梅谷 凌平 後藤 晶 岡田 勇 山本 仁志
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.36, no.2, pp.31-38, 2020-11-30 (Released:2020-11-30)

Upstream reciprocity refers to a person who has received help helping a third person instead of the person who helped him/her. It is observed widely but lacks a theory explaining its mechanism. Theory suggests that upstream reciprocity cannot maintain stable cooperation. Here we examine the possibility that the strength of a belief in a just world, which is a cognitive bias, drives upstream reciprocity. We test the effects on upstream reciprocity of a belief in a just world by conducting an upstream reciprocity game based on a trust game. The results demonstrate that upstream reciprocity is explained by a belief in immanent justice, a subconcept of a belief in a just world. These results shed light on a mechanism that explains why upstream reciprocity is observed in the real world.
鳥海 不二夫 山本 仁志 諏訪 博彦 岡田 勇 和泉 潔 橋本 康弘
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.25, no.1, pp.78-89, 2010 (Released:2010-01-06)
3 8

In recent years, application of Social Networking Services (SNS) and Blogs are growing as new communication tools on the Internet. Several large-scale SNS sites are prospering; meanwhile, many sites with relatively small scale are offering services. Such small-scale SNSs realize small-group isolated type of communication while neither mixi nor MySpace can do that. However, the studies on SNS are almost about particular large-scale SNSs and cannot analyze whether their results apply for general features or for special characteristics on the SNSs. From the point of view of comparison analysis on SNS, comparison with just several types of those cannot reach a statistically significant level. We analyze many SNS sites with the aim of classifying them by using some approaches. Our paper classifies 50,000 sites for small-scale SNSs and gives their features from the points of network structure, patterns of communication, and growth rate of SNS. The result of analysis for network structure shows that many SNS sites have small-world attribute with short path lengths and high coefficients of their cluster. Distribution of degrees of the SNS sites is close to power law. This result indicates the small-scale SNS sites raise the percentage of users with many friends than mixi. According to the analysis of their coefficients of assortativity, those SNS sites have negative values of assortativity, and that means users with high degree tend to connect users with small degree. Next, we analyze the patterns of user communication. A friend network of SNS is explicit while users' communication behaviors are defined as an implicit network. What kind of relationships do these networks have? To address this question, we obtain some characteristics of users' communication structure and activation patterns of users on the SNS sites. By using new indexes, friend aggregation rate and friend coverage rate, we show that SNS sites with high value of friend coverage rate activate diary postings and their comments. Besides, they become activated when hub users with high degree do not behave actively on the sites with high value of friend aggregation rate and high value of friend coverage rate. On the other hand, activation emerges when hub users behave actively on the sites with low value of friend aggregation rate and high value of friend coverage rate. Finally, we observe SNS sites which are increasing the number of users considerably, from the viewpoint of network structure, and extract characteristics of high growth SNS sites. As a result of discrimination on the basis of the decision tree analysis, we can recognize the high growth SNS sites with a high degree of accuracy. Besides, this approach suggests mixi and the other small-scale SNS sites have different character trait.
岡田 勇 大沼 宏平
独立行政法人 日本貿易振興機構アジア経済研究所
ラテンアメリカ・レポート (ISSN:09103317)
vol.38, no.1, pp.1-13, 2021 (Released:2021-07-31)

山本 仁志 岡田 勇
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
電子情報通信学会論文誌 D (ISSN:18804535)
vol.J94-D, no.11, pp.1836-1846, 2011-11-01

久保 慶明 岡田 勇 柳 至
年報政治学 (ISSN:05494192)
vol.71, no.1, pp.1_82-1_105, 2020 (Released:2021-06-16)

本稿の目的は、2019年沖縄県民投票における投票行動の分析を通じて、国家の安全保障をめぐり地方レベルで展開する対立軸を特徴づけることである。有権者の選好形成と選好表明を内生的に捉える枠組みを構築し、政策争点に関する態度、直接民主制に関する価値観、政党キューの影響に関する記述的分析と多項ロジット分析をおこなった。 得られた知見は以下の通りである。第一に、在日米軍基地に否定的な有権者、直接民主制に肯定的な有権者、オール沖縄を支持する有権者は、「反対」 に投票しやすい。第二に、米軍基地に肯定的な有権者、直接民主主義に否定的な有権者、自民党を支持する有権者は、「賛成」 への投票か 「棄権」 を選びやすい。これは 「賛成」 の選好を形成したために 「棄権」 した有権者、つまり選好形成と選好表明を内生的に選択した有権者の存在を示唆する。第三に、自らの争点態度と支持政党からのキューが一致しない有権者は、争点態度に沿って投票するか、政党キューにしたがって投票するか、という選択に迫られる。以上の知見は、保革対立が流動化した日本政治において、防衛・安全保障をめぐる対立軸が代議制と直接民主制の相互作用の中で展開していることを示している。
鳥海 不二夫 山本 仁志 諏訪 博彦 岡田 勇 和泉 潔 橋本 康弘
The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.25, no.1, pp.78-89, 2010
3 8

In recent years, application of Social Networking Services (SNS) and Blogs are growing as new communication tools on the Internet. Several large-scale SNS sites are prospering; meanwhile, many sites with relatively small scale are offering services. Such small-scale SNSs realize small-group isolated type of communication while neither mixi nor MySpace can do that. However, the studies on SNS are almost about particular large-scale SNSs and cannot analyze whether their results apply for general features or for special characteristics on the SNSs. From the point of view of comparison analysis on SNS, comparison with just several types of those cannot reach a statistically significant level. We analyze many SNS sites with the aim of classifying them by using some approaches. Our paper classifies 50,000 sites for small-scale SNSs and gives their features from the points of network structure, patterns of communication, and growth rate of SNS. The result of analysis for network structure shows that many SNS sites have small-world attribute with short path lengths and high coefficients of their cluster. Distribution of degrees of the SNS sites is close to power law. This result indicates the small-scale SNS sites raise the percentage of users with many friends than mixi. According to the analysis of their coefficients of assortativity, those SNS sites have negative values of assortativity, and that means users with high degree tend to connect users with small degree. Next, we analyze the patterns of user communication. A friend network of SNS is explicit while users' communication behaviors are defined as an implicit network. What kind of relationships do these networks have? To address this question, we obtain some characteristics of users' communication structure and activation patterns of users on the SNS sites. By using new indexes, friend aggregation rate and friend coverage rate, we show that SNS sites with high value of friend coverage rate activate diary postings and their comments. Besides, they become activated when hub users with high degree do not behave actively on the sites with high value of friend aggregation rate and high value of friend coverage rate. On the other hand, activation emerges when hub users behave actively on the sites with low value of friend aggregation rate and high value of friend coverage rate. Finally, we observe SNS sites which are increasing the number of users considerably, from the viewpoint of network structure, and extract characteristics of high growth SNS sites. As a result of discrimination on the basis of the decision tree analysis, we can recognize the high growth SNS sites with a high degree of accuracy. Besides, this approach suggests mixi and the other small-scale SNS sites have different character trait.
棚田 梓 岡田 勇
一般社団法人 社会情報学会
社会情報学 (ISSN:21872775)
vol.2, no.2, pp.33-47, 2013

日野 愛郎 新川 匠郎 藤田 泰昌 網谷 龍介 粕谷 祐子 上谷 直克 木寺 元 岡田 勇

本研究は質的比較分析(Qualitative Comparative Analysis)の開発、比較検討、実践を共創的に展開し、政治学の更なる発展に道筋を付ける。QCAは複数条件の組み合わせを網羅的に扱い、必要条件性や十分条件性をブール代数や集合論を基に把握する。本研究は(1)政治学が強い関心を払う歴史的・時間的な変動を分析可能とするTime-differencing QCAの方法を開発し、(2)先行研究のデータ分析を再現する中で、結果を規定する原因の「条件性」を他の手法と比較検討してQCAの独自性を明確にし、(3)比較政治、国際関係、行政学の各領域での実践を基に分析のガイドラインを作成する。
棚田 梓 岡田 勇
メディア研究 (ISSN:27581047)
vol.101, pp.103-118, 2022-08-10 (Released:2022-11-22)

To ascertain how editorial freedoms enshrined in the Broadcasting Act are interpreted and how actual broadcasting has developed, it is important to consider how the government has responded to the Diet’s interpretation of the Broadcasting Act, especially regarding how the rules on program editing are interpreted. This paper examines the changes in the government’s responses to the question of program editing rules, which has been an important point of contention for broadcasting freedom. Specifically, a chronological list of changes in the interpretation of the autonomy of broadcasters was compiled based on a comprehensive search of Diet proceedings from the enactment of the 1950 Broadcasting Act until 2020. This list was created by extracting 267 statements from 180 Diet sessions that matched keywords suggesting a connection with the government’s involvement in broadcasting and editorial freedom. The statements were ranked in five levels according to the level of involvement, thereby quantitatively demonstrating the increasing government involvement with each passing year. In this paper, the results are divided into four time periods, and the government’s responses in each period are evaluated. This approach is consistent with previous studies and is thought to facilitate the objective documentation of the changing nature of broadcasting.
山本 仁志 鳥海 不二夫 岡田 勇
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 (ISSN:13479881)
vol.27, 2013

鳥海 不二夫 秋山 英三 岡田 勇 山本 仁志

石田 芳文 山本 仁志 岡田 勇 太田 敏澄
コンピュータ ソフトウェア (ISSN:02896540)
vol.24, no.1, pp.1_70-1_80, 2007 (Released:2007-06-11)

相互作用関係がスケールフリーネットワークである繰返し囚人のジレンマにおいて,協調は安定的に維持されるのであろうか? また,協調を安定的に維持するためにはどのような方策が望ましいだろうか.我々は,エージェントの相互作用関係がスケールフリーであるネットワークに対し,協調の進化と崩壊の動的なメカニズムを明らかにするために,エージェントベースドシミュレーションをおこなった.我々の成果は,以下の通りである.(1) スケールフリーネットワーク上の囚人のジレンマにおいて,協調は達成されるが脆弱であり崩壊しやすい.(2) ネットワークの接続次数の高いエージェントが寛容になることが協調の崩壊を招き,また厳格になることで協調は最も高いレベルで維持される.(3) ネットワークの接続次数の高いエージェントが,一定の確率で裏切り行為をとることで,集団全体の寛容性を抑制し,裏切り戦略の侵入を防ぐ効果がある.
岡田 勇 山本 仁志 諏訪 博彦

山本 仁志 諏訪 博彦 岡田 勇 鳥海 不二夫 和泉 潔 橋本 康弘
日本社会情報学会学会誌 (ISSN:13440896)
vol.23, no.1, pp.33-43, 2011-09

岡田 勇
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.35, no.4, pp.320-329, 1969

In January, 1959, I made researches on the marriage circle as well as the consanguineous and non-consanguineous marriages of all the 444 couples living in Kobori Section (462 houses), Takatsuki-ch&ocirc;, Ikagun, Shiga Prefecture, which section is famous for the long life of its inhabitants. And in May, 1959, I made the same researches of the 197 couples of random sampling living in Asakuni, Shofuku-ji and Iwane villages (330 houses in total) in Iwane Section, Koseicho, Kogagun, in the same prefecture, which section is famous for the short life of its inhabitants. The following are the conclusions arrived at : 1) On the marriage circle by age-groups of males There is a tendency that the younger the age is, the larger the marriage circle becomes in both sections. As to the marriages between the same villagers, the former section shows 20. 72% and the latter section shows 30.46% and the difference between the two sections is statistically significant at the level of 1.0% (X<SUP>2</SUP>=6.71>X<SUP>2</SUP><SUB>0.01</SUB>=6.63). On the other hand, as to the marriages between the different villagers or townspeople in this prefecture, the former section shows 27.25% and the latter section shows 19.28%, and the difference between the two sections is statistically significant at the level of 5.0% (X<SUP>2</SUP>=4.73>X<SUP>2</SUP><SUB>0.05</SUB>=3.84). Therefore, the marriage circle of the former section is larger than that of the latter. 2) On the consanguineous and non-consanguineous marriage by age-groups of males As to the consanguineous marriage, Kobori Section shows 10.59% and Iwane Section shows 13.71%. The latter section is larger in percentage than the former, though the difference is statistically insignificant. Of the consanguineous marriages, those between cousins are the most numerous in both sections. In the former section 76.6% of the consanguineous marriages (8.11% of all the couples) and in the latter section 77.8% of the same (10.66% of all the couples) are marriages betweencousins. By the age-groups of males, there is no clear distinction between the two sections. 3) On the marriage circle of consanguineous and non-consanguineous marriages The consanguineous marriages of both Kobori and Iwane secions include more marriages between the same villagers than the non-consanguineous ones of them, with statistically significant differences at the level of 1.0% respectively (X<SUP></SUP>= 12.54>X<SUP></SUP><SUB>0.01</SUB> = 6.63: X<SUP>2</SUP>= 15.69>X<SUP>2</SUP><SUB>0.01</SUB>=6.63), while the non-consanguineous marriages of both Kobori and Iwane sections include more marriages between the different villagers or townspeople in the same prefecture than the consanguineous ones of them, with statistically significant differences at the level of 1.0% respectively (X<SUP>2</SUP> = 9.28>X<SUP>2</SUP><SUB>0.01</SUB> = 6.63: X<SUP>2</SUP> = 7.45>X<SUP>2</SUP><SUB>0.01</SUB> = 6.63). Therefore, in both sections the circle of consanguineous marriages is far narrower than that of non-consanguineous marriages.
岡田 勇 楯 博 三浦 善憲 下村 義夫 永田 捷一 松井 邦義 海川 猛司 TAKAKU Tomoharu
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.41, no.3, pp.146-156, 1975

From the results of the investigation of 80 serious patients, mentally and physically handicapped, in our national sanatorium in Kofu City, Yamanashi Prefecture and 2, 716 patients abstracted from all the other national sanatoria in Japan, the following conclusions were drawn. 1) By ages, of the 80 patients in our sanatorium those of 1014 years stand first in number (45.00%) and those of 1519 years stand second (22.50%), while of the 2, 716 patients from all the other national sanatoria those of 5-9 years stand first (39.7%) and those of 1014 years stand second (29.3%). Nevertheless, the investigation of our patients was made in the 50th year of Showa and that of the latter patients was made in the 45th year of Showa. Accordingly, the age-composition of the two groups of patients is the same in reality. 2) By causes, in our sanatorium, cerebral palsy stands first in number (65.00%), the after-effects of encephalitis and cerebrospinal meingitis stand second (13.75%), and follow the after-effct of nucleojaundice (8.75%) and microcephaly (7.50%). In the other sanatoria, cerebral palsy stands first (64.9%), the after-effects of encephalitis and cerebrospinal meningitis stand second (13.0%), and follow the after-effect of nucleojaundice (7.9%) and microcephaly (5.9%). Namely, the order of causes is about the same in both cases. 3) As to evacuation, 95.0% of our patients and 96.5% of the others need to be tended.Namely, , both rates are almost the same. 4) As to communication, 17.5% of our patients and 17.3% of the others can speak a little. Namely, both rates are almost the same. 5) As to eatiny, 86.25% of our patients and 81.4% of the others need to be tended. Namely, both rates are about the same. 6) As to bodily movement, 47.50% of our patients and 32.9% of the others keep their beds. This shows that our patients are more severely handicapped than the others. 7) As to complications, pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, fever in summer, skin disease and symtoms of digestive organs rank high both in our sanatorium and in the other sanatoria. As mentioned above, the age-composition and the conditions of our patients are almost the same as those of the other patients, except that the grade of physical handicap of the former is higher than that of the latter. Generally speaking, more time is spent in their living guidance than in their medical treatment. Consequently, nurses are occupied in work of tendance rather than in their proper work of nusying. On the 1st of August, 1973, we made researches on the time of living of 10 nurses working in the ward of the physically and mentally handicapped of our sanatorium, of 10 nurses in the medical ward of the national hospital, and of 10 nurses in the medical ward of the pref ectural hospital in the same city, with the following results. The total time of nursing, housekeeping, and cooking spent by our nurses, by those of the national hospital, and by those of the prefectural hospital is 12 hours and 3 minutes, 10 hours and 53 minutes, and 10 hours and 33 minutes respectively. Namely, the working time of our nurses is the longest and that of those of the pref ectural hospital is the shortest. Moreover, the nurses of our sanatorium are older and those of the other are younger. The time of nursing is comparatively short and that of housekeeping is long in the former, while the time of nursing is long and that of housekeeping is short in the latter. Namely, they are antipodal. This fact is worthy of note, considering the problem of lumbago. By substance of the working time in hospital, the time of medical care, is I hour and 9 minutes, that is, the shortest, in our sanatorium, 3 hours and 38 minutes in the national hospital, and 3 hours and 48 minutes, that is, the longest, in the pref ectural hospital. The time of tendance in eating and excretion is 2 hours and 34 minutes, that is, the longest, in our sanatorium, 28 minutes in the