藤田 紘一郎
一般社団法人 日本農村医学会
日本農村医学会雑誌 (ISSN:04682513)
vol.50, no.6, pp.777-781, 2002-03-25 (Released:2011-08-11)
藤田 紘一郎
青淵 (ISSN:09123210)
no.854, pp.22-24, 2020-05
島峯 隆浩 米満 郁男 渋谷 直樹 纐纈 美沙子 今井 治樹 藤田 紘一 大村 進 小野 卓史
特定非営利活動法人 日本顎変形症学会
日本顎変形症学会雑誌 (ISSN:09167048)
vol.28, no.3, pp.226-234, 2018 (Released:2018-09-28)

This study aimed to compare cephalometric changes in the upper airway morphology, including the hyoid bone position, after the conventional Le Fort I (LF) osteotomy, and an LF and horse-shoe osteotomies. Twenty-two patients diagnosed as having skeletal maxillary protrusion at the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery/Orthodontics, Yokohama City University Medical Center, were included. They were divided into two groups as follows: 13 patients underwent LF and sagittal split ramus osteotomies (LF group); and 9 patients underwent LF, horse-shoe and sagittal split ramus osteotomies (HS group). The following linear variables were measured on lateral cephalometric radiographs taken before (T0), immediately after (T1), and 1 year after (T2) surgery: palatal pharyngeal space (PPS), the length from the posterior pharyngeal wall to the posterior nasal spine (PNS); superior posterior palatal space (SPPS), the length from the posterior pharyngeal wall to the middle point between the PNS and the lowest point of the soft palate; middle posterior palatal space (MPS), the length from the posterior pharyngeal wall to the lowest point of the soft palate; inferior posterior palatal space (IPS), the length from the posterior pharyngeal wall to the tongue passing the lowest point of the second cervical vertebra; epiglottic pharyngeal space (EPS), the length from the posterior pharyngeal wall to the tongue passing the front end of the epiglottis; S-H, the length from the lowest point of the hyoid bone to the Sella; and C3-H, the length from the lowest point of the hyoid bone to the lowest front point of the second cervical vertebra. Statistical analyses were performed using the Mann-Whitney U test. P values of <0.05 indicated statistical significance. SPPS and MPS decreased at T2 in the HS group. IPS and EPS increased at T1 in both groups but decreased at T2 in the HS group. S-H decreased at T1 in both groups and at T2 in the LF group. C3-H increased at T1 in both groups but decreased at T2 in the HS group. The anteroposterior diameter of the oropharynx was unchanged in the LF group because the tongue moved upward after the palate moved upward but changed in the HS group because the tongue moved backward and the oral volume decreased due to the absence of palatal segment movement. In conclusion, the anteroposterior diameter of the oropharynx decreased after backward and upward movements of the maxilla by LF and HS in the patients with skeletal maxillary protrusions.
小田 力 藤田 紘一郎 森 章夫
熱帯医学 Tropical medicine (ISSN:03855643)
vol.26, no.2, pp.61-65, 1984-06-30

パプアニューギニアのダンフ,ケビェン及びラバウルの3地域でマラリアとデング熱の伝搬蚊について調査した.採集された蚊はAnopheles farauti, An. koliensis, An. punctulatus, Aedes aegypti, Ae. scutellaris,及びCulex pipiens quinquefasciatusの6種類であった.これら3種のハマダラカはわだちに水がたまって出来た泥水に発生していた.ダンフにおいてはAn. punctulatusがマラリアの主要伝搬蚊と考えられる.また,この地域ではデング熱の主要伝搬蚊であるAedes aegyptiとAe. scutellarisも採集された.前者の主要発生源は屋内では花びんのような人工的容器で,屋外では水のたまった古タイヤであった.後者の発生源も屋外の古タイヤであった.Collections of vector mosquitoes were made in three areas of Papua New Guinea. Mosquitoes collected were of the following 6 species: Anopheles farauti, An. koliensis, An. punctulatus, Aedes aegypti, Ae. scutellaris, Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus. Three species of Anopheline mosquitoes were commonly found in muddy pools such as wheel ruts at the roadsides, and among them An. punctulatus was assumed to be the primary vector of malaria in the area of Danfu, where also Ae, aegypti and Ae. scutellaris, the major vectors of dengue fever, were collected. The main breeding places for Ae. aegypti were artifitial containers such as flower vases indoors and discarded tires outdoors, the latter being the main breeding place for Ae. scutellaris.
藤田 紘一郎
青淵 (ISSN:09123210)
no.765, pp.18-20, 2012-12