At the extremely low bath ratio of 1:3, both detergency, D, and the mechanical action value, ΔL<sup>*</sup>, decreased for all washing procedures. The magnitude and the deviation of D and ΔL<sup>*</sup> were dependent on the load ballasts used, indicating that soil removal was prevented and that uneven washing was promoted for large clothes. The relation between D and ΔL<sup>*</sup> for all experimental data was plotted on almost the same line in the high ΔL<sup>*</sup> region. In the low ΔL<sup>*</sup> region, the relation was dependent on the bath ratio, i.e. detergent bulk concentration. For low-water laundering, it was suggested that the detergency performance decreased as a result of the reductions of the mechanical action and detergent bulk concentration.
櫻井 彩乃 菅原 ますみ 後藤 景子 渡辺 基子 岡村 仁 北村 裕梨 中井 克也 飯島 耕太郎 岡崎 みさと 魚森 俊喬 崔 賢美 村上 郁 櫻井 晃洋 齊藤 光江 新井 正美
一般社団法人 日本遺伝性腫瘍学会
遺伝性腫瘍 (ISSN:24356808)
vol.23, no.3, pp.74-83, 2023-12-15 (Released:2023-12-15)

山口 庸子 片山 倫子 生野 晴美 尾畑 納子 後藤 景子 大矢 勝 板垣 昌子 多賀谷 久子
