中村 愛美 吉田 智 西郊 靖子 林 静子 鈴木 靖志
特定非営利活動法人 日本栄養改善学会
栄養学雑誌 (ISSN:00215147)
vol.70, no.1, pp.59-70, 2012 (Released:2012-02-27)
8 8

松本 佳代子 福島 紀子 小林 静子 津谷 喜一郎
一般社団法人 日本薬剤疫学会
薬剤疫学 (ISSN:13420445)
vol.4, no.1, pp.47-57, 1999-05-31 (Released:2011-02-28)
1 1

Objectives : High and medium-dose combination hormone agents have long been used in their off-label use as oral contraceptives. Oral contraceptives (the low-dose pill) are expected to be approved by the standing committee of the Central Pharmaceutical Affairs Council in June 1999, and are expected to be on the market by autumn, available to anyone bearing a doctor's prescription. A survey was conducted of pharmacy students to determine their acceptance and their perceptions of oral contraceptives (the low-dose pill). The results are discussed along with ways of dealing with the scientific information on the possible soon to be approved oral contraceptives (the low-dose pill), and some proposals are made for the future.Methods : The survey was conducted by distributing questionnaire sheets to female pharmacy college students in September 1996. Of the 670 subjects, 98 responded positively to the use of oral contraceptives (the positive group), while 572 preferred not to use them (the negative group). The two groups were compared and the data was analyzed. Mantel-Haenszel test was used to evaluate demographic and background data, their views on using oral contraceptives (the low-dose pill) and ways of obtaining necessary information.Results : In the responses to the questions on how the subjects feel about oral contraceptives (the low-dose pill), the positive group gave these reasons more frequently than those in the negative group : simple to use (p<0.001), a method with a high contraceptive rate (p<0.001), a means of contraception controlled by the woman (p<0.001). On the other hand, the reasons given more frequently by the negative group : feeling concerned about adverse drug reactions (p<0.001), a method allowing sexually transmitted diseases to propagate (p=0.009), a method increasing the burden on the woman (p<0.001).In terms of the subjects' knowledge of oral contraceptives (the low-dose pill), although there has been some improvement observed during their four-year college life, they did not seen to understand accurate information.Conclusion : The surveyed subjects had not understood accurate information, and this lack of knowledge may have formed their biased views on oral contraceptives (the low-dose pill). Given such results, it is anticipated that such misconceptions may affect their own decision-making in their use of the drug, and that it would cause inefficiency in providing future users with accurate information when these students become pharmacists. In the near future, there is expected to be a deluge of information concerning the low-dose pill. It is clearly necessary in pharmaceutical education to provide proper training of pharmacy students for self-education so as to increase efficiency when considering and evaluating information.
寺井 梨恵子 丸岡 直子 林 静子
石川県公立大学法人 石川県立看護大学
石川看護雑誌 = Ishikawa Journal of Nursing (ISSN:13490664)
vol.14, pp.13-22, 2017-03

本研究の目的は,看護師の看護場面における視線について眼球運動測定を行った先行研究の動向を明らかにし,今後の課題を検討することである.Cooper の統合的文献レビューの方法を参考に文献検討を行った.医学中央雑誌,CINAHL,PubMed にて,「看護」,「注視」,「眼球運動」をキーワードとして検索を行った結果,国内文献22 件,海外文献10 件が分析対象となった. 結果,国内では静止画を提示した文献が多く,海外ではシミュレーション教育に用いたものが多かった.測定項目は国内においては「注視時間」を測定しているものが最も多かった.注視の定義は統一されておらず,今後,検討していく必要が示唆された.視覚情報を測定することでの看護師への教育的効果については明らかにされていなかった.視覚情報の取り込みは臨床経験によって違いがあると述べている文献が多かったが,一方で,違いがないものもあった.
平塚 信夫 芝 紀代子 篠村 勝美 保崎 清人 長 裕子 長崎 綾乃 小林 静子
Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin (ISSN:09186158)
vol.17, no.10, pp.1355-1357, 1994-10-15
6 10

We fractionated normal urinary proteins obtained from 40 healthy subjects using cellulose acetate membrane electrophoresis and stained them with Acid Violet 17. The electrophoretic patterns were classified into four groups. Each of groups I, II, III, IV had an albumin peak and 1,2,3,and 4 additional globulin peaks, respectively. Within-day variation study showed that the pattern was fundamentally specific to the individual, although some intermediate cases were observed. We were unable to determine which type was standard for normal subjects. However, the concentration of Tamm-Horsfall protein was speculated to be an important factor in determining the patterns. Group III showed significantly higher values than group I in urine albumin, total protein, and β-N-acetyl-D-glucosaminidase and this group was believed to include subjects in the subclinical stage of a glomerular disease. All specimens belonging to group IV showed an obvious fraction of α_1 globulin which is often found in urine specimens of patients with renal diseases of tubular origin or other pathological conditions.