鈴木 一秀 筒井 廣明 三原 研一 牧内 大輔 西中 直也
Japan Shoulder Society
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.31, no.3, pp.489-492, 2007

The purpose of this study was to clarify the condition of reattachment of the labrum to the glenoid rim after an arthroscopic Bankart procedure using suture anchors with an MR arthrography (MRA). We studied 48 cases ( 35 males and 13 females) after surgery with a recurrent anterior dislocation or subluxation. The patients ranged in age from 16 to 53 years old (average, 24.7). An MRA was performed at an average 11.8 months after the operation. In the MRA with an axial image and an oblique axial image in abduction and external rotation (ABER) position, we evaluated the invasion of contrast materials between the labrum and glenoid rim using the inferior 6 slice images of the glenoid rim. The 576 slices were categorized into 1 of 3 groups : good, fair, and poor. We used the JSS Shoulder Instability Score (Instability Score) for clinical evaluation. Axial images (total of slices : 288) revealed good (83.3%), fair (14.9%), and poor (1.7%). Oblique axial images in the ABER position (total of slices : 288) revealed good (77.43%), fair (19.8%), and poor (2.8%). The clinical results using the Instability Score had no significant differences between the group that had all good results in six slices and the group that had fair or poor results more than 1 slice in 6 slices of axial images and oblique axial image in the ABER position. The healing of IGHL-LC to the medial glenoid neck was recognized in 97-98% of the total slices. A non-union or re-avulsion of the labrum to articular cartilage of the glenoid were recognized in 15 to 20 % of the total slices, however the clinical results of arthroscopic Bankart repair were satisfactory.
西中 直也 近 良明 Banks Scott A 三原 研一 鈴木 一秀 大田 勝弘 牧内 大輔 松久 孝行 筒井 廣明 杉本 英治 蒲田 和芳
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.32, no.3, pp.509-512, 2008 (Released:2008-11-21)

The glenoid bare spot commonly is observed in the adult shoulder. Carter et al. proposed that cartilage thickness was affected by normal homeostatic loads. The purpose of this study was to measure glenohumeral translation during shoulder abduction in order to explore development of the glenoid bare spot. 10 healthy shoulders (average 31.1 years old) were studied. 3D models of the scapula and humerus were created from CT scans. Motions were recorded with fluoroscopy during active abduction in neutral rotation for unloaded and a 3kg loaded trial. 3D motions were determined using model-based 3D-to-2D registration. Humeral translation was referenced in the superior/inferior direction to the assumed location of the bare spot (center of the circle described by the bony margins of the inferior glenoid). The bare spot location averaged 4.3mm inferior to the superior/inferior midpoint of the glenoid. Glenohumeral contact was 2.6 and 3.1mm superior to the bare spot for unloaded and loaded conditions with the arm at the side. The humeral head moved upward gradually with abduction to 4mm above the bare spot above 70° abduction (p>0.05, 0 vs 3kg). The glenoid surface stabilizes humeral head translation. Carter et al. suggested that cartilage grew thickest with high mechanical demands (compression and sliding) and thinner where demands were low. Humeral translation away from the bare spot with abduction suggests that lower loads were experienced when the humeral head was near the bare spot and larger loads were experienced with humeral translation away from the bare spot. These kinematic observations were consistent with Carter's framework for cartilage growth and provided a plausible explanation for the development of the glenoid bare spot.
山口 光國 筒井 廣明 山本 龍二 三原 研一 保刈 成 鈴木 一秀 上里 元 大島 和 内川 友義 菅 直樹 牧内 大輔
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.20, no.2, pp.325-328, 1996-11-30 (Released:2012-11-20)

PurposeWe investigated the muscle strength of the scapulothoracie joint which is apt to be affected by the position of other joints.
筒井 廣明 山口 光國 山本 龍二 三原 研一 保刈 成 鈴木 一秀 上里 元 大島 和 内川 友義 菅 直樹 牧内 大輔
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.20, no.2, pp.337-340, 1996-11-30 (Released:2012-11-20)

[Purpose]Cuff exercises are usually performed to improve the shoulder function and to keep the condition of the shoulder of throwing athletes. Thus, there are a large number of athletes who could not acquire the expected effects of the exercises. In this study, we examined the estimation of the cuff function and the daily exercises of the athletes electromyographically.
鈴木 一秀 南 和延 筒井 廣明 三原 研一 保刈 成 上里 元 内川 友義 菅 直樹 大田 勝弘 牧内 大輔
Japan Shoulder Society
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.23, no.3, pp.373-376, 1999

[Purpose] The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of the scapulothoracic joint on the rotator cuff function using integrated electromyography.<BR>[Materials and Methods] Ten shoulders of ten young males who were diagnosed as having dysfunction of scapulothoracic joint with &lceil;Scapula-45&rfloor; radiography and resisted abduction and external rotation test. The activities of the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, deltoid, and biceps were evaluated electromyographically with the loads at 45 degrees elevated position in the scapular plane. Subsequently the activity of these muscles was collected with a manual assist to the scapulothoracic function. The EMG activity was expressed as a percentage of the Max MMT (%MMT).<BR>[Results] The EMG activity increased with the load in all the cases. In 80% of the total cases, the relationship between the supraspinatus and deltoid did not change irrespective of the load (deltoid/supuraspinatus=1 /1.3) without manual assistance. The %MMT of the supraspinatus and deltoid of these cases showed a significant difference between the activity with and that without manual assistance. The tendency was remarkable at 3kg load. In 20% of the total cases, a dysfunction of rotator cuff was noted.<BR>[Conclusion] The results suggest the function of scapulothoracic joint has an effect on the rotator cuff function.
尾崎 尚代 千葉 慎一 嘉陽 拓 大野 範夫 鈴木 一秀 牧内 大輔 筒井 廣明
公益社団法人 日本理学療法士協会
vol.2006, pp.C0889, 2007

【はじめに】腱板完全断裂症例に対する理学療法の目的は、疼痛の除去および残存腱板や上腕二頭筋長頭腱での代償作用を引き出し、肩関節の運動能力を改善することにある。しかし、広範囲断裂や長頭腱断裂を伴う症例の中には、これらの代償作用を得られずとも上肢挙上が可能となり、ADL上の支障がなくなる症例を経験する。そこで、理学療法を実施した腱板完全断裂症例について追跡調査し、若干の知見が得られたので報告する。<BR>【方法】対象は、当院にてMRIまたはMRAで腱板完全断裂と診断を受けて理学療法を行い6ヶ月以上の経過観察が可能であった20例20肩(男性11肩、女性9肩)であり、外傷歴は有11例・無9例、断裂部の大きさは3.5mm未満6例・3.5mm以上14例、単独断裂11例・複数腱断裂9例である。これらの症例に対しJOA scoreの推移とレ線的検討を行った。尚、治療開始時年齢は平均67.35歳、発症から当院初診までの期間は平均17.07ヶ月、経過観察期間は平均15.90ヶ月であり、手術療法に移行した症例は除外している。<BR> JOA scoreの推移は、疼痛、機能、可動域について、初診時、1ヵ月後・3ヵ月後・6ヵ月後・9ヵ月後・1年後・最終診察時の推移を調査した。また、X線的検討はScapula45撮影法での45゜無負荷保持を用い、最終診察時の自動屈曲可動域が120度以上尚且つ30度以上の改善を良好群、それ以外を不良群に分類して、腱板機能および肩甲骨機能について検討した。<BR>【結果】X線所見・関節不安定性を除いたJOA score(80点満点)の推移は、初診時41.93点±14.68から最終診察時67.83点±8.61と有意に改善した(p<0.001)が、初診時と比較して疼痛は理学療法開始1ヶ月後(p<0.01)、機能は3ヵ月後(p<0.02)、可動域は6ヵ月後(p<0.02)以降で有意に改善したものの、外傷歴や断裂腱の数、大きさとの関係には有意差は認められなかった。<BR>またX線的検討の結果、良好群13例(屈曲148.85度±19.49)・不良群7例(屈曲104.29度±22.81)共に肩甲骨関節窩に対して骨頭の上昇が著明であるが、胸郭上の肩甲骨の上方回旋角度は正常値(12.30±4.1)に比して良好群では小さく(2.02±7.01)なり、不良群では大きく(25.53±17.82)なっていた(p<0.001)。<BR>【考察】今回の結果、腱板断裂症例に対しては、疼痛を理学療法開始後1ヶ月以内に、機能を3ヶ月以内に理学療法の効果を出す必要があることがわかった。また、腱板断裂症例の可動域改善には残存腱等での代償動作のみならず、上腕骨に対して肩甲骨関節窩をあわせるような肩甲骨の下方回旋運動が可能である必要性が示唆され、肩甲骨の可動性と共に、いわゆるouter musclesの機能により肩甲上腕関節の適合性を得ることで上肢挙上が可能になり、ADL拡大につながると考える。