山本 緑 石井 祐次
Japanese Society of Drug Informatics
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.20, no.1, pp.41-46, 2018 (Released:2018-06-16)

Objective: Smart drugs are widely used for nonmedical reasons in Western countries.  Given that smart drugs are often used for years, long-term effectiveness and safety are essential, but particularly difficult and costly to determine.  The use of smart drugs seems to be common among individuals in cognitively demanding environments, such as schools and universities, although the actual consumption of smart drugs has not been elucidated in Japan.  To monitor the prevalence of smart drugs among undergraduates, we conducted an awareness survey in Kyushu University and Healthcare Management College.Results: We found that 98% of students had never used smart drugs.  When asked “Would you like to use smart drugs ?” 55% of the students answered “No,” 10% answered “Yes,” and 33% answered “I couldn’t say.”  No associations were observed between these answers and sex, drinking, smoking, and pressure on academic performance.  It is suggested that users of soft enhancers, such as caffeine-containing products for cognitive enhancement, are more likely to use smart drugs.  We found that half of the students had used energy drinks for neuroenhancement prior to an exam.Conclusion: The present study indicated a low prevalence of smart drug use compared with that in other countries, whereas the use of caffeine-containing products for cognitive enhancement appeared to be similar to Western usage.  Furthermore, approximately 30% of the students agreed with the use and effectiveness of smart drugs.  Further studies of smart drugs among students should be conducted to prevent the abuse.
山田 英之 武田 知起 古賀 貴之 石井 祐次
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.134, no.4, pp.529-535, 2014 (Released:2014-04-01)

The sexual differentiation of animal fetuses and infants needs stimuli by sex steroids, which are produced in their own gonads, during a short window (‘critical period’) of pre- and post-natal periods. Our laboratory has conducted a series of studies focusing on the damage to next generations by dioxins. When pregnant rats are exposed to a prototype of dioxin, 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD; 1 μg/kg), sexual immaturity such as defects in copulation behavior as well as growth retardation emerges in their pups. We have provided evidence that such disorders are evoked, if not all, from a transient reduction in the gonadal synthesis of sex steroids in fetuses/infants during the critical period. Our studies also revealed that TCDD initially reduces the pituitary expression of luteinizing hormone (LH) to exert the effect on steroidogenesis. Several mechanisms seem to be involved in a TCDD-induced reduction in LH expression. For example, a change in epigenetic regulation in the pituitary and impaired energy production in the hypothalamus are suggested to contribute to the above reduction. Current our study has demonstrated that a transient reduction in the pituitary-gonad axis fixes the lowered expression of hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone, resulting in defects in sexual behavior. Through these topics, we discuss the role of the critical period in differentiation and development.
下條 信弘 山内 博 熊谷 嘉人 吉田 貴彦 相川 浩幸 石井 祐次

【目的】砒素は自然界に存在し、地下水等への浸入に由来する生体影響が懸念されている。特にアジア諸国のうち、中国やバングラディシュ等では高濃度の砒素を含む地下水汚染が頻発している。砒素を高濃度含んだ井戸水の慢性飲水により手足の角化症や皮膚の色素沈着、脱失等の砒素中毒症状を呈する。そこで我々は、中国内モンゴル自治区の飲水型慢性砒素汚染地域において、飲料水の改善による慢性砒素暴露住民の砒素中毒症状の回復等について調べた。【方法】中国内モンゴル自治区包頭市の慢性砒素汚染地域住民50名(男性22名,女性28名)を対象とした。これらの住民に対して中国の環境基準以下の砒素を含んだ井戸水を1年間供給した。【結果・考察】飲料水改善前の砒素暴露住民の8割程度が手足の角化症や皮膚の色素沈着、脱失等の典型的な慢性砒素中毒症状を呈していた。尿中無機砒素濃度は39±53μg/g of Cr.だった。しかし介入研究1年後に対象住民の尿中無機砒素濃度を測定した結果、介入前のそれの19%まで低下した。一方、無機砒素の代謝物であるメチル化体の生体内濃度は改水前と後では、有意な差は認められなかった。砒素中毒患者の約半数以上が角化症や皮膚の色素沈着、脱失の改善が観察された。また、慢性砒素暴露により、低下した生体内一酸化窒素濃度も改水により約2倍上昇することも明らかとなった。以上から、飲料水改善により慢性砒素暴露による砒素中毒症状は回復することが示唆された。
石井 祐次
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 Series A (ISSN:18834388)
vol.90, no.2, pp.105-124, 2017-03-01 (Released:2022-03-02)

山本 緑 石井 祐次
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.140, no.11, pp.1397-1403, 2020-11-01 (Released:2020-11-01)

Pharmacological cognitive enhancement (PCE) usually refers to the use of medical substances by healthy individuals to improve mental performance. Given that certain substances have been frequently used for years, the long-term effectiveness and safety are essential to know but particularly difficult and costly to determine. Although PCE is a widespread and frequent phenomenon among university students in other countries, PCE prevalence in Japan has not been elucidated. The present study aimed to investigate the prevalence of and the attitude toward PCE among Japanese undergraduates over 3 years (2017-2019). Almost no student had ever used prescription drugs for cognitive enhancement. When asked, “Would you like to use drugs to enhance your cognitive performance?” 68.6-72.0% of the students answered, “No,” 25.4-26.7% answered, “I couldn't say,” and 2.5-4.8% answered, “Yes.” These answers were associated with sex (2017-2018) and stress sensitivity (2019) but not with drinking, smoking, or stress of academic performance. Half of the students had used energy drinks for neural enhancement prior to an examination, which is similar to Western usage. The users of soft enhancers, such as energy drinks, are more likely to use other drugs. Given that caffeine can be a gateway for cognitive enhancement, future education addressing PCE among students should emphasize the side effects of prescription drugs as well as health risks of caffeine products.
山田 健一 石井 祐次 武田 知起 黒木 廣明 三苫 千景 内 博史 古江 増隆 山田 英之
福岡医学雑誌 = Fukuoka acta medica (ISSN:0016254X)
vol.106, no.5, pp.169-175, 2015-05-25

The effect of cynaropicrin that is the major component of an edible plant, artichoke (Cynarascolymus) on 2,3,4,7,8-pentachlorodibenzofuran (PenCDF)-induced toxicity in mice was studied. We evaluated the effect of cynaropicrin on the wasting syndrome and oxidative stress elicited by PenCDF. However, the PenCDF dose-response relationship on the wasting syndrome has been superficial. Therefore, we determined the dose which causes wasting syndrome in C57BL/6J m ice, a responsive strain to dioxins. Since 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (0.1 mg/kg, p.o.) induces hepatic ethoxyresorfin O-deethylase (EROD) activity in mice, we set the doses of PenCDF at 0.3, 1.0, 3.0, 5.0 and 10 mg/kg (once, p.o.) on the basis of its toxic-eqivalency factor (0.3). The wasting syndrome was evaluated by measuring the daily changes of body weight. Thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances were used as an index of oxidative stress. Of PenCDF doses examined, wasting syndrome and oxidative stress took place most markedly in 5 mg/kg. In disagreement with this, EROD activity which is the marker of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor-dependent induction of cytochrome P450 1a1 was elevated most abundantly at 0.3 mg/kg. Then, we examined the effect of cynaropicrin on the wasting syndrome and oxidative stress provoked by PenCDF at 5 mg/kg. However, this compound up to 20 mg/kg (p.o.) did not attenuate PenCDF-induced wasting syndrome. On the contray, PenCDF-induced oxidateive stress was suppressed by cynaropicrin at the highest dose (20 mg/kg), although EROD activity was increased rather than reduced by cynaropicrin at lower doses. Thus, it is suggested that cynaropicrin has an ability to reduce oxidative stress caused by PenCDF.