森杉 壽芳 林山 泰久
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
土木学会論文集 (ISSN:02897806)
vol.1991, no.440, pp.71-80, 1992-01-20 (Released:2010-08-24)
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本研究は, 現代的手法である費用便益分析を応用して, 明治・大正期鉄道網形成の国民経済的便益を計測することを試みた. 本研究の対象とする便益は, いわゆる直接効果である輸送時間・費用の節約のみならずその波及効果をも含み, 波及効果はGNPへの貢献である所得の増大効果のみならず, 鉄道網整備により便利になったことによる国民の福祉向上を貨幣タームで表現した福祉効果を計測している.
森杉 壽芳 小池 淳司 佐藤 博信
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
土木計画学研究・論文集 (ISSN:09134034)
vol.12, pp.131-140, 1995

近年、国会・中央省庁等の首都機能移転に関心がもたれ、政府をはじめとする各種研究機関等で多数の提言, 提案がなされてきた。このような首都機能移転の社会的意味を判断するためには、その効果を把握する必要がある。そのため、本研究では、首都機能移転によって影響を受ける主体を東京, 新首都, その他の地域及び移転する政府自身に分類し、それぞれの主体に帰着する効果を一覧表にして示す「地域間帰着便益構成表」を提案する。この表では、東京だけでなく、新首都や他の地域を便益を享受する主体としてとりあげることで、首都機能移転に関する個別の効果を国土及び国民全体の観点から総合的に見ることができる。また、必要に応じて、さらに細かい便益の帰着構造を把握し、表の中に位置づけることができる。
大野 栄治 森杉 壽芳 高木 真志 鈴木 慎治
社団法人 環境科学会
環境科学会誌 (ISSN:09150048)
vol.10, no.1, pp.29-37, 1997

金子 貴之 河野 達仁 森杉 壽芳
公益社団法人 土木学会
土木学会論文集 (ISSN:02897806)
vol.2002, no.695, pp.59-65, 2002

本研究では道路混雑等の外部不経済対策である容積率規制と道路投資について考察する. 2地域2変数の一般均衡モデルを構築し, 容積率規制及び道路投資に対する評価法を作成する. 更に, 所与の道路容量に対する適正な容積率規制条件, 所与の容積率に対する適正な道路投資条件を導く. また, 容積率規制と道路投資の組合せ政策を考察し, 評価法を提案する. これにより, 容積率規制が行われている次善の経済においても, 常に適正な容積率規制が達成されている状況では, 道路市場のみで道路投資の便益を計測できることを述べる.
宮城 俊彦 大野 栄治 森杉 壽芳
地域学研究 (ISSN:02876256)
vol.21, no.1, pp.229-246, 1991-12-30 (Released:2008-10-10)

Traffic equilibrium problems become very complex when multi-type of users are on networks in which the effects of a certain type of user on other users are heterogeneous. Since transportation cost function on each link in a network should be defined as the vector function, the usual mathematical optimization formulation is no longer useful except for a special case. For such a general class of traffic equilibrium problems, only either the variational inequality approach or the fixed point approach can be applicable. Almost all of the approaches recently developed use the variational inequality approach.Although the variational inequality approach has become the primary mode of analysis in the area of traffic equilibrium and very general. as a model, convergence results for algorithms for solving this general model often impose restrictions on the model that go beyond the monotonicity assumptions required in the equivalent convex optimization approach.This paper presents the theory of a new algorithm for the network equilibrium model that works in the space of path flows using a label and pivot technique in a fixed point approach. The idea of a pivot method that is extended to the traffic equilibrium problem in this paper has been motivated by a classical model of equilibrium in an exchange economy. However, the algorithm presented here is different from the economic equilibrium application in the following ways:(1) We work not on a price simplex but in the space of proportionate flows on path joining origin-destination pairs.(2) An appropriate labelling that produces a traffic assignment equilibrium is constructed.The calculation method is constructed on the facts that the labelling method appropriate to the traffic equilibria is to assign the number of paths available with the highest travel cost to each vertex on the simplex generated by changing the proportion of path flows and that if each vertex of a subdivided simplex has a differet number to each other, that simplex includes an equilibrium solution. Furthermore, the method is generalized to produce accurate solution in corresponding with the requirement of accurate prediction of network flows.
森杉 壽芳
地域学研究 (ISSN:02876256)
vol.14, pp.31-46, 1984-12-31 (Released:2008-10-10)

The aim of this paper is to propose a new definition of social net benefits, called the weakly equivalent variation (WEV) in this paper, which is defined as the minimum amount of compensation that the society needs in order to give up a proposed transport project while remaining at the after-improvement welfare position.Although it has been recently advocated that the best index for measuring social net benefits is the so-called socially aggregated equivalent variation (ΣEV), this paper shows that our WEV is a better definition than ΣEV in the following two points: First, as well as ΣEV, the positivety of WEV is a sufficient condition for passing the Kaldor -Hicksian compensation test whenever the latter is meaningful. Second, Unlike ΣEV, WEV can be measured by a short-cut method to evaluate the overall impacts of transport project by analysing only the direct output of the project, i.e. transport market.The difference between our WEV and ΣEV lies in the treatment of prices other than the transport cost. For ΣEV case, these prices are exogenously fixed at the prechange level. For our WEV case, on the other hand, these prices are indogenously determined within the framework of the compensated equilibrium, which is invented in order to obtain the minimum amount of compensation that the society needs in order to give up that transport project while every household in the soceity remains at the post-improvement welfare position.By using the compensated market clearance conditions, for our WEV case, the incidence form of WEV can be transformed into its origin form, where the incidence form is an expression of WEV in terms of the consumer's good demand and factor supply functions, and lump sum income composed of the profit share endowment and tax burden. And the origin form is that in terms of the consumer's and producer's transport demand functions only, which makes us to have a shortcut measurement of WEV. For ΣEV case, on the other hand, because all prices are fixed at the preimprovement level, it cannot be transformed into its origin form.Finally, because even our origin form of WEV needs the compensated transport demand functions and compensated equilibrium prices, through the Taylor's expansion, this paper proposes an approximation measurement method which uses only the Marshallian transport demand functions and post-improvement equilibrium prices.