上地 広昭 島崎 崇史 竹中 晃二
一般社団法人 日本健康心理学会
Journal of Health Psychology Research (ISSN:21898790)
pp.190106138, (Released:2020-06-23)

This study was designed to examine the effects of threat appeal in preventing obesity and non-communicable disease among university students. Participants were Japanese university students (N=395). An analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) examined differences in cognitive variables (threat appraisal, coping appraisal, protective motivation, usefulness, and acceptability) for protecting against threat appeals under threat information vs. threat & coping information conditions. Also, covariance structure analysis was conducted to identify models in which threat appeals promoted protective motivation by enhancing cognitive variables under each condition. The results indicated that usefulness and acceptability scores were significantly different between the two conditions with significantly higher scores for participants in the threat & coping information condition. Moreover, both threat appraisal and coping appraisal positively influenced the usefulness and acceptability of the message in the threat & coping information condition, whereas coping appraisal influenced only the usefulness and acceptability of the message in the threat information condition. Overall, these results suggest the possibility that both types of threat appeal could promote protective motivation.
上地 広昭 竹中 晃二 鈴木 英樹
一般社団法人 日本教育心理学会
教育心理学研究 (ISSN:00215015)
vol.51, no.3, pp.288-297, 2003-09-30 (Released:2013-02-19)
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本研究の目的は, 子ども用身体活動行動変容段階尺度および子ども用身体活動の恩恵・負担尺度を開発し, その尺度を用いて子どもにおける身体活動の行動変容段階と意思決定バランスの関係を検討することである。研究Iでは, 小学4-6年生男子201名および女子200名を対象に, 子ども用身体活動行動変容段階尺度を開発し, その信頼性および妥当性を検討した。その結果, 子ども用身体活動行動変容段階尺度は, 高い信頼性および妥当性を示した。研究IIにおいて, 小学4-6年生男子213名および女子205名を対象に調査を行った。因子分析の結果, 子ども用身体活動の恩恵・負担尺度は9項目2因子構造 (「身体活動の恩恵」因子および「身体活動の負担」因子) であることが明らかになった。また, 子ども用身体活動の恩恵・負担尺度の信頼性および妥当性が確認された。研究IIIにおいては, 小学4-6年生男子202名および女子201名を対象に, 子どもにおける身体活動の行動変容段階と意思決定バランスの関係を検討した。分散分析を行った結果, 身体活動の恩恵・負担尺度得点について, 身体活動の行動変容段階の主効果が認められた。不活動な子ども (無関心ステージ) は, 他の子どもに比べ, 身体活動の恩恵に対する知覚が弱く, 負担を強く知覚していた。標準得点を用いて, 身体活動の恩恵と負担の知覚の交差点 (恩恵の知覚が負担の知覚を上回るポイント) を検討した結果, 男子では「実行ステージ」, 女子では「維持ステージ」において認められた。本研究の結果から, 子どもにおける身体活動の行動変容段階と意思決定バランスの関係の一部が示された。
川勝 佐希 國土 将平 笠次 良爾 長野 真弓 森田 憲輝 鈴木 和弘 渡邊 將司 上地 広昭 山津 幸司 堤 公一 辻 延浩 久米 大祐 石井 好二郎
Japan Society of Human Growth and Development
発育発達研究 (ISSN:13408682)
vol.2018, no.78, pp.43-60, 2018 (Released:2018-08-07)
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A survey was conducted to assess physical activity, depression, and sense of coherence among early adolescents. This study used a cross-sectional sample of 12,086 students (G5-G9) from 28 public elementary schools and 22 public junior-high-schools in Japan. A total of 9,424 students (G5-G8) were surveyed from December 2013 to December 2015 using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) -short form to measure physical activity (PA), the Depression Self-Rating Scale for Children (DSRSC) for depressive symptoms, and the Sense of Coherence Scale-13-item version (SOC-13). Vigorous PA (VPA) of the G5 boys (4h 20 min) was significantly longer than that of the G5 girls (1h 30min) and the VPA of the junior-high-school students increased significantly compared with that of the elementary-school students. The VPA of the G8 boys reached 6h 30 min, whereas that of the G8 girls approached 3h, which was a significant difference. Additionally, more junior-high-school students participated in sports-club activities than did elementary-school students. The mean DSRS-C score of the G5 girls (10.24±5.73) was significantly higher than that of the G5 boys (9.31±5.31). No other differences by grade, were found among the elementary-school students. The depressive symptoms of the junior-high-school students indicated they had a greater risk for depression than the elementary-school students did. The mean SOC score of the G8 boys (44.58±8.11) was higher (better) than that of the G8 girls (43.46±8.30). Furthermore, the elementary-school students' score on the SOC was higher than that of the juniorhigh-school students; the score tended to decrease as the grade increased.
上地 広昭 森丘 保典 尾山 健太
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.57, no.2, pp.455-469, 2012 (Released:2012-12-05)
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This study sought to develop an instrument for assessment of motivation for exercise, the Exercise Orientation Scale, and use it to examine the relationship between exercise orientation and use of a behavioral change technique in an exercise setting. In Study 1 designed to develop the scale, we employed 204 elementary school students, 310 junior high school students, and 252 university students. Factor analysis of the 18-item Exercise Orientation Scale revealed a six-factor structure comprising (1) relatedness orientation, (2) discipline orientation, (3) fulfillment orientation, (4) practice orientation, (5) reward orientation, and (6) superiority orientation. The scale was found to have reliability and validity. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to examine differences in exercise orientation by sex and developmental stage. The scores for fulfillment orientation, reward orientation, and relatedness orientation differed significantly between boys and girls: boys had significantly higher fulfillment and reward orientation scores, while girls had significantly higher relatedness orientation scores. Almost all orientation scores for elementary school students were significantly higher than those for the older groups. In Study 2, the participants were 195 university students. Covariance structure analysis revealed that content-related motivation (i.e. the practice, discipline, and fulfillment orientation factors) in particular predicted the use of a behavioral change technique to promote exercise participation. Moreover, fulfillment orientation was directly related to the duration of exercise participation. The results of these studies suggest that content-related motivation promotes exercise participation via the use of a behavioral change technique.