川那部 浩哉 森 主一 水野 信彦
一般社団法人 日本生態学会
日本生態学会誌 (ISSN:00215007)
vol.7, no.1, pp.22-26, 1957-05-31 (Released:2017-04-08)

A dense population of a salmon-like fish, Plecoglossus altivelis, or Ayu in Japanese, is found in the River Ukawa in the north-western part of Kyoto Prefecture. We have been studying the ecology of this fish from various viewpoints since 1955. This report concerns the change of the modes of utilizing the river-pools, which we observed during the course of our study. As we have already reported (KAWANABE, MIYADI, MORI, HARADA and OHGUSHI, 1956), there can be distinguished two kinds in the life of Ayu in pools, which are related to the topographical characteristics of the river-pools as well as to their adjoining riffles, i.e., using the pools as both feeding and resting places or as shelters only. By our recent observation it was discovered that the modes practically taken by Ayu might be changed according to population density. The population of Ayu by our estimation in 1956 was far less than that of 1955 (about one-sixth). The decrease in population in 1956 was far greater in the river-pools (about one-tenth of 1955) than in the riffles (about one-fourth of 1955). In 1956,when the density of Ayu in the river was low, the pools were utilized chiefly as shefters or resting places in the night-time, and the fish used to take their foods in the daytime in the adjoining riffles, where they could find better and richer food materials in the form of algae attached to stones than, in the pools. On the contrary, in 1955,when the density was high, the pools were utilized as feeding places as in the case of the riffles ; so, some individuals were found staying and feeding there both in the daytime and at night.
水野 信彦
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.27, no.1, pp.6-11, 1961-01-25 (Released:2008-02-29)
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A common polymorphic freshwater goby, “Yoshinobori” Rhinogobius similis Gill, was divided into the three ecological types of an amphidromous type, a lacustrine type and a fluvial type; and these types were compared on the subject of life-historical features. Both the amphidromous type and the lacustrine type spawn in summer a great number of small eggs (Fig. 1, A; Table 1), from which swimming larvae hatch (Fig. 1, B). Their larval stages are spent in the stagnant waters like seas (in the case of the former), lakes and ponds (in the case of the latter). They are distributed all over Japan. The fluvial type spawns in summer a small number of large eggs (Fig. 2, A; Table 1). in which their swimming stages are passed. The newly hatched larvae (Fig. 2, B) transform directly into benthic young fish of the essential form of adult. They spend their whole life in the mountain streams in the southwestern province of Japan. As a result of the above comparisons, the fluvial type may be considered to belong to a different species from the other two types.
岩田 明久 田 祥麟 水野 信彦 崔 基哲
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.31, no.4, pp.373-388, 1985

ドンコ属魚類について再検討を行なった.ドンコ属は, 1) 平坦な骨質隆起が眼の背方上部にある事, 2) 前鯉蓋骨に棘がない事, 3) 鋤骨に歯がない事, 4) 鯉孔は目の下方まで達する事, 5) 両眼間隔は眼径より大きい事, 6) 背鰭前部鱗は鼻孔後方に達する事などで定義される.該当種はドンコ<I>Odontobutis obscuraobscura</I>, カラドンコ<I>O.o.potamophila</I>, セマダラドンコ (〓〓〓〓〓) <I>O.o.interruta</I>, コウライドンコ (〓〓〓) <I>O.platycephala</I>で, 後2者は新亜種および新種である.<BR>コウライドンコ<I>O.platycephala</I>は頭部側線感覚系において孔器列の前鯉蓋下顎列上にふたつの感覚管を有する事で他のドンコ類と明瞭に区別される.カラドンコ<I>O.o.potamophila</I>とセマダラドンコ<I>O.o.interrupta</I>は眼上列眼後部にひとつの感覚管を有する事でドンコO.o.obscuraと区別される.カラドンコ<I>O .o.potamophila</I>とセマダラドンコ<I>O.o.interrupta</I>の差異は前者が眼下列と眼前頬縦列が分離しているのに対し後者はそれらが連続している事である.また後者の体側背方には明色帯が縦走するため暗色鞍状斑は中断される.<BR>ドンコO.o.obscuraは西日本, カラドンコ<I>O.o.potamophila</I>は中国に分布する.セマダラドンコ<I>O.o.interrupta</I>は韓国の錦江以北の西韓亜地域に, コウライドンコ<I>O.platycephala</I>は東韓亜地域北部を除く韓国全土にそれぞれ分布している.
岩田 明久 田 祥麟 水野 信彦 崔 基哲
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.31, no.4, pp.373-388, 1985-02-20 (Released:2011-02-23)

ドンコ属魚類について再検討を行なった.ドンコ属は, 1) 平坦な骨質隆起が眼の背方上部にある事, 2) 前鯉蓋骨に棘がない事, 3) 鋤骨に歯がない事, 4) 鯉孔は目の下方まで達する事, 5) 両眼間隔は眼径より大きい事, 6) 背鰭前部鱗は鼻孔後方に達する事などで定義される.該当種はドンコOdontobutis obscuraobscura, カラドンコO.o.potamophila, セマダラドンコ (〓〓〓〓〓) O.o.interruta, コウライドンコ (〓〓〓) O.platycephalaで, 後2者は新亜種および新種である.コウライドンコO.platycephalaは頭部側線感覚系において孔器列の前鯉蓋下顎列上にふたつの感覚管を有する事で他のドンコ類と明瞭に区別される.カラドンコO.o.potamophilaとセマダラドンコO.o.interruptaは眼上列眼後部にひとつの感覚管を有する事でドンコO.o.obscuraと区別される.カラドンコO .o.potamophilaとセマダラドンコO.o.interruptaの差異は前者が眼下列と眼前頬縦列が分離しているのに対し後者はそれらが連続している事である.また後者の体側背方には明色帯が縦走するため暗色鞍状斑は中断される.ドンコO.o.obscuraは西日本, カラドンコO.o.potamophilaは中国に分布する.セマダラドンコO.o.interruptaは韓国の錦江以北の西韓亜地域に, コウライドンコO.platycephalaは東韓亜地域北部を除く韓国全土にそれぞれ分布している.

1 0 0 0 川と湖の魚
