曽我 芳枝
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.67, pp.67-78, 2022 (Released:2022-02-05)

The present study, based on a literature review, was conducted to clarify the role of music in the development of modern physical education in Japan by focusing on the relationship between physical education and musical accompaniment, as exemplified by light gymnastics at the Taiso Denshu Jo (National School of Gymnastics), which were introduced with the aim of establishing modern school physical education. The results obtained were as follows. 1. G.A. Leland and gymnastics instructors believed that performing gymnastics with musical accompaniment would be very effective, based on the gymnastics books “Shinsentaisousyo” and “Shinseitaisouhou”. 2. It appears that Clara Matsuno was actually hired as a part-time employee specializing in gymnastics accompaniment until the Taiso Denshu Jo became attached to the Tokyo Normal School. 3. From the records of the “Ongaku Torishirabe Gakari Jidai Bunshotsuzuri” (Documentary Files on the Research and Musical Educational Institution) held by Tokyo University of the Arts, it seems that Watson's gymnastics book was used at the Taiso Denshu Jo. 4. From the above records, it became clear that G.A. Leland recommended that Japanese samurai descendants should sing exercises songs from an early age in order to strengthen their bodies because of their weak lungs. 5. The above records revealed that tuning repair and rental of gymnastics pianos were often carried out. This suggests that a lot of gymnastics practice was performed with piano accompaniment at the Taiso Denshu Jo.
曽我 芳枝
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.53, no.2, pp.297-313, 2008

It is thought that the &ldquo;singing dance&rdquo;, a childcare technique advocated by Fr&ouml;bel, was first performed in Japan at Tokyo Women's Normal School Kindergarten, which was opened in 1876 (9th year of the Meiji era). The part played in its introduction by Clara Matsuno, the first senior kindergartner, Fuyu Toyoda, Hama Kondo and others was clearly recorded, but there has been little study of the role played by the <i>Reijin</i> (musicians) belonging to the <i>Gakubu</i> (Japanese Imperial Court Music Department), Board of Ceremonies, Imperial Household Ministry, to whom composition of <i>Hoiku-shoka</i> (childcare songs) was requested, especially in relation to &ldquo;singing dance&rdquo;.<br>In this study, the author attempted to clarify the creation process of the <i>Hoiku-shoka</i> by reference to the <i>Gagaku-roku</i> (The Official Document Of Japanese Imperial Court Music), preserved at the <i>Gagaku-ka</i> (Japanese Imperial Court Music Section) and <i>Shoryobu</i> (Archives and Mausoleum Department, Imperial Household Agency).<br>The research revealed the following facts:<br>1. Creation process of <i>Hoiku-shoka</i><br>1) Teaching place, schedule, honoraries to the <i>Reijin</i><br>2) There was selection examination for the songs chosen (composed) by Hama Kondo, a kindergartner.<br>3) There was a plan to publish the <i>Hoiku-shoka</i>, but its realization took a long time.<br>2. Introducing process of &ldquo;singing dance&rdquo;<br>1) The concerned <i>Reijin</i> not only composed but also choreographed <i>Tamigusa</i>.<br>2) <i>Shinado-no-kaze</i> (Wind of Shinado) was originally a &ldquo;singing dance&rdquo;.<br>3) At the <i>Gakubu-daienshukai</i> (Great recital of dance and music) held on 30th and 31st October, 1880 (13th year of Meiji), the <i>Gagaku-ka</i> was thought to have organized a performance of <i>Hoiku-shoka</i> by the students of Tokyo Women's Normal School and the children of its kindergarten.<br>These findings clarify the contribution of the <i>Reijin</i> of the <i>Gagaku-ka</i> to modernization of kindergarten education early in the Meiji era by not only selection of the <i>Hoiku-shoka</i> but also its involvement in choreography of the &ldquo;singing dance&rdquo; and its teaching.
曽我 芳枝
東京女子大学比較文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:05638186)
vol.72, pp.17-30, 2011

This paper is a comparative discussion based on Clara's Meiji Diary of how non-Japanese people,with different values and beliefs,took to and understood gagaku,especially, bugaku, which has one of the richest histories of any part of Japanese culture.Clara Whitney,an American girl,came to Japan because of her father's work in 1875(8th year of Meiji), a time when Eastern and Western cultures were coming into contact. She saw ancient Japanese bugaku and tried to understand its cultural world,so completely different from the Western one she knew, with curiosity and passion.I tried to trace which bugaku pieces Clara watched at the beginning of the Meiji Era using evidence from the official Gagakuroku (Musical Activities of the Gagaku Department, Bureau of Ceremonies, Imperial Household Agency), and musicians' diaries. I discovered that the pieces performed in the gagaku rehearsal room between 1878 and 1879 were Manzairaku, Kitoku, Tagyuraku, Bairo and Rakuson. By reviewing Gagakuroku and Clara's Meiji Diary, I have discovered what gagaku was like in the early Meiji era and sensed how the Gagaku Department was trying to spread the cultures of the Japan and West with the aim of promoting exchanges and interactions between Eastern and Western cultures.Clara Whitney was a part of a historic period in the early Meiji era when gagaku underwent a significant transformation and played a role in making the culture known overseas.
曽我 芳枝 平工 志穂 中村 有紀
東京女子大学紀要論集. 科学部門報告 = Science reports of Tokyo Woman's Christian University (ISSN:03864006)
vol.65, pp.1987-1999, 2015

Today it is normal for women to partake in sports or exercise. This paper will firstly describe the current status of women in sport and exercise and its significance, using the actual practice and the current status of physical education at a woman's high school, Tokyo Woman's Christian University. Following this, the paper will investigate the background behind how Tetsu Yasui (1870–1945), the teacher who brought the fundamentals of physical education to the University, but was not a specialist in physical education, emphasized its importance in education, as well as looking into the history of physical education for women in Japan and how it has played such a big role to date. Lastly, the paper will aim to provide possible considerations for the future of physical education at the university.Sport and exercise is an effective method of supporting the health of the body and the mind, however the tendency for women to drop out of exercise between junior and senior high school is quite prominent, with nearly half of all students feeling out of touch with exercise once they graduate university. From the results of the study, it was found that the same problem has arisen for the students Tokyo Woman's Christian University.Yasui claims that "if physical education is not thorough enough, we cannot produce women with admirable qualities", and Tokyo Woman's Christian University has a history of keeping that ideology in mind, having placed a heavy importance on physical education in women from the opening of the school up until now. It is thought by the research group that they continue to combine further research and improvements to raise awareness of the social role that sport and exercise has for students in maintaining a healthy body and mind as well as forming solidarity with others, in the hope of guiding students to develop a broad view of the world while creating good relationships among people.今日では,女性がスポーツや運動をすることは当たり前のこととして捉えられるようになった.本稿では,まず女性におけるスポーツ・運動参加の現状と意義を述べ,女性の高等教育機関である東京女子大学の学生の実践及び身体教育の実態を述べる.そして同大学の体育の基礎を築いた安井てつ(1870–1945)が,体育の専門家ではないにも拘わらず教育活動において体育を重視するに至った経緯を調査し,同時に日本の女子体育史上,如何に大きな役割を果たしたかについて探っていく.併せて同大学におけるこれからの体育のあり方について考察することを目的とした.スポーツ・運動は心身の健康を維持するための有効な手段であるが,女性は中学校期から高校期にかけて運動をしなくなる傾向が顕著で,大学を終えると半数近くが運動と疎遠になる.東京女子大学の学生についても同様の事が調査の結果,課題として浮かび上がった.安井は「体育が充分に行き届かなければ,立派な品性ある女子を作ることはできない」との考えであったが,東京女子大学は開学以来今日までその理念を尊重すべく女性の身体教育を重要視してきた歴史がある.研究グループは今後も更に研究・改善を重ね,学生にスポーツ・運動実践を通して心身の健康や他者との連帯を図るという社会的役割を認識させ,良好な人間関係を築くとともに世界を見渡せる広い視野を養うよう導いていきたいと考える.