砂川 武 三尾 隆弥 住野 公昭
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.56, no.2, pp.500-513, 2001-07-15 (Released:2009-02-17)

The oxidative decomposition of skin lipids by UV exposure and its cell toxicity were studied in vivo and in vitro, using guinea pigs, to investigate the role of oxidative damage in cell membranes and mitochondria in nuclear genome DNA damage resulting in skin cell death by ultraviolet (UV) exposure.Two new methods were developed for this research: selective methylation by trimethylsilyldiazomethane (TMSCHN2) of free fatty acids in crude skin lipids for gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis, and the improvement of the thiobarbituric acid (TBA) reaction for lipid peroxide analysis, which was obtained by adding 0.01% BHT and 1mM EDTA, an antioxidant additive, into the reaction system described by Ohkawa.The following findings were noted:1. Using an optical microscope, the infiltration of inflammatory cells such as neutrophils, lymphocytes and monocytes was noted after skin tissue was exposed to UV.2. The increase of lipid peroxide in exposed areas was small. In the epidermis the increase was about 2 times higher than the non-exposed areas.3. The fragments of lipid were generated in accordance with the increase of free fatty acids (C16:0, C18:1, :2, C18:0) in the surface of the exposed skin by GC-MS precise assay, and the level of 7-dehydrocholesterol was decreased.4. The skin homogenate received peroxidation by ultraviolet more easily than living skin, and its peroxidation was inhibited with fat-soluble antioxidative agents such as flavonoids, BHT, BHA, and vitamin E and the metal chelating agent such as Fenton reaction inhibitor as expected; however, it was promoted by water soluble antioxidative agents such as glutathione and vitamin C, which are useful to the human body.5. Steroids and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as indomethacin and aspirin, had no inhibitory effect on lipid peroxidation by ultraviolet as properties of chemicals.
泉 佳伸 松尾 陽一郎 山野 直樹 砂川 武義 小嶋 崇夫

砂川 武義 Lipchitz Adam Harvel Glenn Glenn Harvel
福井工業大学研究紀要 Memoirs of Fukui University of Technology (ISSN:18844456)
no.43, pp.374-379, 2013

Liquid metal cooled reactors are currently one design option being considered as the next generation of power production by the Generation-IV international forum for the development of nuclear power plant designs. Currently, Russia, India, China, France, South Korea, and Japan are actively pursuing liquid metal cooled reactor concepts. The liquid metal coolants being considered for these designs are sodium, lead and lead-bismuth eutectic; these designs utilize reactive and toxic materials at temperatures up to 800℃for nuclear power plant operations. To simulate these systems with the actual coolant material requires a high level of safety systems. Therefore, a less toxic and less reactive liquid metal that can be used to simulate liquid metal cooled flows will allow for a greater number of investigations and experimentation of liquid metal flow with regards to the field of thermal hydraulics. Good candidates for a liquid metal experimental fluid are alloys from the indium-bismuth-tin system such as Field's metal, which by weight percent is 51% indium, 32.5% bismuth and 16.5% tin and possesses a melting temperature of 60℃. However, the thermodynamic properties of Field's metal and similar alloys in their liquid state are not well described in literature, especially for the temperature range for thermal hydraulic applications. Accurate knowledge of the thermodynamic properties of a coolant is essential for understanding the physical phenomena associated with the flow of fluids. This work experimentally measures the specific heat of the indium-bismuth-tin tertiary system and analyzes the results to determine if the thermodynamic properties of the system are desirable for experimental modeling applications.
砂川 武
神戸大学医学部紀要 (ISSN:00756431)
vol.50, no.1, pp.89-99, 1989-03

ラット肝ミクロゾームにおけるtestosteroneの5α-dihydrotestosteroneへの代謝と4-androsten-3-one-17β-carboxylic acid (17β-C)によるその阻害機序を検討するため,代謝物を誘導体に導くことなしに,メガボアカラムを装着したgas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS)で分析した。5α-reductaseの安定剤としてNADPHをホモジネート作成時より添加して実験を行なった。肝ミクロゾームでtestosteroneをインキュベートすることにより5α-,5β-水素還元体が得られ,他に17-ケトン体及び水酸化体も検出された。肝ミクロゾーム(雄ラット,9週齢)のtestosterone代謝速度は8μg/mg湿重量/時であった。肝ミクロゾーム中の50μgのtestosteroneは同量の17β-Cの存在により代謝阻害された。モルモット皮膚スライスを含む反応液中のステロイドも同様に分析された。Testosterone,estradiolの主代謝物は対応する17位のケトン体であった。反応系の酸化還元平衡は酸化体生成方向に傾いており,脱本素化速度は両基質とも2μg/g皮膚スライス/日であった。17β-OH化合物のtestosterone,estradiolはそれぞれ対応する17α-OH異性体より酸化されやすかった。Testosterone propionateは加水分解された後,17-ケトン体,5α還元体に代謝された。Ethinylestradiol,methyltestosterone等の17β-OHは酸化されなかった。