藤井 康子
日本の教育史学 (ISSN:03868982)
vol.48, pp.61-71, 2005-10-01 (Released:2017-06-01)

This paper attempts to show the interaction between civilian claims for educational opportunity and education policymakers in Taiwan, using the 1920s movement to establish a Commercial College in Tainan. The predecessor of this school was the Junior College of Commerce, established for indigenous Taiwanese under the colonial policy of segregated education between the Japanese and Taiwanese. After abolishing segregated education in post-primary education facilities in 1922, Taiwanese were admitted to middle schools and higher educational facilities, and cooperation was established between the Japanese and Taiwanese. At the same time, under 1922 educational revisions, the Government-General ordered the Junior College of Commerce to be closed down. Students of the school petitioned to establish a higher education school of commerce. The petition drive expanded into a movement generally supported by Japanese and Taiwanese volunteers residing in Tainan. This movement arose under the reign of the 10th Governor-General Izawa Takio. Governor-General Izawa gave much consideration to the interaction between ruler and subject as he drew up a new policy. The Commercial College in Tainan was successfully established in 1926. However, Izawa's policy underwent gradual changes after he resigned to take up the office of Mayor of Tokyo. The new governor promised to establish a Technical College instead of closing the Commercial College in Tainan. This indicates the complex political situation of colonial Taiwan in the 1920s. The governors could not completely disregard the inhabitant's demands, although it was quite easy for the governors to change policy as they saw fit, since an appropriate government assembly did not exist to handle the indigenous population's claims. Some Japanese who once participated in the movement to establisha Commercial College in Tainan agreed with the governor's decision to establish a new Technical College in place of the Commercial College in Tainan. Such a policy clearly reveals the fickle nature of Japanese colonial educational policy.
山路 昭 藤井 康子 奥田 陽子 青野 真知子 佐藤 健太郎 千葉 幹夫 平岡 栄一
一般社団法人 日本医療薬学会
病院薬学 (ISSN:03899098)
vol.4, no.1, pp.7-11, 1978 (Released:2011-08-11)
1 1

Photodegradation of vitamin K1 and K2 injections during preservation and in intravenous admixtures was investigated by high-pressure liquid chromatography. When exposed to fluorescent light (500 lux), 50% of commercial product (10mg) of vitamin K1 decomposed in about 15 days, compared with about 10 days for the 50% decomposition of vitamin K2 product. In the intravenous admixtures for drip infusion, the residual rate after sunlight irradiation (2, 000 lux) for 3 hours was 43-63% for K1 and 31-44% for K2. Therefore, intravenous admixtures containing theselight-unstable injections require shading during drip infusion. In Osaka University Hospital, the light-resistant covers of containers for injections are used for this purpose.