片岡 大右
慶応義塾大学日吉紀要. フランス語フランス文学 (ISSN:09117199)
no.61, pp.71-99, 2015

1 回想の中の加藤周一 : 「象徴主義的風土」の案内人2 阿部良雄における「象徴主義的風土」の乗り越え3 近代文学史の神学的読解4 ロマン主義の展開としての近代文学5 ロマン主義論の二源泉(1) : 渡辺一夫6 ロマン主義論の二源泉(2) : ジャン・ゲーノ7 「人間性への信仰」8 おわりに
片岡 大右
フランス語フランス文学研究 (ISSN:04254929)
vol.81, pp.3-12, 2002

Chateaubriand, dans le Genie du Christianisme, fait l'apologie du christianisme en raison de sa beaute: attitude bien comprehensible pour le mouvement de retour au catholicisme apres la Revolution, dans lequel le sensible a joue un role essentiel. Mais il ne s'arrete pas toujours a la celebration de la richesse sensorielle; ce qui est a remarquer non seulement dans le Genie mais aussi dans tous ses ouvrages, c'est plutot la disqualification du monde sensible. De ce point de vue, sa << theologie poetique >> apparait comme iconoclaste, moins conforme au luxe du rite catholique que, bizarrement, a la << religion sans culte >> du protestantisme. Cependant il est vain de tenter de lier Chateaubriand a telle ou telle Eglise: dans sa << poetique des ruines >>, le salut integral du monde par la religion n'est absolument pas desirable. Il faut que des felures restent toujours irreparables, au travers desquelles il cherchera, ainsi que son Rene, << un bien inconnu >>, qu'il soit religieux ou non : Pascal considere Jesus-Christ comme le reparateur de la nature, tandis que l'auteur du Genie n'apprecie le christianisme qu'en tant qu'il fait apparaitre les felures que souligne l'acte de reparation. R. Barthes remarque dans l'ecriture de Chateaubriand << une schizophrenic naissante >>, c'est-a-dire une perte legere de l'evidence naturelle face a la realite. Cette reduction annonce le commencement de la litterature moderne, mais elle ne se comprend que par rapport a la tradition du christianisme qui, dans le Genie, n'est plus qu'un simple dispositif ouvrant une voie vers l'inconnu.
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片岡 大右
メルロ=ポンティ研究 (ISSN:18845479)
vol.23, pp.83-102, 2020-01-31 (Released:2020-02-04)

In 1953, Merleau-Ponty, freshly appointed as a professor at the Collège de France, dedicated one of the first two courses to the “Studies in the Literary Usage of Language,” with particular focus on Paul Valéry and Stendhal. The choice of the latter would have been accepted as quite natural at the time: on the one hand, from the reissue of Jean Prévost’s Creativity in Stendhal through important studies of Jean-Pierre Richard or Jean Starobinski to the crucial works of Georges Blin, the 1950s were characterized by the rise of a new theoretical, that is, phenomenological approach to this author; on the other, this same period saw the emergence of a communist version of Stendhalism, embodied by Louis Aragon, among others. The significance of Merleau-Ponty’s approach to Stendhal resides in the fact that it relates with both tendencies having normally nothing to do with each other. So, the philosopher, influencing the first stage of what came to be known later as “nouvelle critique,” tries to offer his own interpretation of one of the major figures in this literary criticism movement. In referring implicitly to an analysis of Jean Starobinski, he takes notice of the feature of “not being penetrated,” of which Stendhal had been accused by a lover in his early days. For Merleau-Ponty, it is precisely this feature of inter- vening in situations without being penetrated or detaching oneself from any attribution that is the fundamental prerequisite for a writer. This intrinsic detachment distinguishes writers from other human beings. However, that is how writers, together with philo- sophers, take the initiative in exemplifying the general paradox of being a human being: “To be completely human is to be a little more and a little less human.” Such a definition of writer had an important meaning for the philosopher who, after a brief period of rapprochement with communism in the aftermath of WW II, was moving toward breaking off this relationship with his Adventures of the Dialectic (1955). Stendhal’s phrase “to be human is a party” seems to be interpreted in the context of the establishment of humanity over all parties, including at first the Party, that is, the Communist Party.
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