佐藤 健太郎
関西大学東西学術研究所紀要 (ISSN:02878151)
pp.47-65, 2012-04

Milk and its by-products are naturally nutritious food, and people in ancient Japan enjoyed tasting them as foods, drinks, or medicines. On the other hand, milk and its by-products were closely related to the philosophy of Buddhism and were often supplied at Buddhist rituals. There have been many studies on ancient diets including milk and its by-products and we have obtained useful knowledge on nutritious foods in ancient Japan. Among the milk products, "So" (蘇), a type of dairy product made from layers of milk skin, has been re-produced, and Japanese people enjoy it as it was enjoyed in the ancient diet. Based on previous studies, in this article the author describes the use of milk and its by-products as well as the contribution system of offerings in ancient Japan. The newly found research materials including Kouninshiki's lost writings' formula (弘仁式逸文) that describe "So" (蘇), wooden plates (木簡), and clay pots (墨書土器) are used for discussion. Since materials useful for studying the contribution system of offerings (蘇) in the Heian Era are unavailable except for 延喜民部式貢蘇条 (a Japanese book of laws and regulations), the contribution system of offerings (蘇) earlier than Engishiki (延喜式) is not known. Thanks to Kouninshiki's lost writings' formula, the contribution system of offerings under regulation called Kouninsikisei (弘仁式制) has been clarified. By comparing the contribution system of offerings called Engishiki with that of Kouninshiki, every aspect of change, i.e., difference in systems and any historical factors for transformation, have been reviewed. It is not clear when the contribution system of offerings was changed from Kouninshiki to Engishiki, but it is certain that the contribution system of offerings (蘇) apparently existed until 887 (the 3rd year of Ninna) according to Kouninshiki.
佐藤 健太郎
関西大学東西学術研究所紀要 (ISSN:02878151)
vol.45, pp.47-65, 2012-04

Milk and its by-products are naturally nutritious food, and people in ancient Japan enjoyed tasting them as foods, drinks, or medicines. On the other hand, milk and its by-products were closely related to the philosophy of Buddhism and were often supplied at Buddhist rituals. There have been many studies on ancient diets including milk and its by-products and we have obtained useful knowledge on nutritious foods in ancient Japan. Among the milk products, "So" (蘇), a type of dairy product made from layers of milk skin, has been re-produced, and Japanese people enjoy it as it was enjoyed in the ancient diet. Based on previous studies, in this article the author describes the use of milk and its by-products as well as the contribution system of offerings in ancient Japan. The newly found research materials including Kouninshiki's lost writings' formula (弘仁式逸文) that describe "So" (蘇), wooden plates (木簡), and clay pots (墨書土器) are used for discussion. Since materials useful for studying the contribution system of offerings (蘇) in the Heian Era are unavailable except for 延喜民部式貢蘇条 (a Japanese book of laws and regulations), the contribution system of offerings (蘇) earlier than Engishiki (延喜式) is not known. Thanks to Kouninshiki's lost writings' formula, the contribution system of offerings under regulation called Kouninsikisei (弘仁式制) has been clarified. By comparing the contribution system of offerings called Engishiki with that of Kouninshiki, every aspect of change, i.e., difference in systems and any historical factors for transformation, have been reviewed. It is not clear when the contribution system of offerings was changed from Kouninshiki to Engishiki, but it is certain that the contribution system of offerings (蘇) apparently existed until 887 (the 3rd year of Ninna) according to Kouninshiki.
佐藤 健太郎
関西大学東西学術研究所紀要 (ISSN:02878151)
pp.47-65, 2012-04

Milk and its by-products are naturally nutritious food, and people in ancient Japan enjoyed tasting them as foods, drinks, or medicines. On the other hand, milk and its by-products were closely related to the philosophy of Buddhism and were often supplied at Buddhist rituals. There have been many studies on ancient diets including milk and its by-products and we have obtained useful knowledge on nutritious foods in ancient Japan. Among the milk products, "So" (蘇), a type of dairy product made from layers of milk skin, has been re-produced, and Japanese people enjoy it as it was enjoyed in the ancient diet. Based on previous studies, in this article the author describes the use of milk and its by-products as well as the contribution system of offerings in ancient Japan. The newly found research materials including Kouninshiki's lost writings' formula(弘仁式逸文) that describe "So"(蘇), wooden plates (木簡), and clay pots(墨書土器) are used for discussion. Since materials useful for studying the contribution system of offerings (蘇) in the Heian Era are unavailable except for 延喜民部式貢蘇条 (a Japanese book of laws and regulations), the contribution system of offerings (蘇) earlier than Engishiki (延喜式) is not known. Thanks to Kouninshiki's lost writings' formula, the contribution system of offerings under regulation called Kouninsikisei (弘仁式制) has been clarified. By comparing the contribution system of offerings called Engishiki with that of Kouninshiki, every aspect of change, i.e., difference in systems and any historical factors for transformation, have been reviewed. It is not clear when the contribution system of offerings was changed from Kouninshiki to Engishiki, but it is certain that the contribution system of offerings (蘇) apparently existed until 887 (the 3rd year of Ninna) according to Kouninshiki.

2 0 0 0 IR トピックス

永原 裕子 佐藤 健太郎 五所 恵実子 川島 孝 横山 広美 邑田 仁
vol.41, no.4, pp.3-5, 2009-11

宇宙- 地球- 生命をつなぐGCOE "地球から地球たちへ"/理学部発の「うまみ」が,未来技術遺産に/「東大理学部で考える女子中高生の未来」が開催される/第24回理学系研究科・理学部技術シンポジウムを開催/きれい・楽しい!イメージ・コンテスト結果発表/第2回INAS-FID グローバル大会陸上競技に北村氏出場
佐藤 健太郎

本研究は、教科書の編纂や検定とそれを規定した政治状況に注目し、1930年代から1950年代における学校教育での政治教育の展開を、日本政治外交史的手法により実証的に解明することを目的とする。主として、①この間の政治教育をめぐる過程を、政治教育の発展・変質・再興の過程として長期的視野から分析すること ② 検定教科書を、知識人の言論と、国家の規制との対立が集約されるものと位置づけ、教科書の内容や検定の状況を分析すること、等を通して、55年体制下における「教育と政治」の淵源を明らかにし、戦後民主主義の基盤を問いたい。
亀長 洋子 飯田 巳貴 西村 道也 宮崎 和夫 黒田 祐我 櫻井 康人 堀井 優 佐藤 健太郎 高田 良太 澤井 一彰 齋藤 寛海

佐藤 健太郎 小泉 源也
公益社団法人 日本獣医師会
日本獣医師会雑誌 (ISSN:04466454)
vol.70, no.6, pp.370-374, 2017-06-20 (Released:2017-07-20)

山路 昭 藤井 康子 奥田 陽子 青野 真知子 佐藤 健太郎 千葉 幹夫 平岡 栄一
一般社団法人 日本医療薬学会
病院薬学 (ISSN:03899098)
vol.4, no.1, pp.7-11, 1978 (Released:2011-08-11)
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Photodegradation of vitamin K1 and K2 injections during preservation and in intravenous admixtures was investigated by high-pressure liquid chromatography. When exposed to fluorescent light (500 lux), 50% of commercial product (10mg) of vitamin K1 decomposed in about 15 days, compared with about 10 days for the 50% decomposition of vitamin K2 product. In the intravenous admixtures for drip infusion, the residual rate after sunlight irradiation (2, 000 lux) for 3 hours was 43-63% for K1 and 31-44% for K2. Therefore, intravenous admixtures containing theselight-unstable injections require shading during drip infusion. In Osaka University Hospital, the light-resistant covers of containers for injections are used for this purpose.