細野 達夫 浅井 雅美 西畑 秀次 臼木 一英
一般社団法人 園芸学会
園芸学研究 (ISSN:13472658)
vol.21, no.4, pp.459-466, 2022 (Released:2022-12-31)

冬季積雪地域である富山県砺波市および新潟県上越市で秋播き移植栽培したタマネギ ‘ターザン’ の抽苔株率データを用い,抽苔株率推定モデルについて検討した.タマネギの花芽形成に関する温度反応を積算したVD値,または日々の温度反応と葉数との積を積算したVDLN値について,積算期間を変えて抽苔株率との近似曲線への非線形回帰における決定係数を調査した.VDについては,いずれもの場合も決定係数が低く抽苔株率を高精度に推定することはできなかった.一方,植物体の大きさを加味したVDLNの決定係数については,砺波と上越の全データを用いた場合,1月20日まで,または移植後80日間の積算で0.75以上,砺波のデータのみを用いた場合は2月20日以降または移植後120日以降までの積算で概ね0.95以上と高かった.よって,VDLNを用いるモデルの有効性が示唆された.実用的な指標として,砺波において移植後140日までのVDLN > 490が ‘ターザン’ の抽苔可能性の目安として示された.
半谷 眞七子 柴田 章代 亀井 浩行 松葉 和久 浅井 雅浩 谷山 正好
医療薬学 = Japanese journal of pharmaceutical health care and sciences (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.33, no.8, pp.693-701, 2007-08-10
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It is an important task of the pharmacist to triage appropriate over-the-counter (OTC) drugs for patients to achieve efficacy and safety.In this study,we investigated the present situation regarding the triage of OTC drugs for patients based on pharmacists interviewing patients in a fact-finding survey which determined how pharmacists in a drugstore communicate with patients during such interviews.<br>We analyzed patterns of pharmacist communication with patients for the purpose of triaging OTC drugs in the drugstore and compared them with typical recommended communication patterns in the United States.In the drugstore,there were 3 patterns of initiating dialog with patients purchasing OTC drugs which were (1)&ldquo;What are your symptoms?&rdquo;2)&ldquo;What is the name of the drug that you want?&rdquo;and (3)&ldquo;What disease do you have?&rdquo; <br>Using the first pattern we conducted a role play simulating the triaging of OTC drugs by pharmacists actually working in drug stores to standardized patients.In response to the patient&rsquo;s description of his or her current symptoms,pharmacists used various speech patterns to explain the suitability of drugs selected and the cautions in use.In interviews conducted by inexperienced pharmacists,time was wasted in communication and there was no logical flow in them.Afterwards,some pharmacists said that they had not been able to obtain enough information from patients for triaging OTC drugs and others thought it was necessary to set algorithms for this purpose.These opinions suggest that pharmacy education in Japan should include training that makes pharmacists realize their responsibility in triaging OTC drugs for patients.