豊岡 示朗 荒松 馨 松生 香里
大阪体育大学紀要 (ISSN:02891190)
vol.35, pp.39-50, 2004-03-31

The exercise intensity at which lipid metabolism is enhanced most and changes in lipid metabolism with time were studied during 2-hours treadmill exercise at intensities of 30, 40, 50, 60, and 70% VO2max. The subjects were 6 healthy adult males (aged 20-28 years) who exercised regularly 2-5 days a week. The exercise session was held after the subjects ingested the same lunch (a bowl of rice with meat and vegetables cooked in the Chinese style with salad; about 950 kcal) and rested for 2 hours and 30 minutes. Characteristics of lipid metabolism were examined on the basis of the plasma substrate and hormone levels, and metabolic responses. RER remained low at 30% and 40% VO2max from the beginning (0.91-0.93) to the end (0.87-0.88) of the exercise compared with the exercise intensity above 50% VO2max. The energy produced by combustion of fat, measured every 30 minutes during the exercise, increased with time at all exercise intensities, but the increases between 90 and 120 minutes were particularly notable (except at 30% VO2max). In addition, the energy derived from fat was the largest at 70% VO2max among the 5 exercise intensities 60 and 120 minutes after the beginning of the exercise with significant differences (p<0.05) compared with the other intensities. Concerning the blood substrate, glycerol mobilization and glucagon secretion increased, but the glucose level decreased characteristically, with increasing exercise were small in all parameters measured (glycerol, FFA, ketone bodies, glucose, glucagon) at all intensities, and no significant difference was observed among the intensities. However, the values of all parameters increased rapidly during the latter 60 minutes, and the increases were the largest at 70% VO2max. Also, noradrenaline was nearly doubled at 70% VO2max compared with the other intensities 60 and 120 minutes after the beginning of the exercise. From the above results, it was concluded that the energy produced by fat combustion was enhanced most at 70% VO2max. Also, it was shown to be accelerated further when exercise at 40% VO2max or above is continued for 90 minutes or longer.
足立 博子 足立 哲司 豊岡 示朗
体力科學 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.51, no.4, pp.385-391, 2002-08-01

ウォーキングスピードの違いとエネルギー代謝の関連について検討した.対象者は, 健康な中年女性7名 (35~50歳) であり, 3種類のスピード (経済: 1km当りのエネルギー消費量が最小となるスピード, 快適: 被験者が気持ちよいと答えたスピード, 速歩: 被験者が無理のない範囲で最も速く歩けると答えたスピード) での60分間のトレッドミルウォーキングを課して代謝反応と血中脂質を測定し, 次のような結果を得た.<BR>1) 60分間のトレッドミルウォーキングを実施したスピードとそれぞれのスピードにおける%VO<SUB>2</SUB>maxと心拍数は, 経済が76m/min (41%VO<SUB>2</SUB>max, 96beats/min) , 快適で90m/min (49%VO<SUB>2</SUB>max, 110beats/min) , 速歩は106m/min (67%VO<SUB>2</SUB>max, 139beats/min) であった.<BR>2) 5分ごとに見た脂肪によるエネルギー消費量は, 3スピードとも経時的に増加したが, 特に速歩スピードでは, 運動開始後の10分目で1.1kcal/minであった脂肪によるエネルギー消費量が運動終了時には2.5kcal/minと2倍以上に達した.<BR>3) 60分間ウォーキングでの総エネルギー消費量はスピードに伴い増加した.脂肪によるエネルギー消費量は, 速歩が109kcalで最も高い値を示したが, 快適: 99kcal, 経済: 92kcalとの間に有意差は認められなかった.
豊岡 示朗 吉川 潔 足立 哲司
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.44, no.4, pp.419-430, 1995-08-01
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朝の起床後におけるジョギングの問題点, その実施時間帯による代謝特性を明らかにすることを目的として, 男子長距離選手5名 (19~26歳) とジョガー (32~50歳) を対象に, 絶食, スナック, 夕方の3条件を設定して60分間のトレッドミルによるジョギングを課し, 血中基質と代謝反応を測定し, 次のような結果を得た.<BR>1) 絶食条件のジョギング前後の血液グルコースは, ジョガー群で100.8mg/d<I>l</I>: 93.0mg/d<I>l</I>, ランナー群で101.0mg/d<I>l</I>: 105.6mg/d<I>l</I>となり, ジョガー群の低下が大きい傾向が見られた.しかしながら, 両群間に有意差は認められなかった.また, 夕食を摂らなかった被験者1名 (48歳) が, 走行後65mg/d<I>l</I>となり, 低血糖レベルに近づいた.<BR>2) 同条件での遊離脂肪酸は, ジョガー群の安静で, 0.37mmol/<I>l</I>, 運動後, 0.57mmol/<I>l</I>, ランナー群の場合, 運動前0.25mmol/<I>l</I>, 運動後0.37mmol/<I>l</I>となり, いづれも, 約50%の上昇がみられたものの, 安静値の2倍に達した被験者は1名であった.また, その最大値は, たかだか, 0.86mmol//<I>l</I>であった.<BR>3) 上述の結果から, 起床後の空腹状況において, 50~60%VO<SUB>2</SUB>maxで60分間のジョギングを実施した場合, 脱力感, 不快感や低血糖症状に陥る例は稀であり, 遊離脂肪酸が急上昇 (安静の3~4倍) することもほとんどないことが示唆された.しかしながら, 中高年ジョガーの場合, β-ヒドロキシ酪酸が, 運動前に比べ1.3~2.6倍も増加する例 (6名中5名) が見られた.<BR>4) 血中基質の動態からみた夕方ジョギングの特徴は, 朝の2条件 (絶食とスナック) と比べ, 運動前のインスリンレベルが2.7倍高く, 運動中のアドレナリン分泌の亢進, 血液グルコース取り込みの増加, 脂肪分解能の抑制であった.一方, 朝の2条件の動態は, ほぼ同様となり, インスリン, アドレナリン, ノルアドレナリン, 血液グルコースの変動が小さく, グリセロールの増加, FFA代謝回転レベルの高いことが認められた.<BR>5) 60分間のジョギングによる全消費エネルギーは, スナック条件が他の条件より4~5%高く (P<0.01) 654.4kcal, 以下, 夕方条件・627.5kcal, 絶食条件・619.2kcalとなった.この差異の要因は, スナック摂取からくる酸素摂取量の増加に依る.<BR>6) 呼吸商 (RQ) から60分間のジョギングによる炭水化物と脂肪の酸化比率をみると, 朝の2条件 (絶食とスナック) の場合, 約51~50%: 49~50%とほぼ同様になったのに比べ, 夕方条件の場合は, 67.4%: 32.6%となり, 朝のジョギングの方が約16~17%脂肪の酸化が多い (P<0.01) ことが認められた.<BR>7) 以上の結果から, 朝の2条件 (絶食とスナック) によるジョギングは, 夕方実施する場合に比べて脂質代謝が高いと示唆された.
豊岡 示朗 吉川 潔 足立 哲司
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.44, no.4, pp.419-430, 1995-08-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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朝の起床後におけるジョギングの問題点, その実施時間帯による代謝特性を明らかにすることを目的として, 男子長距離選手5名 (19~26歳) とジョガー (32~50歳) を対象に, 絶食, スナック, 夕方の3条件を設定して60分間のトレッドミルによるジョギングを課し, 血中基質と代謝反応を測定し, 次のような結果を得た.1) 絶食条件のジョギング前後の血液グルコースは, ジョガー群で100.8mg/dl: 93.0mg/dl, ランナー群で101.0mg/dl: 105.6mg/dlとなり, ジョガー群の低下が大きい傾向が見られた.しかしながら, 両群間に有意差は認められなかった.また, 夕食を摂らなかった被験者1名 (48歳) が, 走行後65mg/dlとなり, 低血糖レベルに近づいた.2) 同条件での遊離脂肪酸は, ジョガー群の安静で, 0.37mmol/l, 運動後, 0.57mmol/l, ランナー群の場合, 運動前0.25mmol/l, 運動後0.37mmol/lとなり, いづれも, 約50%の上昇がみられたものの, 安静値の2倍に達した被験者は1名であった.また, その最大値は, たかだか, 0.86mmol//lであった.3) 上述の結果から, 起床後の空腹状況において, 50~60%VO2maxで60分間のジョギングを実施した場合, 脱力感, 不快感や低血糖症状に陥る例は稀であり, 遊離脂肪酸が急上昇 (安静の3~4倍) することもほとんどないことが示唆された.しかしながら, 中高年ジョガーの場合, β-ヒドロキシ酪酸が, 運動前に比べ1.3~2.6倍も増加する例 (6名中5名) が見られた.4) 血中基質の動態からみた夕方ジョギングの特徴は, 朝の2条件 (絶食とスナック) と比べ, 運動前のインスリンレベルが2.7倍高く, 運動中のアドレナリン分泌の亢進, 血液グルコース取り込みの増加, 脂肪分解能の抑制であった.一方, 朝の2条件の動態は, ほぼ同様となり, インスリン, アドレナリン, ノルアドレナリン, 血液グルコースの変動が小さく, グリセロールの増加, FFA代謝回転レベルの高いことが認められた.5) 60分間のジョギングによる全消費エネルギーは, スナック条件が他の条件より4~5%高く (P<0.01) 654.4kcal, 以下, 夕方条件・627.5kcal, 絶食条件・619.2kcalとなった.この差異の要因は, スナック摂取からくる酸素摂取量の増加に依る.6) 呼吸商 (RQ) から60分間のジョギングによる炭水化物と脂肪の酸化比率をみると, 朝の2条件 (絶食とスナック) の場合, 約51~50%: 49~50%とほぼ同様になったのに比べ, 夕方条件の場合は, 67.4%: 32.6%となり, 朝のジョギングの方が約16~17%脂肪の酸化が多い (P<0.01) ことが認められた.7) 以上の結果から, 朝の2条件 (絶食とスナック) によるジョギングは, 夕方実施する場合に比べて脂質代謝が高いと示唆された.
足立 哲司 足立 博子 中井 聖 豊岡 示朗 増原 光彦
日本生理人類学会誌 (ISSN:13423215)
vol.16, no.4, pp.165-170, 2011-11-25 (Released:2017-07-28)

The aims of the present study, were a) to investigate physiological responses in man who ingested branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) drink for 8 consecutive days during and after incremental exercise and b) to examine the effects of BCAA drink intake on aerobic performance during the exercise. Five healthy males ingested 2000mg・day^<-1> of BCAA drink for 7 consecutive days and 10000-mg BCAA before the experiment and performed incremental cycle ergometer exercise until exhaustion. Exercise duration until exhaustion significantly extended and blood lactate concentration at a 100-W load significantly decreased compared to before ingesting BCAA (p<0.05, respectively). These results suggest that BCAA drink intake could result in improving aerobic performance.
中井 聖 佐川 和則 豊岡 示朗 伊藤 章
近畿大学教養・外国語教育センター紀要. 一般教養編 = Kinki university center for liberal arts and foreign language education journal. Liberal arts edition (ISSN:21857032)
vol.1, no.1, pp.3-13, 2011-03-01

【Abstract】 The aims of the present study were to investigate characteristics of variations in substrate metabolism with time during prolonged exercise in trained women and to examine the optimal exercise intensity and duration of endurance training in women as exercise prescription. Expired gas was measured in ten trained women who performed 120-min treadmill walking and running at several exercise intensities. Substrate oxidation was computed by substituting determined oxygen uptake and carbon-dioxide output into stoichiometric equations. A constant level of energy expenditure was needed during prolonged exercise at the same intensity, but the enhancement of lipid metabolism with exercise duration led to an increase in fat-derived energy provision and a decrease in the dependency ratio of carbohydrate-derived energy to required energy. Lipid metabolism during low-intensity exercise wasconstantly-enhanced with duration whereas that during moderate- and high-intensity exercise was slowly increased beyond 60 min after initiating exercise and the proportion of fat-derived energy to required energy decreased with increasing exercise intensity. These findings suggest that women inendurance training should continue low-intensity exercise for as long time as possible and that they should select the moderate-intensity to sustain exercise beyond 60 min in order to increase the total volume of energy expenditure.
豊岡 示朗 足立 哲司 宮原 清彰 松生 香里 福嶋 利浩 鈴木 従道
大阪体育大学紀要 (ISSN:02891190)
vol.31, pp.27-38, 2000-07-01

The physiological factors that relate to marathon running performance were studied in 24 marathoners of three different categories (Elite Runners, Good Runners and Slow Runners). Oxygen uptake at average marathon speed (AMS) was significantly correlated (r = 0.93) to performance in the marathoners. This showed a significant difference in the three categories. Also, this data indicate that marathon performance of sub 2: 30 (ER) and sub 3 : 00 (GR) need respectively above 54 ml/kg/min and 45 ml/kg/min during the race. It was suggested that these differences at AMS were dependent on the difference VO_2/kg at 2.5 mM and 3.0 mM (r^2 = 82〜84%) in three categories. The two factors that contribute to VO_2/kg at 2.5 mM and 3.0 mM are: VO_2 max/kg (r = 0.83〜0.88) and average weekly distance (r = 0.64〜0.66). VO2/kg at fixed blood lactate concentration of 2.5 mM, 3.0 mM and 4.0 mM were significantly correlated to AMS (r=0.80〜0.82). There were no differences in the three categories in delta speed and V0_2/kg while increasing from 2.5 mM to 4.0 mM, which means the aerobic-anaerobic transition. The delta values were 20.8〜24.6 m/min in speed and 4.7〜5.6 ml/kg/min in V0_2. From these results, it is indicated that marathon running performance correlates closely to V0_2/ kg at AMS and velocity and V0_2/kg at fixed blood lactate concentration of 2.5 mM, 3.0 mM and 4.0 mM, which shows a significant difference in ER, GR and SR.
松生 香里 福嶋 利浩 和田 光代 豊岡 示朗
大阪体育大学紀要 (ISSN:02891190)
vol.32, pp.33-39, 2001-07-01

The physiological factors that relate to 5000 m running performance were studied in 36 male distance runners of three different groups (14 min, 15 min and 16-17 min). Subjects underwent a test to determine the relationships among 5000 m performance (average velocity of 5000 m : V_<5000>), aerobic power, and blood lactate accumulation. The liner relationship was found to exist between V_<5000> and aerobic power (r = 0.562, p < 0.001). Also the relationship was found to exist between V_<5000> and VOBLA (r = 0.867, p < 0.001). VOBLA appeared from 90 to 101% of V_<5000> at any groups and the average of each group was about 96%. To investigate whether this result can be useful for training or not, 12 subjects were performed to run with 90, 92.5 and 95% of V_<5000> by interval training method (5 × 4 minutes running with 90 second recovery). In the 90% of V_<5000> blood lactate was steady with 3.0 mM, and it appeared around 4.0 mM in the 92.5% velocity of V_<5000>. However, in the 95% of V_<5000> blood lactate was above 4.0 mM from initial stage and was gradually increased as the trial was passed. From these results, it was suggested that 92.5% of V_<5000> was optimal velocity to lead to VOBLA.