金坂 伊須萌 金山 明子 中西 康大 鈴木 崇嗣 金子 明寛 小林 寅喆
歯科薬物療法 (ISSN:02881012)
vol.34, no.3, pp.100-105, 2015 (Released:2015-12-25)

We conducted a study about the antimicrobial susceptibility to ceftriaxone(CTRX)and prevalence of the genes cfxA/cfxA2 of clinical isolated Prevotella strains. Furthermore, we performed in vitro study for effects on the antibiotic treatment by mixed culture of β-lactamase producing Prevotella and Streptococcus mitis. All Prevotella isolates resistant to CTRX(MIC ≧32μg/mL)were found possess the cfxA/cfxA2. Prevalence of cfxA/cfxA2 of Prevotella isolates classified as susceptible by CLSI guidelines showing a MIC of ≦0.5μg/mL were less than 25% and a MIC of 1-16μg/mL were more than 73%. Viable cells of S. mitis showed more than 99% decrease in culture broth with CTRX at a concentration of 5μg/mL for up to 8 hours. In mixed culture of ESBL producing Prevotella oralis and S. mitis, viable cells of S. mitis was increased slightly in the presence of CTRX. The decrease of viable counts in S. mitis was not seen in the case of mixed culture of ESBL-producing P. oralis and S. mitis in the presence of CTRX at a concentration of 5μg/mL for up to 8 hours.   In conclusion, the cases of mixed infection with Prevotella and Oral Streptococci, it was suggested that the Prevotella producing ESBL caused an indirect pathogen for odontogenic infection.
金子 明寛
歯科薬物療法 (ISSN:02881012)
vol.34, no.3, pp.85-93, 2015 (Released:2015-12-25)

A number of odontogenic infections are often alleviated in a few days if inflammation is localized in the alveolar part, and appropriate surgical treatments such as incision or drainage as well as antibacterial chemotherapy are performed. However, in some cases, it may become desperately ill due to delay of the initial treatment and develop extremely serious infections including cellulitis or necrotic fasciitis. The causative bacteria for these diseases are oral resident microbiota, and are frequently detected in the case of multiple bacterial infection caused by obligate and facultative anaerobic bacteria. From odontogenic infection, Prevotella sp., Peptostreptococcus sp., and Streptococcus sp. are detected at high rate and are regarded as the three major etiologic agents. The change with time in susceptibility of strains separated from closed abscess of odontogenic infection during 7 years from 2005 to 2011 against various antibacterial agents was investigated. The results showed a decreasing tendency of susceptibility to β-lactam, macrolide, and quinolone agents. In particular, there are many β-lactamase producing strains in the Prevotella sp. Thus, it is necessary to select antibacterial agents stable for β-lactamase in patients with suspected involvement of obligate anaerobic bacteria such as cellulitis around the maxilla or deep neck abscess.
王 宝禮 砂川 正隆 山口 孝二郎 亀山 敦史 金子 明寛
歯科薬物療法 (ISSN:02881012)
vol.34, no.1, pp.23-30, 2015-04-01 (Released:2015-06-01)

Kampo medicine has a long experience and actual performance over a long period of history. The first oriental medicine was approved by Japanese national health insurance in 1976, and 147 kinds of oriental medicine are currently approved by the National Health Insurance Drug Price. Those of 7 kinds of Kampo medicine were approved by Japan Dental Association of “National Health Insurance Drug Price Standard related with dental treatment” on April 2012. It has been reported that approximately 70 to 80% of doctors has an experience to use oriental medicine in a clinical site. Meanwhile, oriental medicine was used at more than 85% of medical facilities in a survey of Kampo medicine usage at oral surgery clinics in all Japanese Dental University hospital and Medical University hospital. However, only a few Kampo medicine was used at general dental clinics. Establishment of the evidence of oriental medical treatment in dental lesions is one of the solution of popularizing a treatment of Kampo medicine in oral surgery. Hence, efficacy of Kampo medicine which was approved by the new drug standard since 1986 was evaluated from the aspect of Evidence-based medicine(EBM).
森鼻 健史 金子 明寛 富田 文貞 諏訪 俊男 河野 喜郎 小林 寅哲
公益財団法人 日本感染症医薬品協会
The Japanese Journal of Antibiotics (ISSN:03682781)
vol.42, no.4, pp.973-982, 1989-04-25 (Released:2013-05-17)

新規マクロライド系抗生物質Clarithromycin (TE-031, A-56268) はラット顎下腺におけるミクロオートラジオゲラフィーによる分布状態の検討では腺房, 導管部共に良好な14C-TE-031の集積がみられた。健康成人男子ボランティア3名によるTE-031 300mg単回投与の血清中, 及び唾液中移行濃度は平均値でそれぞれCmax1.49μg/ml, 1.93μg/ml. Tmax2.91時間, 2.66時間, T1/2 6.31時間, 4.15時間, AUC18.58μg・hr/ml.17.70μg・hr/mlである。又, 同症例から得られた唾液中細菌叢は本剤の唾液中濃度の上昇に伴い, 総細菌数は減少したが12時問後には回復した。又, 経過中菌の耐性化はみられなかつた。以上本剤は個体差はあるものの, 血清中を上回る唾液中移行濃度を示し, 唾液によるTherapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) も可能な薬剤と考える。又, 本剤によると思われる一過性の唾液細菌叢の減少はみられるものの早期に回復し, 単回投与では耐性菌の出現もなく短期投与では口腔正常細菌叢への影響の少ない薬剤と考える。Clarithromycin (TE-031, A-56268) は大正製薬株式会社総合研究所でErythromycin (以下, EM) から合成された新規マクロライド系抗生物質であり, 良好な血中及び組織移行性を示すことが知られている。臨床的にも急性歯性感染症に対し, EMの1/4~1/3量である1日300~400mg投与で約80%の有効率が得られている1)。我々は, 本剤が唾液中への移行性が良いとされていることから1), 顎下腺組織への移行性について, ラットに14C-TE-031を投与後の移行分布をミクロオートラジオグラフィーにて検討し, 又, 3名の健康男子ボランティアに対し本剤300mgを食前投与し, 経時的に血清中及び唾液中濃度を測定すると共に, 唾液中細菌叢への影響を調べた。
関谷 亮 唐木田 一成 新井 俊弘 佐藤 佑介 坂本 由紀 金井 直樹 丸山 亮 金子 明寛
歯科薬物療法 (ISSN:02881012)
vol.29, no.2, pp.69-76, 2010-08-01 (Released:2010-09-11)

口腔感染症患者より分離した各種細菌およびCandida属菌株のbiofilm形成能をクリスタルバイオレット染色法で評価した結果,Prevotella intermedia,Porphyromonas gingivalis,Actinomyces odontolyticus,Streptococcus mitis,Candida albicansおよびCandida glabrataにおいてbiofilm形成能の高い菌株が見出された.これらの菌株を対象に各種抗菌薬または抗真菌薬のsub-MICにおけるbiofilm形成抑制作用を検討した.P. intermediaおよびP. gingivalisに対してlinezolid,azithromycinおよびclarithromycinのsub-MICでの作用によりbiofilm形成抑制効果が認められたが,検討した他の菌種のbiofilm形成に対する抑制効果は認められなかった.一方,C. albicansおよびC. glabrataに対しては,測定した抗真菌薬のうちmicafunginのみがsub-MICにおけるbiofilm形成抑制作用を示した.