中村 太一 斎藤 聡 池田 健次 小林 正宏 鈴木 義之 坪田 昭人 鯉田 勲 荒瀬 康司 茶山 一彰 村島 直哉 熊田 博光
一般財団法人 日本消化器病学会
日本消化器病学会雑誌 (ISSN:04466586)
vol.94, no.3, pp.157-162, 1997-03-05 (Released:2011-06-17)

従来より肝性脳症合併肝硬変症例では頭部MRIT1強調画像にて淡蒼球に高信号域を認めるとされる. 今回各種慢性肝疾患で頭部MRIを施行し若干の知見を得た. T1強調画像の淡蒼球の高信号は慢性肝炎では21例中1例 (4.8%), 肝硬変では41例中32例 (78%) に出現し, Child分類別ではA59%, B78%, C100%であり, 出現率は肝機能と相関がみられた.この所見は経過観察により不可逆性であった.さらに脂肪抑制画像では高信号域はより明瞭となり, その原因が脂肪沈着でないことが示唆された. MRIの所見は慢性肝炎ではほとんどみられず, 肝硬変では脳症を発症する以前より病変を認め, 慢性肝疾患の重症度の予測に役立つと考えられた.
今井 則博 池田 健次 瀬古 裕也 平川 美晴 川村 祐介 保坂 哲也 小林 正宏 斎藤 聡 瀬崎 ひとみ 芥田 憲夫 鈴木 文孝 鈴木 義之 荒瀬 康司 熊田 博光
一般社団法人 日本肝臓学会
肝臓 (ISSN:04514203)
vol.51, no.12, pp.758-760, 2010 (Released:2010-12-29)
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Miriplatin is a novel lipophilic platinum complex developed to treat hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Although HCC patients frequently have coexisting severe liver cirrhosis, there is no prospective data regarding clinical toxicity of miriplatin in HCC patients with severe cirrhosis. We retrospectively evaluated the safety and efficacy of transcatheter arterial chemotherapy with miriplatin in 34 HCC patients with severe liver cirrhosis (Child-Pugh grade B). An anti-tumor effect of complete response was achieved in 8 of 34 patients and no serious adverse events were observed. These results suggested that transcatheter arterial chemotherapy with miriplatin can be used safety for HCC patients with Child-Pugh B liver cirrhosis.
鈴木 義之 瀬崎 ひとみ 芥田 憲夫 鈴木 文孝 瀬古 裕也 今井 則博 平川 美晴 川村 祐介 保坂 哲也 小林 正宏 斎藤 聡 荒瀬 康司 池田 健次 小林 万利子 熊田 博光
一般社団法人 日本肝臓学会
肝臓 (ISSN:04514203)
vol.52, no.2, pp.147-149, 2011 (Released:2011-03-22)

To further improve therapeutic effect on chronic hepatitis C, we have administered NS3 inhibitor and NS5A inhibitor together, and examined effects of early antiviral agent therapy. The subjects were five cases where interferon is ineffective (null responders). The NS5A and NS3 inhibitors are oral drugs and were daily administered for 24 weeks. Figure 1 shows time-dependent change of the number of viruses after the therapy started, and rapid decrease of viruses is recognized. Within 12 hours, HCV-RNA decreased by more than 2 log IU/ml in every patient. Two patients became negative for the virus by the 15th day after the therapy started. Furthermore, 80% of cases by the 28th day and all the cases by the 56th day became negative. The new therapy has manifested excellent early antiviral effect.
芥田 憲夫 鈴木 文孝 川村 祐介 八辻 寛美 瀬崎 ひとみ 鈴木 義之 保坂 哲也 小林 正宏 小林 万利子 荒瀬 康司 池田 健次 熊田 博光
一般社団法人 日本肝臓学会
肝臓 (ISSN:04514203)
vol.47, no.9, pp.450-451, 2006 (Released:2007-01-18)
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We evaluated 130 consecutive Japanese adults of HCV genotype 1b who received treatment with peginterferon (PEG-IFN) plus ribavirin (RBV) for 48 weeks, to investigate the pretreatment predictive factors of early virologic response (EVR) and sustained virological response (SVR). 75% of patients could achieve EVR, and 45% were SVR. Multivariate analysis identified low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) (≥86mg/dl) and amino acid (aa) substitutions in HCV core region (Double wild type; arginine at aa 70 and leucine at aa 91) as independent and significant determinants of EVR. Furthermore, multivariate analysis identified LDL-C (≥86mg/dl), aa substitutions in core region (Double wild type), gender (male), ICG R15 (<10%), AST (<60IU/l) as determinants of SVR. In conclusion, LDL-C and aa substitutions in core region are important pretreatment predictors of response to treatment with PEG-IFN plus RBV in Japanese patients infected with genotype 1b.