高島 尚美 村田 洋章 西開地 由美 山口 庸子 坂木 孝輔 瀧浪 將典
一般社団法人 日本集中治療医学会
日本集中治療医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13407988)
vol.24, no.4, pp.399-405, 2017-07-01 (Released:2017-07-05)

12時間以上人工呼吸管理を受けたICU入室患者のストレス経験の実態と関連要因を明らかにするために,ICU退室前に34項目のICU Stressful Experiences Questionnaire日本語版(ICU-SEQJ)を作成し,聞き取り調査をした。その実態は,8割近くが「口渇」を,7割近くが「動きの制限」や「会話困難」,「気管チューブによる苦痛」,「痛み」,「緊張」を中程度~非常に強い主観的ストレスとして経験していた。既往歴がない,緊急入室,有職者は有意にストレス経験が強く,重回帰分析では抜管前のCRP値が最も影響を与えており,気管挿管時間,鎮痛鎮静薬投与量,痛みの訴えは弱い関連があった。96名中,気管挿管に関する7項目の記憶がなかった患者は10名でストレス経験は有意に低く,関連要因はプロポフォール使用の多さと深鎮静と高齢だった。多くのICU入室患者にとってストレス経験は厄介で,入室状況や病歴によっても異なるため,看護師はニーズを予測しながら個別的にアセスメントし,ストレス経験緩和のための介入をする必要がある。
山口 庸子 土屋 みさと 津田 淑江
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.58, no.7, pp.397-406, 2007 (Released:2010-07-29)

In recent years, sales of electric dishwashers for household use (called dishwashers) have increased rapidly due to the increasing number of women in the workplace and also to the appeal of these devices in reducing housework. For these reasons, dishwashers have become popular within a short period of time. This study examined the environmental load of dishwashing using one old and one new dishwasher compared with washing by hand, under conditions of constant cleaning efficiency, and examined ways to reduce the environmental load of dishwashing. Cleaning efficiency was evaluated after washing using the BLT-DW method and the ATP method. In addition, the average amounts of power and water consumed for one dishwashing were also measured. As a result, it became clear that the amounts of CO2 emissions during use greatly exceeded the amounts of CO2 emissions during manufacturing for both dishwashers, regardless of the age of the dishwasher or the dishwashing program selected. In addition, the CO2 emissions attributable to power consumption comprised the highest group of such emissions compared with emissions corresponding to the use of detergent and water. A method that included presoaking for 20 min was shown to reduce CO2 emissions significantly by reducing the amount of detergent used, although the total amount of water used increased. Therefore, we confirmed that presoaking was an effective method for reducing the environmental load when using dishwashers. The CO2 emissions through dishwashing by hand in cold water were shown to be approximately 25% of those generated using a dishwasher. However, it became clear that the CO2 emissions for dishwashing by hand exceeded those of a dishwasher if the water was gas-heated by 5°C or more. Therefore, it was confirmed that dishwashing using a dishwasher represented a more environmentally-friendly method in the winter, when water is cold.
山本 浩司 浜崎 桂子 福岡 麻子 RUPRECHTER Walter 山口 庸子 馬場 浩平 羽根 礼華 古矢 晋一 クリスティーネ イヴァノヴィッチ

山口 庸子 清井 えり子 永山 升三
日本LCA学会誌 (ISSN:18802761)
vol.6, no.3, pp.209-216, 2010 (Released:2012-08-24)

Objective. The most common professional cleaning services available today are professional dry cleaning, laundry, and wet cleaning. Many of the organic solvents used in dry-cleaning have been identified as factors contributing to global warming, destruction of the ozone layer, and groundwater contamination, among other problems, and are subject to legal restrictions and controls. Dry-cleaning remains an essential process, since it causes less damage to clothing than water-based cleaning. Requirements for clothing cleaning have grown increasingly restrictive as exemplified by the launch of the Carbon Footprint Pilot Project. Given these circumstances, this study seeks to estimate greenhouse gas emissions (in terms of GWP100) based on LCI analysis of each step of the cleaning processes and discusses methods for reducing emissions. Cleaning is an essential aspect of the usage stage of clothing and its life cycle. To help create a system for establishing carbon footprints for clothing products, this study also examines a wide range of public information sources related to CO2 emissions, based on cleaning site data collected in fiscal 2009.Results and Discussion. In the dry cleaning process, the electric power consumed by the various activities at cleaning agencies, the steam required for solvent recovery, steam required for pressing, and packing materials, including hangers and carrier bags, contribute significantly to overall CO2 emissions. At 0.369 kg-CO2eq per clothing, the CO2 emissions associated with the steam required for tetrachloroethylene recovery accounts for the highest fraction of CO2 generated. The results suggest CO2 emissions generated by tetrachloroethylene which used as the dry-cleaning solvent exceed those of petroleum-derived solvents. The results also show CO2 emissions from solvents can be suppressed by reducing the solvent consumption rate to 4% or 20%, which also reduces the generation of photochemical oxidants. In laundry processes, steam for pressing and drying in the finishing processes contributes significantly to CO2 emissions, followed by heating boilers, detergents, and cardboard use.Conclusions. The CO2 emissions generated by the dry cleaning process depend significantly on the types of solvents used. The steam required for solvent recovery contributes a large portion of these emissions, followed by the steam used in finishing processes. Improving boiler efficiency is a key factor in reducing CO2 emissions in both dry cleaning and ordinary laundry processes. This paper also proposes a flexible method for estimating cleaning-related CO2 emissions per clothing, based on a conversion proportional to weight, by accounting for differences in washing methods, finishing processes, and solvents.
坂木 孝輔 山口 庸子
pp.208, 2019-03-10

現場に相談できる人がいてほしい 現場では,「エビデンスに基づく実践がしたい」と思う一方で,日常業務に追われ,理想と現実のギャップを感じている看護師は少なくないと思います。臨床で分からないことがあったとき,いきなり原著論文を調べるという人は少ないでしょう。まず先輩や他職種に聞いてみたり,教科書や雑誌の特集を見たりするのではないでしょうか。 日常の実践から生じる疑問はあっても,それをPICOやFINERといった枠組みを使ってリサーチクエスチョンに落とし込むのはなかなか難しいものです。いざ,情熱を持って信頼できる仲間たちと研究しようと思っても,時間がなかったりメンターがいなかったりするのが現状ではないでしょうか。
山口 庸子 土屋 みさと 永山 升三
日本LCA学会誌 (ISSN:18802761)
vol.3, no.4, pp.221-231, 2007 (Released:2012-05-19)
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Sales of household machines combining both washing and drying functions have increased rapidly in recent years due to an increasing number of women working, an increasing number of single-person households, and the appeal of these machines in terms of reducing the burden of housework. In this study, we examined ways to reduce environmental and economic effects by applying social LCA to the entire life cycle, including clothing-related factors, by comparing the new type of washer-dryer incorporating a heat-pump unit with traditional type of washer-dryer and separate gas dryer. The mechanical action of washer-dryers was evaluated by measuring the unraveling of MA test pieces and the rate of shrinkage of shirt collars as an indication of the effects on clothing. Electric power and water consumption were measured for each washer-dryer cycle. The unit prices for washer-dryers, detergent, and clothes were obtained via market research. The social LCA results indicated that CO2 emissions were higher for machine usage than for manufacture, for all types of washer-dryer. The results also showed that greater damage to clothing was caused during the drying process compared to washing alone, and the drying process also greatly increased overall CO2 emissions. The study also showed that heat-pump washer-dryers with short, low-temperature drying cycles were effective in reducing CO2 emissions by approximately half due to their lower energy consumption and mechanical power compared to conventional washer-dryers. The Life cycle costing (LCC) results showed that using heat-pump washer-dryers for both washing and drying reduced costs compared to conventional washer-dryer or gas dryer.
山口 庸子 片山 倫子 生野 晴美 尾畑 納子 後藤 景子 大矢 勝 板垣 昌子 多賀谷 久子
