渡辺 和子
一般社団法人 日本オリエント学会
オリエント (ISSN:00305219)
vol.56, no.1, pp.55-70, 2013-09-30 (Released:2016-10-01)

The Tayinat Archaeological Project of Toronto University, in 2009, excavated a large clay tablet along with 10 other tablets at Tell Tayinat, Turkey, which was identified as a copy of the 'Succession Oath Documents' issued by the Assyrian king Esarhaddon in 672 BC. These documents were known through the Nimrud version published by D. J. Wiseman in 1958, and reedited by myself in 1987. As J. Lauinger, who published the Tayinat version in 2012, pointed out, the tablets were excavated in situ at the sacred precinct in the center of the mound, and had been issued to the governor of Kunalia. Through this information, Tell Tayinat was definitely identified with the ancient city Kunalia. The present author considers §30 (ll. 353-359), now restored by the Tayinat version, to be especially important here. The mood of the verb in line 353 of the conditional clause has proven to be indicative, not subjunctive, as I had expected before. Indicative verbs are generally used in conditional clauses led by "if" (šumma). However, the usage of subjunctive verbs in conditional clauses had not yet been elucidated in any Akkadian grammars, which had regarded the subjunctive as an expression of an oath, and in translation, merely gave instructions to omit the word "if" and to render affirmative subjunctive verbs in the negative, and negative subjunctive verbs in the affirmative. However, almost all of the conditional clauses in these documents are in the second person plural, and are in fact, followed by curses as apodoses, mostly placed in the latter part of the documents. Only §57 is an utterance of an oath and consists of a conditional clause (protasis) in the first person plural subjunctive, and a directly following self-curse (apodosis). Sometimes, with verbs in the second person plural indicative and subjunctive are combined in the same conditional clause, as in the case of §30. In my view, the indicative is used to explain certain given conditions and the subjunctive affirmative ('if you should do ...') that follows, indicates something that the speaker assumes that 'you' ought not to do ; the negative subjunctive ('if you should not do ...') expresses something that 'you' ought to do.
渡辺 和子
建築雑誌 (ISSN:00038555)
vol.92, no.1118, pp.9-10, 1977-02-20
渡辺 和子 細野 喜美子 嶋田 智明 吉田 正樹 佐藤 英一 新田 麗子 細野 喜美子 渡辺 和子

看護における移動技術の巧拙は看護者の体のテコのバランスの用い方と密接に関連しているが, 患者及び看護者の重心移動に関するより詳細なバイオメカニクス的研究は未だない. 重量負担の大きい患者の移動動作の効率的な介助方式の開発は, 老人人口が増加する今日の重要な課題である. 従って, 我々は日常用いられている看護者の移動技術を取り上げ熟達者と未熟者達の技術の差及び患者の受ける負担を力学的・生理学的に解明することを目的とした. 全介助の必要な患者を仰臥位から起坐位にする場合の技術の効率性を検討するために次のような実験を行った.1.熟練者の技術の特長から指導ポイントを取り出し, これを用いて未熟練者の指導前後の関節角度の変化を分析し, 指導ポイントの要因について考察し知見を引き出した.2.熟練者の移動動作における筋活動の発生順序の分析の結果, 動作初期の腓腹筋と大腿四頭筋・左上腕三頭筋・左上腕二頭筋の活動の様相に特徴が見られた.3.未熟練者の左右の腰背筋の筋電図と関節角度の変化を指導前後に測定した. 指導前に腰背筋は最大収縮力を使っているが, 指導後は低い筋活動で患者の移動を成功している. これにより指導ポイントがより明らかになった.4.熟練者から取り出した指導ポイントを用いて, 未熟練者14名の指導前後の筋電図の比較検討を行った. その結果, 指導によって動作はリズミカルになり, 筋活動も効率的となることが明らかになった.5.全介助の必要な患者をベッド上で仰臥位から坐位にする際, ベッドの高さに対して介助者の身体的負担への影響を検討した. その結果介助者の身体疲労・疼痛の程度は身長の50%のベッドの高さで最も少なかった.