佐藤 博信
千葉大学人文研究 = The journal of humanities (ISSN:03862097)
no.45, pp.21-68, 2016

趙 景達 佐藤 博信 久留島 浩 須田 努 慎 蒼宇 檜皮 瑞樹 小川原 宏幸 宮本 正明

山元 恵子 佐藤 博信
医療機器学 (ISSN:18824978)
vol.86, no.5, pp.459-466, 2016 (Released:2016-11-11)

It is recommended to verify the dwelling position of nasal feeding tube in the stomach by sampling gastric fluids, however, it is practically difficult to apply. We inserted a nasal feeding tube in 15 subjects, and then attempted to sample gastric fluids and confirmed the position of the tip by a X-ray examination. Measuring lengths of the tube segmented by body-landmarks (e.g., nose, gastric cardia), we verified the correlations between the body-height and the appropriate tube length to be inserted. The average ratio of the tube length from the nose to the gastric cardia against the body-height of the subjects was 0.29±0.01. The average tube length in the stomach was 103.5±9.9 mm, which was not correlated to the subjects′ body-heights. As the results, a simplified formula “Body-height (cm) × 0.3 + 10 cm” can be suggested to estimate the adequate insertion length of the tube which can sample gastric fluids. Further, to easily visualize the dwelling length of the tube in the stomach by a x-ray examination, our results might recommend non-opaque marks with 1-cm increments between the tip and 10 cm-length.
森杉 壽芳 小池 淳司 佐藤 博信
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
土木計画学研究・論文集 (ISSN:09134034)
vol.12, pp.131-140, 1995

近年、国会・中央省庁等の首都機能移転に関心がもたれ、政府をはじめとする各種研究機関等で多数の提言, 提案がなされてきた。このような首都機能移転の社会的意味を判断するためには、その効果を把握する必要がある。そのため、本研究では、首都機能移転によって影響を受ける主体を東京, 新首都, その他の地域及び移転する政府自身に分類し、それぞれの主体に帰着する効果を一覧表にして示す「地域間帰着便益構成表」を提案する。この表では、東京だけでなく、新首都や他の地域を便益を享受する主体としてとりあげることで、首都機能移転に関する個別の効果を国土及び国民全体の観点から総合的に見ることができる。また、必要に応じて、さらに細かい便益の帰着構造を把握し、表の中に位置づけることができる。
守川 雅雄 廖 梓〓 清水 稔弘 安元 和雄 豊田 静夫 小園 凱夫 佐藤 博信
九州齒科學會雜誌 : Kyushu-Shika-Gakkai-zasshi (ISSN:03686833)
vol.37, no.5, pp.945-963, 1983-10-25

ニュートラルゾーンテクニックは, ニュートラルゾーン(以後, N・Zと記す)内に適切に人工歯が排列され, さらに義歯床辺縁および研磨面からの周囲組織の動態と緊密に適合することによって, はじめて効果的な義歯の維持安定が確保されるという基本的理論に基づいた術式であり, その成果は術者および患者の両者によって大きく評価されている.しかしながら, N・Zは歯牙の喪失および歯槽骨の吸収によって生じた空隙であるために, それ自体が口腔内で占める領域, 形態は, 一定であろうという既成概念があり, その再現性つまり定形性等について行った根本的な研究は見当らない.この研究では, 同一条件下で, 同一術者が繰返えし記録した場合のN・Zの部位および形態の動向と, さらに条件を変えた場合について, 仮想咬合平面上で検討した.当術式によるN・Z記録の再現性は予期していたよりはるかに小さく, 同一患者におけるN・Z中点の記録間で統計学的に有意差の出る割合いは, 切歯部で55.4%, 臼歯部では66.4%であり, 幅については切歯部では41.8%, 臼歯部では49.1%であった.N・Z記録における頬舌的中央線はほとんどの症例で歯槽頂より唇頬側に位置しており, その平均値は切歯部で4.66mm, 臼歯部で1.87mmであった.また繰返えしによる中点のバラツキは臼歯部より切歯部で大きく, 逆に幅については切歯部より臼歯部が大きかった.切歯部と臼歯部の中点間ならびに幅間には正の相関関係がみられたが, 各それぞれ基準点における中点・幅間には認められなかった.他方, 異った条件下でN・Z記録を採得すると従来のものとの間にかなりの変化がみられたが, 術者が代わっただけの条件の変化では著明な変化はみられなかった.このことはN・Zは主として患者自身の機能運動によって記録されるものであり, ある程度の経験さえあれば術者の巧拙にはよらないということを示唆していると考える.
佐藤 博信
スポーツ科学・健康科学研究 (ISSN:13440349)
vol.11, pp.19-24, 2008-03

The judo referee rules primarily used in Japan are the International Judo Federation (IJF) Referee Rules and the Kodokan Judo Institute Referee Rules. Since the current Kodokan Rules have been approximated to the International Rules, their significance is unclear. Thus, it is necessary, instead, to formulate and implement rules by focusing on Japan's distinct spirituality and cultural aspects. To do so will require an act of returning to the fundamentals of Japanese judo. In short, the basic essentials of Japanese judo are about "aiming to gain an ippon (full point)" and "valuing one's integrity and proper manners toward others." "Proper manners=the custom of bowing," in particular, has a significant meaning for judo, as we often hear "Everything begins and ends with a bow." The purpose of this study is to examine what the custom of bowing and its practice can achieve by examining the awareness of the custom of bowing among judoka in Japan. We conducted a survey on "manners" targeting mainly college judoka, instructors, and referees. Results and Discussion (1) In response to, "It is appropriate to bow towards the front of the dojo at all times," 345 out of 757 respondents answered "Yes," while 252 said " yes, somewhat." Affirmative responses (78.9%) greatly exceeded negative ones (21.1%). (2) In response to, "It is not rude for a referee to have his back facing the front," Positive responses (76.7%) also greatly exceeded negative ones (23.3%), which reflected the practical aspect of prioritizing the referee's roles. (3) In response to, "It is better for a judoka to adjust his judogi while standing, as prescribed in the International Rules," affirmative responses (77.8%) also exceeded negative ones (22.2%) by a wide margin. This result also reflected practical aspects such as ease of fixing the judogi or reduction in the time needed to fix the judogi. Those findings suggested the following: Most judoka in Japan have little trouble accepting pragmatic aspects such as "a referee having his back to the front" and "fixing judogi while standing as prescribed in the International Rules" since those matters are "directly related to winning or losing." On the other hand, "bowing towards the front" was regarded as "a necessity to practice." Thus, while they strongly aspire to win, many Japanese judoka also feel that they need to preserve traditional customs.
田中 隆 森川 英雄 安広 矩明 木下 裕宣 虎渓 邦孝 佐藤 博信 市橋 正嘉 河口 忠彦 坂部 孝
The Japan Broncho-esophagological Society
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.30, no.3, pp.215-219, 1979-06-10 (Released:2010-02-22)

In 66 cases with esophageal achalasia who were treated in the authors' clinic during the last 20 years from 1958 to 1978, 22 cases had a history of respiratory complaints. Five cases out of the 22 had been treated for chronic bronchitis or bronchitis, the pertinent symptoms of which had apparently occurred from aspiration of ingested food into the bronchus. Cardioplasty was performed on these 5 cases mainly using the modified Girard's technique with successful results. In this report, the clinical courses of the 5 cases were presented with special reference to chest X-ray findings, preoperative care and anesthetic techniques.
髙江洲 雄 谷口 祐介 平川 智裕 一志 恒太 城戸 寛史 佐藤 博信 松浦 尚志
公益社団法人 日本補綴歯科学会
日本補綴歯科学会誌 (ISSN:18834426)
vol.13, no.3, pp.230-236, 2021 (Released:2021-07-30)

佐藤 博信
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.85, no.7, pp.1049-1066,1124-, 1976-07-20 (Released:2017-10-05)

The chief aim of this article is to analyze the old letters (monjo) which are kept in the possession of Banna Temple (Bannaji) in Shimotsuke province and to further studies about the Kanto Ashikaga families. The contents of the Bannaji monjo are so complicated that very few students have ever made use of them. In this paper, therefore, the author was obliged to take as his chief subject the general framework and meaning of the letters. Furthermore, in this research the materials were carefully selected and limited to the later Middle Ages. But, even then the sources are of quite a considerable number. In the past it has been thought that these letters had been filed into two groups : undated letters (a sort of hosho) dating mainly from the Sengoku period and those letters connected with the Koga-Kubo Ashikaga families. But, after careful examination, it became apparent that the latter consisted of two different groups of letters, the Kogasama monjo and the Shakesama monjo. Most of the Kogasama monjo date from the later Muromachi and Sengoku periods (mid-15th to 16th cent.). The author tried to prove this by checking and investigating each of the successive generations of the Kogasama and Shakesama families and their attendants. Thus, the so-called Bannaji monjo in the latter period of the Middle Ages were made up of two massive groups of letters related to the Kogasama and Shakesama families. And, in addition, they had a three group connection -Bannaji-Shakesama-Kogasama -as was publicly manifest by the right of recommendation belonging to the Shakesama family and the right of appointment belonging to the Kogasama family. In the start of the 16th century these relations came to an end with the decline of the Shakesama family's power. Thus, there emerged a direct link between Bannaji and the Kogasama family. But, in the latter half of the 16th century, in the era of Yoshiuji Ashikaga, a new three group connection was set up among Bannaji, Hoshuin, and Kurihashisama.
佐藤 博信
千葉大学人文研究 (ISSN:03862097)
no.40, pp.123-144, 2011

佐藤 博信
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.87, no.2, pp.203-218,272-27, 1978

This article seeks to clarify concretely the relationship between two powerful families in the Sengoku period, the Gohojoshi and the Ashikagashi, as part of the author's research on Kogakubo (古河公方). While rejecting such explanations of these families' relationship as one of compromise or envelopment, theories which ignore the strained relationship between these families, the author examines step by step the strained relations between these two families. He concludes that their relationship developed in the following stages : 1.Before the establishment of marital relations 2.After the establishment of marital relations 3.After the rise of Kubo Yoshiuji (公方義氏) a.Hoshun・indono (芳春院殿) b.Hoshun・inshuko (芳春院周興) 4.The era of Hojo Ujiteru (北条氏照) After the fourth stage the Gohojoshi control of the government was accomplished, and the Kogakubo Ashikagashi existed only as a symbol of authority, thus distinguishing this period from earlier periods when the Ashikagashi held real power. Stages two and three were when the Kogakubo Ashikagashi tried to maintain its power through its symbolic authority. The Gohojoshi was establishing close relations with it through marriages. Then, as a member of the family and the actual Kanto Kanrei (関東管領), Gohojoshi took full advantage of its power and sought to establish itself as Daimyo-Ryogoku-Sei (大名領国制). Thus, the Gohojoshi held a two-sided relationship with the Ashikagashi. During the third stage this two-sided relationship continued when Yoshiuji was not at all a puppet. Hoshun・indono, the daughter of Hojo Ujitsuna (北条氏綱の娘) and mother of Yoshiuji, and then later on the Zen monk Hoshun・inshuko both played important function in developing this two-sided relationship to an extreme degree. Hoshun・inshuko, as the head of the sojya (奏者), had an important role in many ways, even in the composition of formal documents, and he took an active role in changing the power structure of the kubo. Also, at this time the Esso (越相) Alliance was formed between two former rivals, Echigo Uesugishi (越後上杉) and Gohojoshi. This new alliance confirmed the relationship between the Gohojoshi and the Kubo Yoshiuji, while it also brought to an end the external function of Yoshiuji. Thereby the Gohojoshi could end its two-sided relationship with Yoshiuji and changed him into just one of the feudal lords under the Gohojoshi rule. Yoshiuji survived only as a symbol of authority without any political base but for his position as an ancestor of the Ashikagashi.
佐藤 博信
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.92, no.4, pp.449-471,566-56, 1983-04-20 (Released:2017-11-29)

The present paper attempts to clarify the basic movements of the Oyama Family (小山氏) of Shimotsuke province (下野国), a warrior clan who, together, with the Ashikaga Family, played a central role as one of the "patrician" families of the eastern provinces during the Muromachi and Sengoku periods. The method of analysis utilized takes on the form of individual investigations concerning consecutive Oyama family heads. As a result of organizing both documents issued and received by these family leaders on the basis of a complete analysis of such objective data, a preinitiation name (osanana 幼名), current name (tsusho 通称), given name conferred at initiation (namae 名前), title in the central goverment (kanto 官途), title in the provinces (juryo 受領), and abbreviated signature (kakiHan 花押), the author attempts to shed light on the fundamental political and historical substance of the generational changes which took place during the resurgence of the clan following the rebellion of Oyama Yoshimasa (小山義政) in the Namboku-cho period. The study begins with Yasutomo (泰朝) and continues through the family headships from Mitsuyasu (満泰), to Mochimasa (持政), Shigenaga (成長), Masanaga (政長), Takatomo (高朝), Hidetsuna (秀綱), Masatane (政種), and Hidemune (秀宗). The investigation demonstrates that not only the objective documentary evidence was born from a regular pattern of change, but also the particular generational changes were in many cases marked by intra-family conflicts. Also, within this historical process the author sees an important function played by the relationship of the Oyama Family to the Muromachi Bakufu government in the eastern provinces (Koga Kubo 古河公方). The conclusion that it was this close relationship to the Koga Kubo Ashikaga Family which determined the political destiny of the resurrected Oyama Family during the Muromachi and Sengoku periods. That is, the decline of the eastern Ashikaga Family power in the late Sengoku period necessarily led to the fall of the Oyama clan and consequently paved the way for its later retainership ties to the Go-Hojo Family (後北条氏).
佐藤 博信
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.87, no.2, pp.203-218,272-27, 1978-02-20 (Released:2017-10-05)

This article seeks to clarify concretely the relationship between two powerful families in the Sengoku period, the Gohojoshi and the Ashikagashi, as part of the author's research on Kogakubo (古河公方). While rejecting such explanations of these families' relationship as one of compromise or envelopment, theories which ignore the strained relationship between these families, the author examines step by step the strained relations between these two families. He concludes that their relationship developed in the following stages : 1.Before the establishment of marital relations 2.After the establishment of marital relations 3.After the rise of Kubo Yoshiuji (公方義氏) a.Hoshun・indono (芳春院殿) b.Hoshun・inshuko (芳春院周興) 4.The era of Hojo Ujiteru (北条氏照) After the fourth stage the Gohojoshi control of the government was accomplished, and the Kogakubo Ashikagashi existed only as a symbol of authority, thus distinguishing this period from earlier periods when the Ashikagashi held real power. Stages two and three were when the Kogakubo Ashikagashi tried to maintain its power through its symbolic authority. The Gohojoshi was establishing close relations with it through marriages. Then, as a member of the family and the actual Kanto Kanrei (関東管領), Gohojoshi took full advantage of its power and sought to establish itself as Daimyo-Ryogoku-Sei (大名領国制). Thus, the Gohojoshi held a two-sided relationship with the Ashikagashi. During the third stage this two-sided relationship continued when Yoshiuji was not at all a puppet. Hoshun・indono, the daughter of Hojo Ujitsuna (北条氏綱の娘) and mother of Yoshiuji, and then later on the Zen monk Hoshun・inshuko both played important function in developing this two-sided relationship to an extreme degree. Hoshun・inshuko, as the head of the sojya (奏者), had an important role in many ways, even in the composition of formal documents, and he took an active role in changing the power structure of the kubo. Also, at this time the Esso (越相) Alliance was formed between two former rivals, Echigo Uesugishi (越後上杉) and Gohojoshi. This new alliance confirmed the relationship between the Gohojoshi and the Kubo Yoshiuji, while it also brought to an end the external function of Yoshiuji. Thereby the Gohojoshi could end its two-sided relationship with Yoshiuji and changed him into just one of the feudal lords under the Gohojoshi rule. Yoshiuji survived only as a symbol of authority without any political base but for his position as an ancestor of the Ashikagashi.