小林 啓介 下門 洋文 高木 英樹 椿本 昇三 仙石 泰雄
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.61, no.1, pp.185-195, 2016 (Released:2016-06-17)

The purpose of this study was to clarify the pattern of muscular activity in the trunk, thigh and lower leg during the underwater dolphin kick in elite female competitive swimmers. The participants were 9 national-level competitive female swimmers who performed underwater dolphin kick swimming for 15 m at maximum effort. Sagittal movement was recorded for 2-D motion analysis, and surface electromyographic (EMG) data were recorded from 6 muscles: rectus abdominis (RA), elector spinae (ES), rectus femoris (RF), biceps femoris (BF), tibialis anterior (TA), and gastrocnemius (GAS). The EMG data were used to investigate the active phase during one kick cycle. Furthermore, the co-active phases between the agonist and the antagonist in the trunk, thigh and lower leg were evaluated in terms of estimated muscular coordination. The kinematic results indicated that the average swimming velocity and the strouhal number for these swimmers were similar to those for Olympic swimmers in a previous study. Furthermore, a whiplash-like action was observed in their underwater dolphin kick movement. The EMG results indicated that the active phases of all subjective muscles during one kick cycle were approximately 60%. Co-active phases were observed in all pairs (RA-ES: 24.1±10.1%, RF-BF: 23.2±5.5%, TA-GAS: 45.5±20.2%), and the co-active phase of TA-GAS was significantly larger than for the other pairs (p<0.05). From these results, two main findings emerged with regard to the muscular activity pattern during the underwater dolphin kick in elite female competitive swimmers: (1) the muscular activity patterns in the trunk and thigh muscles were reciprocal; (2) the co-active phase for the lower leg muscles was larger than for the other parts and occurred during the first half of the upward kick phase.
野村 武男 松内 一雄 榊原 潤 椿本 昇三 本間 三和子 高木 英樹 中島 求

工学分野で発展してきたPIV計測法(Particle Image Velocimetry)は、時々刻々変化する非定常な流れ場を可視化・解析することができる。これまでのこの手法を用いた研究は、細部の気流解析や魚などの小型遊泳動物、昆虫の飛翔メカニズムに関する研究のように測定領域が非常に小さいものしか行われていない。本研究では、PIV計測法を用いて、ヒト水泳時の身体周りの流れ場の可視化から流れの非定常性を明らかにし、競泳動作のダイナミクス解析、および泳シミュレーションモデルを作成する事で、ヒトの推進メカニズムを明らかにしようとした。ヒトを扱った測定領域の大きなPIV解析は世界的にも初である。PIV計測法を用いた研究結果から、ヒトは泳動作時に渦(運動量)をうまく利用し、効率よく推進力へと結び付けている事が明らかになった。泳者の手部および足部の複雑な動きは、それら推力発揮部位周りの循環の発生・放出と関係しており、特に手部の場合は、放出された渦と手部周りの束縛渦が渦対を作り、その渦対間にジェット流を生成し、運動量を作り出していることが分かった。この運動量の変化(増減)が推進力と結びついている。また、泳動作モデルの作成では、水泳時に身体各部位に働く流体力を算出するために用いられている3つの流体力係数(付加質量力係数、接線方向抵抗係数、法線方向抵抗係数)を分析の対象となる泳者の体型と泳動作に合うように調節することによって、水泳中のダイナミクスをシミュレーション上で再現することができ、水中ドルフィンキック泳動作中に発生する全身の推進力や各関節トルクなどを算出することができた。身体部位別の推進力を求めることによって、水中ドルフィンキックの推進力は主に足部によって発揮されていることがわかった。さらに、足部の柔軟性と泳パフォーマンスの関連性を示す事ができた。
酒井 紳 武田 剛 佐藤 智俊 椿本 昇三 高木 英樹
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.16079, (Released:2017-03-28)

In a competitive swimming race event, the back plate can be placed on the starting block. Although the back plate has different setting positions, the effect of the plate position on start performance has not yet been clarified. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of the back plate position on the kick-start performance of competitive swimmers. Six male swimmers dived from an instrumented starting block that contained two force plates and force sensors to measure the reaction forces exerted by the hands and front and rear feet. Four high-speed cameras were used to obtain kinematic data on the swimmers. The horizontal take-off velocity of the front plate position resulted in a better outcome than the back plate position (p<0.05). In the front plate position, a longer rear foot contact time generated a large impulse, and swimmers were able to achieve a higher take-off velocity. To generate a larger impulse, the contact time on the starting block needed to be longer. However, swimmers were able to achieve a higher take-off velocity using the front plate position without extending the block time. In this manner, the front plate position did not affect the time on the block. Moreover, different setting positions of the back plate influenced the joint angle of the postural set before the starting signal. Differences in the joint angle led to an increase in the horizontal component of the force impulse of the rear leg. Therefore, revealing the relationship between the joint angle of the postural set and start performance would provide detailed information on the optimum start posture for swimmers, including the plate position.
成田 健造 中島 求 仙石 泰雄 本間 三和子 椿本 昇三 高木 英樹
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.17051, (Released:2018-06-15)

The purpose of this study was to compare active drag during front-crawl swimming performed by competitive swimmers with passive drag acting on the same group of swimmers with a streamlined position at various velocities. Seven male competitive swimmers participated in this study, and the testing was conducted in a swimming flume. Active drag was evaluated for front-crawl swimming with upper and lower limb motion using a methodology that estimates the drag in swimming using measured residual thrust values (MRT method). Passive drag was measured by a load cell connected to the swimmers with a streamlined position using a stainless-steel wire. In each case, drag was estimated at six staged velocities ranging from 1.0 to 1.5 m/s. To compare the drags at various velocities, we calculated coefficients a and b by applying the measured force value at each velocity to the equation D = a vb (D: drag, v: velocity). The active drag estimated from the MRT method (a = 35.7 ± 5.3, b = 2.80 ± 0.22) was larger than passive drag (a = 23.6 ± 3.1, b = 2.08 ± 0.23). Furthermore, the difference between active and passive drag was large at high velocities. Therefore, it is possible that the effects of factors other than posture and/or body shape have a large influence on active drag, especially at high velocity.
椿本 昇三
