永井 伸夫 佐伯 由香

瀬谷 共美 永井 伸夫 田村 照子
一般社団法人 日本繊維製品消費科学会
繊維製品消費科学 (ISSN:00372072)
vol.51, no.4, pp.333-337, 2010

<p>ヒトの体臭は,様々な種類のにおい成分から成り,これらによって時には不快感がもたらされることがある.本研究では若年女子のにおい成分について定量分析すると共に,被験者間の相違について検討することを目的とした.におい成分を採取するため,10人の健康な女性(年齢は21~34歳)を被験者とし,背部,腋窩に長方形の試料布(100%綿製5×10cm)を取り付けたTシャツと足底部に同様の試料布を取り付けた靴下を32時間着用させた.分析はガスクロマトグラフ質量分析計(GC/MS)で,ヘッドスペース法により行った.結果,アルデヒド系化合物ではオクタナール,ノナナール,ノネナール,アルコール系化合物では2-エチルヘキサノール,ケトン系化合物では6-メチル-5-ヘプテン-2-オンがすべての被験者において共通して検出された.また,背部においてアルデヒドとケトンが,他の部位と比較して有意に多く検出された.ノネナールを含めアルデヒド系3種については,検出量に差はあるものの,全ての被験者において認められ,これらのアルデヒド系化合物は,背部の皮膚から分泌された脂肪酸の酸化分解反応によって産生されたものと考えられた.以上,衣服に付着した体臭成分を分析することは,心理学的及び生理学的にQuality of Life (QOL)の向上に貢献するものと思われる.</p>
松本 清二 永井 伸夫 今西 塩一 蓮池 宏一 幸田 正典
一般社団法人 日本生態学会
日本生態学会誌 (ISSN:00215007)
vol.48, no.2, pp.107-116, 1998-08-25 (Released:2017-05-25)

At the beginning of this century, the swamp-eel Monopterus albus was introduced from Korea to an area of Nara Prefecture, located at or near one of the origins of the Kizu, Yamato and Yoshino River Systems. Our samplings were carried out between 1988 and 1997 and information offered by farmers was confirmed that the fish was distributed in the three river systems. Furthermore, a comparison between our results and previous reports clearly shows that the fish has expanded its distribution range. Closer surveys revealed that the fish did not occur at higher altitudes which were isolated from lowland fields providing a habitat for the fish, even though both area were cconnected by rivers. In contrast, it occured in paddy fields on both sides of passes which the fields traversed. The fish seems to be a poor swimmer because of its degenerate fins. These facts suggest that its wide distribution range is due to its high dispersal ability and some extrinsic factors as suggested below: 1) ability to breathe air, which enables it to leave bodies of water; 2) release at or near the origins of the three river systems; 3) abundance of contiguous paddy fields which are suitable habitats for the fish.
小柴 朋子 田村 照子 永井 伸夫 綿貫 茂喜 森 由紀
vol.2010, pp.108-115, 2011-03-30

Fashion brings pleasure to people and provokes strong emotions in them. It is difficult to reveal any physiological effects that fashion may have on the human body. These days, methods which objectively measure the effects of stimulation on the physiological activity of the human body have been developed. In this study we evaluate how fashion affects the psychological and physiological activity of the human body and attempt to measure the effects that wearing clothes or looking at fashionable clothes have on this activity. For this, we conducted four different types of research. First, we invited experts in the psychological and physiological research fields to give lectures. It became clear through their lectures that psychological surveys related to fashion and self- conception, and multiple physiological indices of stress tests were important. Second, we reviewed psychological research about fashion in journals and reports over the past 30 years and lectures given by researchers. Although much research had been done, we found that the types of people used for the research were limited, and questionnaires were not uniform. It became clear that it is important to clarify the physiological variability that fashion has on depressed subjects and to learn more about the psychological effects of fashion on various types of people. We also learned that using multiple physiological indicators for stress experiments is important, and that psychological research focusing on the impressions that fashion forms and the relationship between self-concept and fashion are needed.Third, we extracted questions about fashion consciousness, pleasantness and stress from literature over the last 30 years and considered their psychological effects. From these, a questionnaire was compiled. Finally, we conducted several psychological tests and wearing tests using physiological markers to clarify how fashion affects the human body. We found that when people wear their favorite clothes, stress caused by anxiety decreases, the parasympathetic nervous system is activated, and salivary sIgA concentration increases. Other experiments showed that salivary alpha amylase activity increases due to stress caused by wearing thongs, panniers or other minimal coverings. It was suggested that people’s level of emotion can be determined by measuring psychological and physiological markers
汪 清 閏間 正雄 本間 博 田村 照子 永井 伸夫
一般社団法人 日本繊維製品消費科学会
繊維製品消費科学 (ISSN:00372072)
vol.60, no.7, pp.561-569, 2019-07-25 (Released:2019-07-25)

本研究の目的は,暑熱環境下(34℃,70%RH)で足部冷水浴が体温調節機能及び自律神経機能に及ぼす影響を検討することである.実験は健康な20 代女性15 名を対象に,15℃,15 分間の足部冷水浴を行い,舌下温,皮膚温,指尖部皮膚血流量,背部発汗量,及び心拍変動を測定した.その結果,舌下温は,冷水浴中から冷水浴後にかけて有意に低下した(p<0.01).冷水浴中各部位の皮膚温はコントロール群と比べ全て低値を示した.また,各部位の皮膚温は冷水浴前より低下し,その低下度は足背部>足趾部>下腿部>指尖部>胸部>大腿部>前額部>上腕部の順であった.冷水浴後,胸部,大腿部,足背部と足趾部皮膚温は回復したが,前額部,指尖部,下腿部は回復しなかった.平均皮膚温は冷水浴中に有意に低下し,冷水浴後は有意に上昇した.指尖部皮膚血流量及び背部発汗量は冷水浴中に減少したが,冷水後にやや増加した.RR 間隔とHF は冷水浴中から冷水浴後にかけて上昇し,副交感神経活動を促進,リラクゼーション効果を示した.