松下 敏夫 青山 公治

上田 厚 青山 公治 藤田 委由 上田 忠子 萬田 芙美 松下 敏夫 野村 茂
一般社団法人 日本農村医学会
日本農村医学会雑誌 (ISSN:04682513)
vol.35, no.1, pp.55-66, 1986-05-30 (Released:2011-08-11)
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菊栽培従事者の男子47%, 女子62%に, 作業に関連した鼻, 呼吸器症状および皮膚症状がみられた。前者は選花作業時'後者は農薬散布時に自覚されることが多いようであった。菊および農薬に対するパッチテスト, プリげクテスト'血清免疫グロブリン値測定, 鼻汁検査などにより, 前者の症状は即時型, 後者は遅延型アレルギーの関与が示唆された。また, これらのアレルギー学的検査所見の有無と, 菊および農薬の暴露量には若干の関連が認められた。アレルギー所見は, 菊の品種別では, 大芳花に最も高率で'ついでステッフマン, 金盃, 寒山陽などであったが'主として大輸株に即時型'小菊株に遅延型の症状が集積している傾向を認めた。しかしながら, 各品種と検査所見との関連をφ係数で検討すると'アレルギー学的検査所見との関連のとくに著しい品種は検出されなかった。また'皮膚症状については, パッチテスト成績などよりみて, 菊よりもむしろ農薬の関与が強いと思われる成績が得られた。このように, 菊栽培従事者の多くは, 作業に伴い菊や農薬の慢性的な暴露を受け, それに感作された状態にあることが確かめられた。さらに, それらによるアレルギー症状は, その他の作業環境における種々のallergenに様々に修飾されて発現するものであることが示唆された。
井上 俊 竹内 康浩 竹内 寿和子 山田 信也 鈴木 秀吉 松下 敏夫 宮垣 仁実 前田 勝義 松本 忠雄
社団法人 日本産業衛生学会
産業医学 (ISSN:00471879)
vol.12, no.3, pp.73-84, 1970-03-20 (Released:2008-04-14)
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In 1967 there occurred many polyneuropathy cases in household vinyl sandal manufacturers at F-disrict in Mie prefecture. In this district among 3, 210 people (788 families) most of them engaged in vinyl sandal manufacture (as of Oct, 1967). Ninety three patients suffering from polyneuropathy were found by our survey. Out of these 93 patients those suffering from sensory polyneuropathy were 53, from sensorimotor polyneuropathy 32 and from sensorimotor polyneuropathy with muscle atrophy 8 (cf. Tab. 1). The work conditions and the factors contributing to the intoxication's were investigated, and the method of prevention was suggested. The results are as follows. (1) The patients occurred in 1961 at first and the number of them increased rapidly from 1965 and showed a peak in 1967 (cf. Tab. 2). This increase was in parallel with the amount of adhesives containing "n-Hexane" used in this district (cf. Tab. 3, 4). Outbreak of many patients in winter and spring may due to poor ventilation in winter. (2) The causative substance was considered to be "n-Hexane". But "n-Hexane" on sale contains 2-methylpentane, 3-methylpentane, n-hexane, and methylcyclopentane, and the quantity of n-hexane in "n-Hexane" is about 60% (cf. Fig. 6). (3) The work conditions of the vinyl sandal manufacturers among whom many cases of "n-Hexane" intoxication occurred were as follows. 1) The work was primitive household manufacture and living rooms were used as the working place (cf. Fig. 1, 3). 2) As adhesives containing a large quantity of highly volatile "n-Hexane" were used in narrow rooms, the concentration of "n-Hexane" vapor became high and reached about 500-2500 ppm in the work room. The vapor concentrations were especially high in winter because of closed windows. (cf. Fig. 7, 8, 9). 3) Since the workers (subcontractors) were paid by the number of manufacturedgoods, their working period was unrestrictedly long and some worked for 14 hours per day (cf. Fig. 10). 4) The work intensity was high and some starched 3, 000 times per day. It seems that the more the times of starching, the heavier the degree of symptoms (cf. Fig. 11). 5) As the adhesives were used with hand brushes, the vapor concentrations were high at the site near the noses of the workers, so that they inhaled the organic solvent vapor at high concentrations. 6) As the organic solvents vapor ignite easily, the work rooms were not heated and they were working at quite low temperatures in winter (cf. Tab. 5). 7) The workers were not instructed as to the toxicity and the handling method of the organic solvents. 8) Usual health supervision was not performed at all. (4) The chief cause of the occurrence of intoxications was that a large amount of the organic solvents was used under very poor work conditions as above mentioned combined with neglected supervision. Moreover, that which gave impetus to the occurrence of the intoxication was that the easily drying adhesives containing a large quantity of "n-Hexane" were used in order to increase the number of the manufactured goods, because the pay per one of the goods was not increased for these several years in spite of the recent inflation. (5) As the urgent measure for the prevention, though instruction on the toxicity and the handling method of the organic solvents, improvement of the ventilation and the working methods, guidance by the health center and so on were made, these are only certain aspects of measures for the prevention. The danger of the intoxication may not be perfectly removed without the fundamental reform in the work conditions.