日野 愛郎 新川 匠郎 藤田 泰昌 網谷 龍介 粕谷 祐子 上谷 直克 木寺 元 岡田 勇

本研究は質的比較分析(Qualitative Comparative Analysis)の開発、比較検討、実践を共創的に展開し、政治学の更なる発展に道筋を付ける。QCAは複数条件の組み合わせを網羅的に扱い、必要条件性や十分条件性をブール代数や集合論を基に把握する。本研究は(1)政治学が強い関心を払う歴史的・時間的な変動を分析可能とするTime-differencing QCAの方法を開発し、(2)先行研究のデータ分析を再現する中で、結果を規定する原因の「条件性」を他の手法と比較検討してQCAの独自性を明確にし、(3)比較政治、国際関係、行政学の各領域での実践を基に分析のガイドラインを作成する。
藤田 泰昌
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.2010, no.160, pp.160_108-121, 2012

What explains the differences in the frequency with which developed democratic countries resort to dispute settlement (DS) under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and World Trade Organization (WTO)? The present paper proposes three hypotheses: 1) Countries with small constituencies frequently use DS in the GATT/WTO, 2) Countries with few veto players measured by the number of government parties use DS frequently, and 3) Countries with a competitive agricultural sector tend to use DS frequently. The purpose of this paper is to show that both of the two domestic political institutional factors, constituency size and number of government parties, are important determinants of GATT/WTO filing.<br>Existing literature have seldom analyzed these two political factors simultaneously. This is because they not only belong to "consensus model" (Lijphardt 1999) but also are highly correlated. As such, they are often considered as two sides of the same coin and it is rendered useless to put them in the same set of analysis simultaneously. However, there are some studies, such as Nielson (2003), that argue that constituency size and number of government parties, may have opposite effects on foreign policies. This latter finding thus urges us to study the impact of these factors more closely in a combinational manner. The present study employs Qualitative Comparative Analysis as a method to examine combinational effects of the two factors.<br>The result of the analysis shows that either of the following two combinational conditions leads an advanced democracy to become a frequent complainant. First, as "consensus model" indicates, countries with both small constituency and small number of government parties are frequent complainants. Second, countries with competitive agricultural sector and either small constituency or small number of government parties frequently resort to DS. The latter combinational conditions indicate that frequent complainant countries need not have both small constituency and small number of government parties, as in "consensus model".