星川 佳広 飯田 朝美 古森 政作 中馬 健太郎 澁川 賢一 菊池 忍
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.57, no.1, pp.249-260, 2012 (Released:2012-06-02)
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Previous studies have indicated that short-distance sprint ability is essential for achieving a high competitive level in soccer. However, there are no systematic data by which sprint ability in Japanese soccer players can be evaluated. The aim of this study was to develop an age-related evaluation chart for 20-meter sprinting time in male soccer players. The subjects were 807 high-level soccer players between 5th grade of elementary school and high school as well as 120 senior players including professionals. The sprinting time was measured on a grassed field using infrared photocell sensors with the subjects wearing soccer shoes. The sensors detected the release of the subject's rear foot at the start and the passing of the subject's trunk through the 20-meter position. The average time for field players decreased from 3.69(0.14) s for 5th graders to 2.98(0.08) s for seniors. The value for goalkeepers decreased from 3.79(0.12) to 3.07(0.11) s. Using the averages and standard deviations, an evaluation chart classifying the 20-meter sprinting time into 5 levels was presented for each age group. In addition, another chart taking birth date into account was also developed for 7th and 8th graders, since boys born earlier showed an advantage in the sprinting time. The time ranking for the fastest group in field players was less than 2.93 s for 9th graders and 2.86 s in seniors, resulting in a difference of only 0.07 s. In contrast, the value ranking for the slowest group exceeded 3.31 s for 9th graders and 3.11 s for seniors, resulting in a difference of 0.20 s. This implies that soccer players having lower sprint ability may drop out from the selection process as they get older. This evaluation chart can be useful for identifying the short-distance sprinting ability of soccer players in each age group.
星川 佳広 飯田 朝美 村松 正隆 内山 亜希子 中嶋 由晴
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.55, no.2, pp.217-228, 2006-04-01 (Released:2007-05-10)
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The aim of the study was to measure the cross-sectional area of the psoas major muscle (P-ACSA) in high school athletes and to produce a P-ACSA index independent of body size using an allometric modeling approach to examine the differences in gender and sport specialization. The subjects were 254 female (16.8±0.8 yrs) and 540 male (16.9±0.8 yrs) high-level high school athletes from 17 different sports. Fat-free mass (FFM) was measured by the Bod Pod system (LMI) and P-ACSA was determined by magnetic resonance imaging at the center of the L4-L5 transverse level. Since the power function model fit the data better than a simple linear model in the correlation between FFM and P-ACSA, and the power exponent parameter was almost equal to the theoretically anticipated 2/3 in both genders, the P-ACSA per FFM2/3 as well as the absolute P-ACSA was calculated. Both of the absolute P-ACSA and P-ACSA per FFM2/3 were significantly different according to gender and the sport specialization. While volleyball and badminton players and canoeists showed smaller P-ACSA, in accordance with the previous studies on senior sprinters, high school sprinters also showed predominant development of P-ACSA regardless of gender. These results suggested that regular involvement in sprinting activity could affect the size of the psoas major muscle in high school athletes.
星川 佳広 飯田 朝美 村松 正隆 井伊 希美 中嶋 由晴
トレーニング科学 (ISSN:13494414)
vol.22, no.4, pp.367-378, 2010 (Released:2014-04-03)

短距離選手における股関節屈筋群(大腰筋,大腿直筋)の筋形態と機能の関係を調べるため,各筋断面積と股関節屈曲トルク,角速度を測定し,相関関係を調べた.被検者は女子 24名,男子 25名の短距離選手と,比較対象としてのバレーボール選手(女 27名,男 37名)および非トレーニング群(男女各 10名)であった.被検者の最大屈曲トルクは等速性筋力装置(Biodex System 3)により角速度 3.14rad/秒で測定し,最大の屈曲角速度指数はバリスティックマスター(コンビ社)による膝振り上げ速度を大腿骨長で除すことで求めた.各筋断面積は MRI 法でもとめた.短距離選手では,大腰筋サイズ(筋断面積×身長)は屈曲トルクと弱く有意に相関(女 r =0.48,男 r =0.34)したが,大腿直筋サイズは有意な相関関係がなく,両筋サイズは股関節屈曲トルクや角速度を決定する強い要因ではなかった.全被検者を対象にした場合,男女ともに屈曲トルクと大腿直筋,大腰筋サイズにはいずれも中程度の有意な相関関係があり,また大腰筋サイズは屈曲角速度指数とも弱いが有意な相関関係があった.短距離選手とバレーボール選手を比較した場合,絶対値,体格補正値にかかわらず,大腿直筋断面積に有意差がなく,大腰筋断面積は短距離選手がバレーボール選手より有意に大きかった.屈曲トルクはバレーボール選手が短距離選手より有意に大きかったが,屈曲角速度指数は短距離選手がバレーボール選手より有意に大きかった.短距離選手に見られる顕著な大腰筋発育は角速度向上に有利で,スプリントパフォーマンスに対して合理的な適応であると考えられた.
星川 佳広 村松 正隆 飯田 朝美 井伊 希美 中嶋 由晴
トレーニング科学 (ISSN:13494414)
vol.23, no.2, pp.153-165, 2011 (Released:2013-04-12)

本研究は男女のジュニア短距離選手において,股関節筋群の筋力と筋横断面積を調べることを目的とした.被検者は男女計45名の高校生短距離選手であった.また同年齢の長距離選手(11名)と非トレーニング群(18名)が比較のために参加した.股関節伸展・屈曲筋力(角速度3.14 , 5.23rad/s)は等速性ダイナモメータで計測し,大腰筋と大殿筋の横断面積をMRI法で求めた.短距離選手の股関節筋力は,非トレーニング群,長距離選手と比較して伸展側でより強かった.筋横断面積(体格補正値)は,女子では短距離と長距離選手で差異がなかったのに対して,男子では大腰筋,大殿筋ともに短距離選手が長距離選手よりも大きな値を示した.股関節筋力は屈曲,伸展ともに競技レベルと無関係であったが,競技レベルの高い短距離選手は,女子では大腰筋の,男子では大殿筋の横断面積が大きかった.これらの結果は,男女ともに短距離選手はジュニアにあっても股関節伸展力の高さを特徴とすること,股関節筋群の形態発育では男女で傾向が異なることが示唆された.