宮尾 嶽雄 両角 徹郎 両角 源美 花村 肇 佐藤 信吉 赤羽 啓栄 酒井 秋男
動物学雑誌 (ISSN:00445118)
vol.72, no.7, pp.187-193, 1963-07-15

The authors investigated the seasonal differences of sex ratio, body weight, percentage of pregnant female and testicle size in two species of the field mice, Apodemus argenteus and Clethrionomys andersoni, collected from April, 1962 to March, 1963, in the subalpine forestzone (Tsuga diversifolia-Abies Mariesii forest zone, alt. 1,800-2,400m) on Mt. Yatsugatake in Honshu. Toral number of collected specimens was 308 Apodemus ar genteus and 616 Clethrionomys andersoni. 1) The number of males was larger than that of females in all months except August in Clethrionomys andersoni (♀ 56.7%), and July in Apodemus argenteus (♀ 54.6%), during the height of the breeding season (Fig. 1). 2) From the histograms of the body weight, the following tendencies were noted. Young mice appeared from July to October in Clethrionomys andersoni, and from June to September in Apodemus argenteus. Old adults disappeared from November to March in Clethrionomys andersoni, and from August in Apodemus argenteus. In both species, the developmental period of body weight generally coincided with the spring breeding season (Fig. 2 and Fig. 3). The life span of these species was supposed at about 1 year. 3) The maximum monthly pregnancy rate was attained in June in both species (Fig. 4). The yearly average embryo size was 3.3 in Clethrionomys andersoni and 3.9 in Apodemys argenteus. 4) The monthly average testicle sizes were about 10 mm. from April to July in both species. But they were about 4 mm. from October to March (Fig. 5).
宮尾 嶽雄 両角 徹郎 両角 源美 花村 肇 赤羽 啓栄 酒井 秋男
動物学雑誌 (ISSN:00445118)
vol.73, no.7, pp.189-195, 1964-07-15

The present paper deals with the distribution and breeding season of Smith's red-backed vole (Eothenomys smithi) in the subalpine forest zone (Tsuga diversiforia-Abies Mariesii forest zone, alt. 1,300-2,400m)on Mt. Yatsugatake in Honshu, Japan. By using snap traps, a survey was made every August in 1957, 1959, 1960 and 1961, and every month from April 1962 to March 1964. 1. In the subalpine forest zone, Anderson's red-backed vole (Clethrionomys adersoni) and the wood mouse (Apodemus argenteus) were the most abundant species. E. smithi is distributed widely in this area, but the population density was in general low, although in some localities it was high, as in areas with haevy undergrowth. E. smithi occurred with Clethrionomys andersoni and there was not observable habitat segregation between them. 2. The average tail length and hind foot length was 43.09mm and 16.32mm, respectively. 3. Pregnant females were found from May to October, and the maximum monthly pregnancy rate was attained in July. The yearly average number of embryoes was 2.3. Out of 32 females examined, 6(18.7%)had three pairs of mammae and 26 (81.3%) had two pairs of mammae. The monthly average testicle sizes increased quickly in spring and attained a maximum in June, after which their size was quickly reduced. 4. It is known that E. smithi occurs in forested regions on Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu in Japan, but recently Imaizumi (1957) distinguished a new variety E. smithi occurring in the northern part of Honshu (including Mt. yatsugatake) from those in the southern part of Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu, and he named the former E. kageus. He suggested that E. kageus has two pairs of mammae and that E. smithi has three pairs. The present results, however, show that the color, body measurements and habitat of E. kageus are very close to those of E. smithi, and further that the specimens having both types of mammae are found in the same area on Mt. yatsugatake. Thus the difference in the number of mammae betwwn E. kageus and E. smithi may be due only to individual variation.
宮尾 嶽雄 両角 徹郎 両角 源美 花村 肇 佐藤 信吉 赤羽 啓栄 酒井 秋男
動物学雑誌 (ISSN:00445118)
vol.72, no.5, pp.133-138, 1963-05

From April, 1962 to March, 1963, the authors collected small mammals (Rodentia and Insectivora) monthly by snap traps in the subalpine forest zone (Tsugadiversiforia-Abies Mariesii forest zone, alt. 1,300-2,400m) on Mt. Yatsugatake in Honshu. Total number of captured mice and voles was 961 with the following proportional breakdown: Rattus rattus 1, Apodemus speciosus 14, Apodemus argenteus 308, Clethrionomys andersoni 616, Anteliomys smithii 20, Microtus montebelli 2. The number of moles and shrews taken was 231 with the following breakdown: Euroscaptor mizura 1, Urotrichus talpoides hondonis 18, Dymecodon pilirostris 151, and Sorex shinto shinto 61. Rattus rattus and Microtus montebelli were found in this area. Apodemus speciosus and Urotrichus talpoides hondonis were only found in the lower part of this grassy area. On the other hand, Apodemus argenteus, Clethrionomys andersoni, Anteliomys smithii, Dymecodon pilirostris, Sorex shinto shinto were widely found in this forest zone. It was noted that the largest number of Apodemus argenteus appeared in spring, but the peak of Clethrionomys andersoni was seen from autumn to winter (Fig. 2). The average embryo sizes of each species were as follows: Apodemus speciosus 5.7, Apodemus argenteus 3.9, Clethrionomys andersoni 3.3, Anteliomys smithii 3.5, Microtus montebelli 3.0, Urotrichus talpoides hondonis 4.5, Dymecodon pilirostris 3.5, Sorex shinto shinto 3.7. The highest capture rate (number of captured small mammals/no. of set traps) occurred in October and the lowest rate in February. They reflect the effect of the population density and the snow fall, etc.
宮尾 嶽雄 両角 徹郎 両角 源美 赤羽 啓栄 酒井 秋男 花村 肇
動物学雑誌 (ISSN:00445118)
vol.74, no.3, pp.76-81, 1965-03-15

The authors certified that five species of insectivora inhabit the subalpine forest zone (alt. 1,800-2,400m) of Mt. Yatsugatake. They are Euroscaptor mizura, Urotrichus talpoides, Dymecodon pilirostris, Sorex shinto and Chimarrogale platycephala. From April, 1962 to March, 1964, the authors collected small mammals monthly by snap traps in the subalpine forest zone on Mt. Yatsugatake in Honshu. The total number of captured mice and voles was 1,577. The number of moles and shrews taken was 387 with the following breakdown: Urotrichus talpoides 25, Dymecodon pilirostris 257, Sorex shinto 105. It was noted that larger number of Dymecodon pilirostris and Sorex shinto appeared in June and in winter. Pregnant females were found in May (2 specimens) in Urotrichus talpoides, in May (3) and July (3) in Dymecodon pilirostris, in May (2) and June (5) in Sorex shinto. The average embryo sizes of each species were as follows: Urotrichus talpoides 4.5, Dymecodon pilirostris 3.7, Sorex shinto 3.8. Mammal formula of each species examined are shown in Table 3. The monthly average testicle sizes advance rapidly to the maximum after winter in Dymecodon pilirostris and Sorex shinto, but after which their size are quickly reduced. In Dymecodon pilirostris and Sorex shinto, from the frequency distribution table of body weight, the following tendencies are noted: wintered animals grow repidly and reach maturity from April to July. But breeding ceases in August mainly because the parent generation is rapidly dying off by October, completely so by November. Young come into the populations from August onwards, predominating from August and overwinter without coming into breeding conditions. The life span of these species is supposed to be about 1-1.5 years.
久保 恵嗣 小林 俊夫 福島 雅夫 芝本 利重 酒井 秋男 上田 五雨
The Japanese Respiratory Society
日本胸部疾患学会雑誌 (ISSN:03011542)
vol.26, no.8, pp.825-832, 1988

肺水腫における熱とインドシアニン・グリーン (ICG) 色素を用いた二重指示薬希釈法による血管外肺水分量測定の有用性を検討するために, 肺リンパ瘻を作製した麻酔下緬羊を用い, 本法による血管外肺水分量 extravascular lung thermal volume (EVLTV) と, 左房圧上昇 (IP, n=5), Escherichia coli エンドトキシン注入 (ETX, n=5) および肺微小空気塞栓 (Air, n=4) 時の肺循環および肺リンパ動態とを比較検討した. また, 肺リンパ液中のICG濃度を測定した. IP群では, 左房圧 (Pla) 10mmHg上昇に伴い肺動脈圧 (Ppa) も上昇し, 肺リンパ流量 (Qlym) は有意に増加した. 肺リンパと血漿との蛋白濃度比 (L/P) は有意に減少した. EVLTVは有意に増加した. ETX 1μg/kg, iv, 投与3~5時間後, Qlym およびL/Pは有意に増加したが, EVLTVは変化なかった. PpaとPlaは変化なかった. Air群では, 肺動脈主幹部に挿入した細いチューブ (内径0.3mm) より1.2ml/minの空気を3時間にわたり注入した. Ppaは空気注入中有意に増加したが, 注入終了後すみやかに前値に復した. Plaは変化なかった. Qlymは空気注入後より増加し, 注入終了後もその増加は持続した. L/Pは注入終了後軽度増加した. EVLTVは空気注入中著明に減少し, 注入終了後有意に増加した. 肺リンパ液中のICG濃度はETX群で著明に増加したが, 他の2群では変化なかった. 以上より, EVLTVはエンドトキシンおよび肺塞栓存在時の肺水腫の存在の可能性を過小評価する. また肺微小空気塞栓による肺血管透過性の機序は, エンドトキシン肺傷害のそれとは異なることを示唆するものと思われる.
樫村 修生 酒井 秋男
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.55, no.1, pp.145-154, 2006-02-01 (Released:2007-04-04)
1 1

This study reviewed the influence of hypoxic training on hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV) sensitivity in the isolated perfused lungs preparation of rats. In addition, the study examined the kind of mechanism involved. Therefore, we inhibited nitric oxide (NO) release of endothelial cells, using on NO synthase inhibitor, and reviewed the impact on HPV.As a result, the following became clear. 1)Hypoxic training inhibited HPV. 2) HPV was increased by the administration of NO synthase inhibitor L-NMMA, in particular, conspicuously inhibited HPV in the hypoxic training group was increased. 3) The negative correlation between the onset of blood lactate accumulation and HPV was significant.From the above, it can be concluded that hypoxic training inhibited HPV and NO release for a pulmonary vascular endothelial cell. In addition, we understood that HPV was decreased by hypoxic training as the ability for endurance exercise was increased.