菅原 国香

1.蘭書が渡来して「Chemistry」にあたるオランダ語"Chemie, Scheikunde"を、はじめに訳した語は「煉丹術・銷錬術」(『波留麻和解』1796)、「製煉術」(宇田川玄随1798)、「錬金術」(『訳鍵』1810)、「分離術」(『和蘭字彙』)、「鎔分術」(橋本宗吉)、「分析術」等。2.宇田川榕菴『舎密開宗』(1837)の参考書『紐氏韻府』というのは、ニューウェンホイスの『学芸技術百科事典』、すなわち、Gt.Nieuwenhuis, Algemeen Woordenboek van Kunsten en Wetenschappen全8巻8冊(1820-29)であることを、明らかにした。3.H.Davyがボルタ電堆で電解して1807年にアルカリ金属を単離したことが、『ニューウェンホイス百科事典』中にあり、これを榕菴が『開宗』にはじめて紹介した。4.榕菴が電極の正負を誤解していると、従来日本では考えられていたが、その誤解を解き榕菴がボルタ電堆の電極「積極」「消極」を正しく導入していたことを、明らかにした。5.『舎密開宗』以前、日本にはじめて薬化学を紹介した宇田川玄随『製煉術』(稿本1785-8)と原本を比較検討し、「製煉術」、「蒸餾」など、初出の玄随の化学用語をまとめた。6.橋本宗吉『蘭科内外三法方典』(1805)とそのオランダ語原本(1749)とを対比し、訳語を検討した結果、宗吉は"Scheikonst, Scheikust"を「製薬」及び「鎔鑠」と訳し、最後は「鎔分術」と訳した。また、「濾過」「沸騰」「凝固」「乾燥」などはすでに常用していた。7.榕菴は、「元素」を造語するとき、中国の明代の辞書『正字通』の「素」の項目を参照し、「Atoom」の学習にはニューウェンホイスの百科事典の「Atoom」の項目を写していた。8.竹原平次郎・桂川甫策・石橋八郎・加藤宗甫訳『化学入門』(1867-73)の原本の一つはC.R.Fresenius ; Leerboek der Scheikunde, door F.A.Enklaar(1852)であることを明示した。
菅原 国香 板倉 聖宣
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.29, no.175, pp.136-149, 1990 (Released:2021-08-30)

This paper deals with the historical process of the standardization of the Japanese element names by the Tokyo Kagakukai (the Chemical Society of Tokyo) in the 1880-1900. A committee for establishment of the Japanese equivalents of Western chemical terms was formed in 1881 under Tokyo Kagakukai (the predecessor of the present Chemical Society of Japan). Up to 1888 the committee members were re-elected several times. The first proposal of the Japanese nomenclature of elements by the committee was published in the journal of Tokyo Kagakukai-shi in 1886. The second proposal was published in the book of Kagaku Yakugoshu in 1891. The third proposal was published in the book of Kagaku Goi in 1900 under the newly organized committee. Placing all of the element names contained in the 1886 and 1891 proposals into four categories, we found ;(1)katakana transliterations from English; (2) katakana transliterations from German ; (3) katakana transliterations of words common to English, German and Latin ; and (4) translations of Chinese characters. If we take notice of the katakana element names, we see that the number of transliterations from English is nearly to that from German. This is the result of the circumstances involving Japanese chemists at that time, when there were both an Anglo-American school and a German school, so that both English and German element names were considered in the course of the determination of element names. On the other hand, looking at the katakana element names in the 1900 proposal, German is prior to English in the group of words where the English element names differ from the German element names. In the case of katakana transliterated element names, the use of German element names was adopted as a standard. The field of science in Japan became under the strong German influence at that time.
菅原 国香 板倉 聖宣
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.29, no.173, pp.13-20, 1990 (Released:2021-09-01)

This paper deals with the historical process of various Japanese nomenclature of elements in the 1820s-1880s in Japan. The first introduction of Lavoisier's terms of elements in Japan was seen in the Ensei Iho Meibutsuko(1822-25) which Genshin Udagawa and Yoan Udagawa compiled from Dutch pharmaceutical books. In this book the Dutch term hoofdstof or grondstof is translated into Japanese as the term genso(元素).In the book, Yoan Udagawa coined the terms sanso(酸素)suiso(水素)and tanso(炭素)for Dutch terms zuurstof, waterstof and koolstof respectively. Then, he coined the terms chisso(窒素)and enso(塩素). The present Japanese nomenclature of elements of the suffix-so(素)is based on Yoan's nomenclature. Lavoisier's new concept of elements was described in more detail in the Ensei Iho Meibutsuko-Hoi (published in 1835). Morisaburo Ichikawa proposed in the Rika Nikki (published in 1872) that the Japanese terms of all non-metals should have a common ending in-so(素).His idea of the nomencelature of all non-metals was not generally accepted, although it was favoured by a few chemists. In the late Edo era (1820s-1860s) the names of many other elements appeared as the transliterations of Chinese characters for the terms used in Western Europe. The use of the transliteration of the Japanese alphabet kana for the elements appeared in the early 1870s. The Chinese character-transliteration became generally less prevalent. The use of the new transliteration nomenclature of the kana was generally accepted by the early 1880s in the field of chemistry. The Chineses single word nomenclature of elements adopted in the Hua Xue Chu Jie ("化学初階 " published in 1870) and Hua Xue Jian Yuan ("化学鑑原 " published in 1872) was introduced into Japan in the early 1870s. But it has had little influence on the Japanese nomenclature of elements
石山 洋 佐藤 達策 片桐 一男 板倉 聖宣 中山 茂 吉田 忠 酒井 シヅ 菅原 国香 中村 邦光

菅原 国香
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.42, no.225, pp.40-48, 2003 (Released:2021-08-13)

This paper deals with the original Dutch text of a reference book entitled Nyushi Inpu in Seimi Kaiso (1837-1847) compiled by Yoan Udagawa, and also with a critical comparison of abridged translations in Seimi Kaiso and the original Dutch text. Through a close comparative examination of both the books, the author has found out the following facts. The original Dutch text of Nyushi Inpu is Algemeen Woordenboek van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, a Dutch encyclopedia in 8 volumes (1820-1829) compiled by Gt. Nieuwenhuis. The abridged description of H. Davy's discoveries of potassium and sodium by electrolysis with the voltaic pile in 1807 is seen in Seimi Kaiso, where the description originated from the fifth volume "(N-Q)" of the Nieuwenhuis's encyclopedia published in 1825. Yoan Udagawa accurately introduced the concept of the poles of the voltaic pile before Faraday's idea (1833) into Japan in Seimi Kaiso.