木ノ下 智康 村田 史子 亀井 浩行 半谷 眞七子
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.41, no.12, pp.833-845, 2015-12-10 (Released:2016-12-10)

The study was conducted to qualitatively analyze the attitudes of pharmacists working in community pharmacies toward patients with dementia to examine the status of support provided for them and related problems. Semi-structured interviews with 15 pharmacists in Aichi Prefecture were conducted, and the results were analyzed using a grounded theory approach. The opinions of pharmacists were classified into “the status of consideration for dementia patients and responses to them at the pharmacy counter,” “problems related to the status of drug administration management for patients with dementia,” and “the status of support provided for dementia treatment.” Pharmacists must play various roles at the pharmacy counter and homes of patients: they should report “changes in dementia patients that they have identified” and conduct drug administration management for them. However, the pharmacists had difficulty due to their lack of knowledge and awareness of their roles, the current system of pharmacies only focusing on drug prescription, differences in problems attributed to specific symptoms unique to dementia and the specificity of individual cases, and a lack of understanding of other people and collaboration with them. To help pharmacists provide quality services for dementia patients, it is necessary to encourage them to: undergo training to improve their awareness, learn to provide services with emphasis on the establishment of relationships between patients and their families, and closely collaborate with other pharmacists and different healthcare professionals, as well as enhance the functions of pharmacies as bases for consultation.
高野 裕佑 半谷 眞七子 立松 三千子 中村 千賀子 阿部 恵子 藤崎 和彦 亀井 浩行
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.135, no.12, pp.1387-1395, 2015 (Released:2015-12-01)

We performed a survey of cancer patients' needs for drug treatment and support from pharmacists during treatment and evaluated the support that cancer patients can expect from community pharmacists in the future. The patients consisted of 16 members of the Cancer Patient Association in Aichi prefecture who underwent chemotherapy. The results of a semistructured group interview were qualitatively analyzed using the grounded theory method. Patients undergoing chemotherapy had high hopes for its effectiveness but were worried about side effects and medical costs. To overcome these problems, they hoped for a decrease in the economic burden, compassionate-use system, and development of novel drugs. The patients had anxiety because the side effects of chemotherapy often caused physical and psychological damage. Despite patients' confusion, pharmacists sometimes did not give adequate explanations to them. The patients expected more from pharmacists regarding medication support and hoped for a system allowing continuous side effect monitoring and consultation without hesitation. For patients undergoing cancer chemotherapy who are confused regarding side effects, pharmacists should understand the patient explanatory model and become more involved with patients as partners in treatment.
野田 幸裕 亀井 浩行 鍋島 俊隆
公益社団法人 日本薬理学会
日本薬理学雑誌 (ISSN:00155691)
vol.114, no.1, pp.43-49, 1999 (Released:2007-01-30)
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波多野 正和 亀井 浩行 岩田 仲生
Drug Delivery System (ISSN:09135006)
vol.31, no.3, pp.186-193, 2016-07-25 (Released:2016-10-25)

峯田 保恵 半谷 眞七子 神谷 俊範 札軒 芽衣 亀井 浩行
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.44, no.2, pp.74-82, 2018-02-10 (Released:2019-02-10)

Many pregnant and lactating patients taking medicine feel anxious about its negative effects on their fetuses and infants. To help pharmacists implement safe drug therapy for them, Aichi Pharmaceutical Association holds communication skill training (CST) sessions as part of a “Program for pharmacists to support pregnant and lactating females.” In the present study, pharmacists' communication skills were analyzed prior to and following the CST to examine its usability. The subjects were 34 pharmacists who participated in the CST in 2013 and played the roles of lactating patients and pharmacists. Following this, videos of the role playing were analyzed: analyses of the “implementation of the process for confirmation of an explanatory model consisting of three items” and the structure of conversations using the RIAS. Furthermore, patients' satisfaction, its relation with the structures of conversations, and the implementation of the process for confirmation of the explanatory model were examined. There was an increase in the number of pharmacists who had conducted the three processes for confirmation of the explanatory model following the CST, and the level of patients' satisfaction was higher in the CST group than in the non-CST group. There was also an increase in the number of pharmacists who had asked psycho-social questions following the CST. Since the CST requires pharmacists to conduct the process of confirmation of the explanatory model and understand it before providing pregnant and lactating patients with explanations of drugs, it is an effective method of helping pharmacists to develop their communication skills to reduce patients' anxiety.
鈴木 彩夏 半谷 眞七子 亀井 浩行
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.45, no.12, pp.688-697, 2019-12-10 (Released:2020-12-11)

The medical system has been changing from medical institutions to home medical care with an increase in the number of elderly persons. Home medical care is a type of interprofessional team care, requiring pharmacists' participation. However, insufficient cooperation with other occupations makes participation difficult under some circumstances. In this study, we interviewed 5 pharmacists who had participated in home medical care in Aichi Prefecture with respect to the involvement of pharmacists in home medical care and opinions regarding multi-occupational cooperation (semi-structured interview), and qualitatively analyzed their responses using the Grounded theory approach. Concerning the involvement of pharmacists in home medical care, two characteristics were extracted: “pharmacists' viewpoint required for home medical care” and “relationship with other occupations”. In the field of home medical care, the number of requests for the management of terminal-stage patients has increased, and pharmacists must perform “viewpoint of medical staff”-based management, such as sterile preparation and emergency management. On the other hand, pharmacists' “viewpoint of living people” to support patients' feelings or lifestyle and “view of life and death” were required for the management of terminal-stage patients. With respect to the relationship with other occupations, the results showed that pharmacists' low-level recognition of the contents of home service affected cooperative work, suggesting the necessity of presenting the pharmacists' position to contribute to other occupations and establishing a face-to-face relationship.
荒木 美輝 半谷 眞七子 亀井 浩行
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.45, no.2, pp.63-75, 2019-02-10 (Released:2020-02-10)

Despite the demand for pharmacists' active participation in home medical care and cooperation with other professionals, their role in home medical care is not properly understood by other professionals. This study qualitatively analyzed the opinions of other professionals about their perceived need to cooperate with pharmacists.A semi-structured interview was conducted involving 4 visiting nurses and 2 certified care workers providing home medical care services in Aichi Prefecture, and the obtained data were qualitatively analyzed using a grounded theory approach.As medication management of patients at home was difficult due to not only patients' physical factors, but also emotional and social factors, as well as living, environmental, and institutional factors, the ability to care for such patients is essential. Home medication management was performed mainly by care workers, nurses, and pharmacists; however, a difference in the attitude of sharing information with pharmacists was observed between care workers and nurses. Thus, pharmacists must consider emotional barriers, such as concerns and hesitations towards pharmaceutical knowledge among other professionals, as well as emotional conflicts over the overlap of professional domains in the management of medications. Also, since home medical care is provided in the patient's personal domain, excessive emphasis is often placed on the patient's and family's intentions. It is, therefore, important that pharmacists acquire the ability to endure emotional difficulties and dissonance caused by the patient's rejection of professional involvement, and learn and develop an attitude to accept the feelings of patients and their families.
福井 愛子 半谷 眞七子 吉見 陽 野田 幸裕 亀井 浩行
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.44, no.10, pp.516-525, 2018-10-10 (Released:2019-10-10)

We investigated the educational effects of fourth-year pharmacy studentsʼ participation in the case presentation performed by senior students during clinical practice. Two hundred eight fourth-year students participated in the case presentation using Meijo Distance Education System (MDES), and a total number of 509 fourth-year students was administered questionnaires. Of the total number of students, 93.7% answered “watching the case presentation was useful,” 91.2% answered “question-and-answer was useful,” 86.6% answered “I gained useful knowledge,” and 79.7% answered “I was satisfied with the content.” Joining the case presentation is an opportunity for fourth-year students to think about how to apply basic knowledge and appropriate interventions for individual patients. It is useful for junior students to consider senior students as role models to gain further understanding of clinical practice and to improve their motivation to study.
半谷 眞七子 柴田 章代 亀井 浩行 松葉 和久 浅井 雅浩 谷山 正好
医療薬学 = Japanese journal of pharmaceutical health care and sciences (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.33, no.8, pp.693-701, 2007-08-10
2 8

It is an important task of the pharmacist to triage appropriate over-the-counter (OTC) drugs for patients to achieve efficacy and safety.In this study,we investigated the present situation regarding the triage of OTC drugs for patients based on pharmacists interviewing patients in a fact-finding survey which determined how pharmacists in a drugstore communicate with patients during such interviews.<br>We analyzed patterns of pharmacist communication with patients for the purpose of triaging OTC drugs in the drugstore and compared them with typical recommended communication patterns in the United States.In the drugstore,there were 3 patterns of initiating dialog with patients purchasing OTC drugs which were (1)&ldquo;What are your symptoms?&rdquo;2)&ldquo;What is the name of the drug that you want?&rdquo;and (3)&ldquo;What disease do you have?&rdquo; <br>Using the first pattern we conducted a role play simulating the triaging of OTC drugs by pharmacists actually working in drug stores to standardized patients.In response to the patient&rsquo;s description of his or her current symptoms,pharmacists used various speech patterns to explain the suitability of drugs selected and the cautions in use.In interviews conducted by inexperienced pharmacists,time was wasted in communication and there was no logical flow in them.Afterwards,some pharmacists said that they had not been able to obtain enough information from patients for triaging OTC drugs and others thought it was necessary to set algorithms for this purpose.These opinions suggest that pharmacy education in Japan should include training that makes pharmacists realize their responsibility in triaging OTC drugs for patients.
成橋 和正 野村 政明 亀井 浩行 小野 俊介 松下 良 清水 栄 横川 弘一 山田 清文 鈴木 永雄 宮本 謙一 木村 和子
藥學雜誌 (ISSN:00316903)
vol.123, no.11, pp.973-980, 2003-11-01
13 16

従来の薬学教育における臨床教育の不足から,多くの薬学系大学院博士前期課程(修士課程)に薬剤師免許取得後の大学院生を対象とした臨床系の専攻やコースが設立されてきている.金沢大学でも,薬学研究科(現:自然科学研究科)に臨床薬学教育を主眼に置いた医療薬学専攻が平成8年に設立され,国立大学としては早期であった.本学医療薬学専攻では,薬剤師免許取得者を対象とし,臨床現場で指導的役割を果たす高度な薬剤師の養成および次世代の医療薬学教育研究に携わる人材の育成を教育理念としている.このため,医療薬学専攻の学生に対して医療現場の実習を通じて医療を担うものとしての自覚を深めさせるとともに,自然科学の素養を身に付けることを求めている.具体的な教育目標は,医療人としての倫理観の醸成,医療の専門家として健康と疾病に関する知識獲得,薬物治療に起因する問題の同定・評価・解決,ならびに,コミュニケーションに関する知識・技術の習得,さらには,関連分野における高い研究・開発能力を発展させることである.このため,発足当初は,入学初期の集中講義,1か月の市内保険薬局での薬局実習,6か月の本学医学部附属病院薬剤部での実務実習を行い,1年間を課題研究期間としていた.講義は学部教育に引き続き,基礎自然科学系科目が大半であり,臨床現場での実習との非関連性が学生からも指摘されていた.また,半年間の実習後に修士の学位論文の一部として病院実務実習篇の作成や口頭発表が要求されていたために,実質的な実務実習は,時間的に極めて限られていた.実務実習を終えたあとの課題研究は,医療薬学専攻ならびに生命薬学専攻に属する各研究室で行っていたことから,必ずしも臨床に近いものではなかった.さらに,学生が就職するのは実習終了後1年を経過した後であり,就職直前の学生から実務に対する不安がでたり,就職直後に修了生や雇用者から実習経験が薬剤師として十分に活かせていないとの声が聞かれた.このような問題点を踏まえて,平成13年度に医療薬学専攻のカリキュラムの改善を図った.医療薬学に対する幅広い知識を深めさせるため,臨床系講義科目を充実させた.この変更では,薬物治療の科学的基礎とともに,看護,倫理,心理,国際など,医療に関連する人文・社会系分野も開講し,受講する学生の講義科目数が増加した.また,実習に関しては,継続性や充実性を考慮し,実務実習期間を1年に延長した.最初の2か月間は薬剤師業務全般の集中的な導入実習として,6人ずつ4グループに分かれ,調剤部門(一般調剤・注射薬調剤,2週間),製剤部門(一般製剤・無菌調剤,1週間),薬剤管理指導部門(医薬品情報・医薬品管理・TDM,1週間:病棟業務,4週間)を行う.その後は学生1人に対し指導薬剤師1人というマンツーマン形式の個別指導とし,薬剤師職能の病棟の薬剤管理指導を中心の実習としている.これに対し,医療薬学専攻の各教官も3名程度の学生を担当し,面接などにより実習の進捗状況を把握するとともに,専門分野に応じた指導も担当している.しかしながら,実習(実務)の大部分は指導薬剤師により行われており,個別指導であるため学生全体としての質の評価や,問題点の抽出は行いにくい.そこで,この新カリキュラムによる講義の理解度や実習の達成度について,visual analog scale(VAS)を用いて,学生と指導薬剤師による評価を試みた.また,この評価結果から,新カリキュラムの問題点などについて考察することとした.